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Peat swamp forests in Southeast Asia are under heavy pressure. Deforestation, forest degradation, wildfires, and drainage have damaged or destroyed substantial areas of the once extensive peat swamp forest formations. Several efforts are underway to rehabilitate degraded peat forests areas in order to restore some of the valuable ecosystem services these forested areas once provided. However, these efforts often result in (mixed)-plantations that only partly resemble the original peat forests. Information about these peat swamp forests' complex origin and ecology is needed to improve restoration outcomes further. Our paper analyses historical data from coastal peat swamp forests in Sarawak and Brunei and discusses the potential to use this as the reference value for intact peat forests. We describe the observed stand structure and species composition for pristine peat swamp forest, and we analyze the population structure of three dominant peat swamp forest species: Gonystylus bancanus (ramin), Dactylocladus stenostachys (jongkong) and Shorea albida (alan batu). We compare the historical data with data from recently measured, degraded peat swamp forests. We discuss our results in relation to processes of peat dome formation, nutrient availability and hydrology, and give recommendations for peat swamp forest management and restoration.
Isu KunciPolicy Brief ini memuat poin-poin penting sebagai berikut :1) Adopsi teknologi informasi untuk industri perikanan.2) Pentingnya ekonomi inovasi pada rantai nilai budidaya perikanan laut dan darat.3) Evaluasi teknik budidaya dan ekologi lingkungan dalam memilih teknologi informasi.RekomendasiPenerapan teknologi informasi pada di Marineculture di Asia Tenggara, yang berfokus pada inovasi ekonomi dan ekologi lingkungan, sangat penting bagi pembangunan berkelanjutan. Rekomendasi yang diberikan adalah melalui pendekatan dan aplikasi: (1) Transformasi Digital. Hal ini mencakup peningkatan infrastruktur, promosi e-commerce, dan pengembangan kewirausahaan digital. (2) Pengembangan Sains, Teknologi & Inovasi: harus dipandang sebagai investasi untuk mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi dan kemajuan teknologi berbasis Ekonomi Digital. (3) Adopsi dilakukan dengan Transisi Ramah Lingkungan agar pengembangan teknologi berkontribusi terhadap ekologi lingkungan. (4) Dukungan penuh dari pemerintah melalui kebijakan pemberian kredit finansial dan penyuluhan tentang aplikasi teknologi berbasi IoT kepada pembudidaya ikan kecil. Oleh karena itu, negara-negara Asia Tenggara harus memanfaatkan teknologi untuk inovasi ekonomi sambil memastikan kelestarian lingkungan melalui penerapan praktik dan kebijakan ramah lingkungan.
Keep the Best of Your Life (for the Rest of Your Life) is part Making Oneself ‘a twofold exhibition of both historical investigations and contemporary showcases of photo studio practises in South and Southeast Asia and Uganda.’ ‘Making Oneself’ was one exhibitions of the Noorderlicht Photo festival 2015.The South and Southeast Asia part of the show on the ground floor was curated by Alexander Supartono, while the Ugandan bit in the basement was put together by me and includes historical photographs by Musa Katuramu, Elly Rwakoma, William Kayamba and Mzee Edward Lule. And contemporary images by Rumanzi Canon, Papa Shabani, Arthur Kisitu and photographic documentation that I made of 6 photo studio’s in northern Ugandan town Kitgum in 2011.What I tried to do with the exhibition is to show the power of the photographic portrait as a way to present yourself and to control in which you will remember former selves and be remembered by others.