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Lecture in PhD Programme Life Science Education Research UMCU. Course Methods of Life Science Education Research. Utrecht, The Netherlands. abstract Audit trail procedures are applied as a way to check the validity of qualitative research designs, qualitative analyses, and the claims that are made. Audit trail procedures can be conducted based on the three criteria of visibility, comprehensibility, and acceptability (Akkerman et al., 2008). During an audit trail procedure, all documents and materials resulting from the data gathering and the data analysis are assessed by an auditor. In this presentation, we presented a summative audit trail procedure (Agricola, Prins, Van der Schaaf & Van Tartwijk, 2021), whereas in a second study we used a formative one (Agricola, Van der Schaaf, Prins & Van Tartwijk, 2022). For both studies, two different auditors were chosen. For the study presented in Agricola et al. (2021) the auditor was one of the PhD supervisors, while in that presented Agricola et al. (2022) was a junior researcher not involved in the project. The first auditor had a high level of expertise in the study’s topic and methodology. As a result, he was able to provide a professional and critical assessment report. Although the second auditor might be considered to be more objective than the first, as she was not involved in the project, more meetings were needed to explain the aim of the study and the aim of the audit trail procedure. There are many ideas about the criteria that qualitative studies should meet (De Kleijn en Van Leeuwen, 2018). I argue that procedures of checking for interrater agreement and understanding, the triangulation, and audit trail procedures can increase the internal validity of qualitative studies. Agricola, B. T., Prins, F. J., van der Schaaf, M. F., & van Tartwijk, J. (2021). Supervisor and Student Perspectives on Undergraduate Thesis Supervision in Higher Education. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 65(5), 877-897. doi: Agricola, B. T., van der Schaaf, M. F., Prins, F. J., & van Tartwijk, J. (2022). The development of research supervisors’ pedagogical content knowledge in a lesson study project. Educational Action Research. doi: de Kleijn, R. A. M., & Van Leeuwen, A. (2018). Reflections and review on the audit procedure: Guidelines for more transparency. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 17(1), 1-8. doi: Akkerman, S., Admiraal, W., Brekelmans, M., & Oost, H. (2008). Auditing quality of research in social sciences. Quality & Quantity, 42(2), 257-274. doi:
Formation of the pro-apoptotic death-inducing signaling complex (DISC) can be initiated in cancer cells via binding of tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) to its two pro-apoptotic receptors, TRAIL receptor 1 (TRAIL-R1) and TRAIL-R2. Primary components of the DISC are trimerized TRAIL-R1/-R2, FADD, caspase 8 and caspase 10. The anti-apoptotic protein FLIP can also be recruited to the DISC to replace caspase 8 and form an inactive complex. Caspase 8/10 processing at the DISC triggers the caspase cascade, which eventually leads to apoptotic cell death. Besides TRAIL, TRAIL-R1- or TRAIL-R2-selective variants of TRAIL and agonistic antibodies have been designed. These ligands are of interest as anti-cancer agents since they selectively kill tumor cells. To increase tumor sensitivity to TRAIL death receptor-mediated apoptosis and to overcome drug resistance, TRAIL receptor ligands have already been combined with various therapies in preclinical models. In this review, we discuss factors influencing the initial steps of the TRAIL apoptosis signaling pathway, focusing on mechanisms modulating DISC assembly and caspase activation at the DISC. These insights will direct rational design of drug combinations with TRAIL receptor ligands to maximize DISC signaling. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In dit artikel sta ik stil bij de eerste relationele sfeer die door Buber wordt beschreven in Ik en Jij. De relatie tussen mens en natuur. Ik geef een beschouwing op verbondenheid met natuur en wat het kan betekenen voor de praktijk van (contextuele) hulpverlening en therapie om hier aandacht aan te geven. Het is de moeite waard om naast het lezen van dit artikel te kijken naar 540 Miles, een documentaire over de reis van Dave Baumann (64) over de Colorado Trail, van Denver naar Durango.
To reach the European Green Deal by 2050, the target for the road transport sector is set at 30% less CO2 emissions by 2030. Given the fact that heavy-duty commercial vehicles throughout Europe are driven nowadays almost exclusively on fossil fuels it is obvious that transition towards reduced emission targets needs to happen seamlessly by hybridization of the existing fleet, with a continuously increasing share of Zero Emission vehicle units. At present, trailing units such as semitrailers do not possess any form of powertrain, being a missed opportunity. By introduction of electrically driven axles into these units the fuel consumption as well as amount of emissions may be reduced substantially while part of the propulsion forces is being supplied on emission-free basis. Furthermore, the electrification of trailing units enables partial recuperation of kinetic energy while braking. Nevertheless, a number of challenges still exist preventing swift integration of these vehicles to daily operation. One of the dominating ones is the intelligent control of the e-axle so it delivers right amount of propulsion/braking power at the right time without receiving detailed information from the towing vehicle (such as e.g. driver control, engine speed, engine torque, or brake pressure, …etc.). This is required mainly to ensure interoperability of e-Trailers in the fleets, which is a must in the logistics nowadays. Therefore the main mission of CHANGE is to generate a chain of knowledge in developing and implementing data driven AI-based applications enabling SMEs of the Dutch trailer industry to contribute to seamless energetic transition towards zero emission road freight transport. In specific, CHANGE will employ e-Trailers (trailers with electrically driven axle(s) enabling energy recuperation) connected to conventional hauling units as well as trailers for high volume and extreme payload as focal platforms (demonstrators) for deployment of these applications.
"Box-achtige” sandwichproducten komen veelvuldig voor in de mobiliteits- en logistiektoepassingen o.a. vanwege hun lichte gewicht en stijfheid. Denk hierbij aan elektrische “thuisbezorg-autootjes”, lichte bestelwagens en trailers (paardentransport) en transportkisten. Deze producten bestaan in hun huidige vorm uit stijve en lichte wanden (vaak composiet sandwichpanelen) die samengesteld worden met randverstijving en brackets: veelal aluminium inkoopdelen. De verbindingstechnologie bestaat uit verlijming, boutverbindingen of klinknageltechnologie. De product is vaak een Multi-Material Solution en hierdoor moeilijk te recyclen. De toekomstige Europese wetgeving 2030 (Green Deal) dwingt de bedrijven die deze boxen anders te ontwerpen en produceren, en na te denken over “End of Life” consequenties. Hierbij is vooral de inzet van te hergebruiken of recyclen van materialen.. Voor de bedrijven betekent dit onder andere: kan ik de panelen hergebruiken ‘as is’ of moeten deze panelen omgezet worden naar een soort van grondstofvorm (bijvoorbeeld ‘flakes’), welke wederom voor een hoogwaardige toepassing kunnen worden ingezet. En welke technologieën (inclusief procesautomatisering) zijn daarvoor van toepassing. Het huidige project, een samenwerking tussen bedrijven, hogeschool en brancheorganisatie, richt zich op bovenstaande vragen. Het spitst zich vooral toe op de circulariteit van deze ‘box-achtige’ sandwichproducten en doet onderzoek naar het hergebruik of recycling van de gebruikte thermoplastische sandwichpanelen en de demontage/assemblage-technieken daarvoor. Het project start bij de classificering van het recyclaat uit sandwichpanelen en het kwalificeren van de verschillende grondstof vormen. Vervolgens wordt gekeken hoe deze materialen, al in een vroeg stadium in het ontwerpproces kunnen worden meegenomen. De verschillende materiaal verschijningsvormen zullen vervolgens via dit (her-)ontwerp in een demonstrator worden ondergebracht. Dit op basis van diverse productieprocessen, procescondities, andere randvoorwaarden. Tenslotte zal de economische haalbaarheid worden bestudeerd met aandacht voor businessmodellen rondom integratie van recycling in de bestaande productie en/of aangevuld met automatisering. Naar inschatting gaat het in West-Europese om een verbruik van circa 12,5 km2/jaar.
In the road transportation sector, CO2 emission target is set to reduce by at least 45% by 2030 as per the European Green Deal. Heavy Duty Vehicles contribute almost quarter of greenhouse gas emissions from road transport in Europe and drive majorly on fossil fuels. New emission restrictions creates a need for transition towards reduced emission targets. Also, increasing number of emission free zones within Europe, give rise to the need of hybridization within the truck and trailer community. Currently, in majority of the cases the trailer units do not possess any kind of drivetrain to support the truck. Trailers carry high loads, such that while accelerating, high power is needed. On the other hand, while braking the kinetic energy is lost, which otherwise could be recaptured. Thus, having a trailer with electric powertrain can support the truck during traction and can charge the battery during braking, helping in reducing the emissions and fuel consumption. Using the King-pin, the amount of support required by trailer can be determined, making it an independent trailer, thus requiring no modification on the truck. Given the heavy-duty environment in which the King-pin operates, the measurement design around it should be robust, compact and measure forces within certain accuracy level. Moreover, modification done to the King-pin is not apricated. These are also the challenges faced by V-Tron, a leading company in the field of services in mobility domain. The goal of this project is to design a smart King-pin, which is robust, compact and provides force component measurement within certain accuracy, to the independent e-trailer, without taking input from truck, and investigate the energy management system of the independent e-trailer to explore the charging options. As a result, this can help reduce the emissions and fuel consumption.