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We read the invited review on sustainable medicines use in clinicalpractice by Adeyeye et al.1and would like to congratulate the authorswith the captivating way in which they used scientific facts combinedwith very practical solutions to convey their call to action. This call isprimarily addressed to the NHS, which the authors suspect will reso-nate with other health systems. While we fully agree with necessityof this top-down approach, we additionally believe that there is muchto be gained by making future prescribers more knowledgeable andaware about the impact they have on planetary health. The articleremains very brief about next generation of healthcare professionalsby quoting the General Medical Council's statement that“newly quali-fied doctors must be able to apply the principles, methods and knowl-edge of population health and the improvement of health andsustainable healthcare to medical practice.”2However, the underlyingquestion—how we effectively train future healthcare professionals inthese attitudes underpinned by knowledge—is not addressed...........
The study of moral reasoning in relation to sustainable development is an emerging field within environmental education (EE) and education for sustainable development (ESD). The vignette method was used to evaluate the perception of the relationship between environmental and social issues in the Dutch upper elementary school children. This case study is placed within two broad areas of tension, namely between the need to address urgent environmental problems and to promote pluralistic democratic learning; and between the value of environment as an economic asset and deep ecology perspective. Results of this study indicate that the children are able to critically think about the moral dilemmas inherent in sustainable development and distinguish between different values in relation to environment.
With the emergence of education for sustainable development (ESD), robust literature on ethics and ESD has emerged; however, ecocentric perspective developed within environmental ethics is marginalized in current ESDebate. The questions discussed in this article are as follows: Why is the distinction between anthropocentric and ecocentric view of environment salient to ESD? How can this distinction be operationalized and measured? Until now, little has been done to address complement quantitative studies of environmental attitudes by qualitative studies, exploring the sociocultural context in which ecocentric or anthropocentric attitudes are being formed. Neither of existing scales engaged with the interface between environmental ethics and sustainable development. This article will discuss ESD in the context of environmental ethics and present the results of the case study conducted with the Dutch Bachelor-level students. Results of qualitative evaluation of the scale measuring ecocentric and anthropocentric attitudes will be presented, and the new Ecocentric and Anthropocentric Attitudes toward the Sustainable Development (EAATSD) scale will be proposed.