Procrastination is one of the most common challenges when it comes to studying and working productively. You may not feel like studying for a while, feel demotivated, become easily distracted, feel tired, or find a certain task difficult. You might also suffer from perfectionism or fear of failure. Perhaps you are a “master procrastinator” and procrastinate with almost all your tasks. If that is the case, you probably could use some advice that will help to permanently change your study behavior. Check out these tips, which are based on scientific insights from cognitive psychology, neuropsychology, educational sciences and our own research.
Procrastination is one of the most common challenges when it comes to studying and working productively. You may not feel like studying for a while, feel demotivated, become easily distracted, feel tired, or find a certain task difficult. You might also suffer from perfectionism or fear of failure. Perhaps you are a “master procrastinator” and procrastinate with almost all your tasks. If that is the case, you probably could use some advice that will help to permanently change your study behavior. Check out these tips, which are based on scientific insights from cognitive psychology, neuropsychology, educational sciences and our own research.
The importance of teaching engineering students innovation development is commonly clearly understood. It is essential to achieve products which are attractive and profitable in the market. To achieve this, an institute of engineering education has to provide students with needed knowledge, skills and attitudes including both technical and business orientation. This is important especially for SME’s. Traditionally, education of engineering provides students with basic understanding how to solve common technical problems. However companies need wider view to achieve new products. Universities of applied Sciences in Oulu and Eindhoven want to research what is the today’s educational situation for this aim, to find criteria to improve the content of the educational system, and to improve the educational system. Important stakeholders are teachers and students within the institute but also key-persons in companies. The research is realized by questionnaires and interviews from which a current situation can be found. The research will also include the opinion of management who give possibilities to change the curriculum. By this research more insight will be presented about how to re-design a current curriculum. The research will act as basis for this discussion in SEFI-conference about formulating a curriculum that includes elements for wide-ranging knowledge and skills to achieve innovations especially in SME’s.