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In cross-border e-commerce, electronic retailers (e-retailers) aim to extend their sales activities via the Internet beyond national borders. Unlike large companies, small and medium-sized enterprises are struggling with their international online expansion. This phenomenon is not limited to countries with a developed e-commerce market; e-retailers from emerging e-commerce markets, too, face the problem. This study investigates what the drivers are of business performance of SMEs in cross-border e-retailing, and how drivers differ between developed and emerging e-commerce markets in Europe. Structural equation modelling analyses with the lavaan package in R on a sample of 453 owners and directors of SMEs from 20 countries, show that foreign market orientation not only directly influences business performance in cross-border e-commerce, but also indirectly through communication efforts in foreign markets. These results hold for both developed and emerging markets, however, there are two interesting differences. First in the influence of foreign market orientation and communication efforts on business performance, and second in the impact of the number of years the electronic e-retailer is active in cross-border e-commerce.
The adoption of social media (web 2.0) in the e-marketing strategy of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is not yet researched much. Research findings in bigger companies in the USA, Europe and the Netherlands suggest that the issue is high on the think list of marketers and entrepreneurs. But what are the drivers and barriers for small and medium enterprises to make, execute, and further develop their strategy on social media? This paper places the perceptions and actions of 10 SMEs in the Netherlands in the Stages of Growth for e-Business model (SOG-e model) which focuses on e-business maturity. Findings are that general expectations and customer wishes are important drivers and that, besides time and money, the fear of negative comments on the Internet are important barriers.
The focus of this project is on improving the resilience of hospitality Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) by enabling them to take advantage of digitalization tools and data analytics in particular. Hospitality SMEs play an important role in their local community but are vulnerable to shifts in demand. Due to a lack of resources (time, finance, and sometimes knowledge), they do not have sufficient access to data analytics tools that are typically available to larger organizations. The purpose of this project is therefore to develop a prototype infrastructure or ecosystem showcasing how Dutch hospitality SMEs can develop their data analytic capability in such a way that they increase their resilience to shifts in demand. The one year exploration period will be used to assess the feasibility of such an infrastructure and will address technological aspects (e.g. kind of technological platform), process aspects (e.g. prerequisites for collaboration such as confidentiality and safety of data), knowledge aspects (e.g. what knowledge of data analytics do SMEs need and through what medium), and organizational aspects (what kind of cooperation form is necessary and how should it be financed).
The DALI project is carried out under the flag of Logistics Community Brabant. DALI is a testing ground aimed at lifting datafication in the logistics sector of the south of the Netherlands to a higher level, consequently future-proofing the sector.DALI focuses on developing knowledge-intensive logistics (smart logistics): devising, developing, demonstrating and applying new logistics working methods. The project’s aim is to create higher added value, increase the efficiency of goods flow handling, and maintain our international market position.Within DALI, 18 companies are carrying out cases in the area of datafication. The findings from the business cases are translated into generic applications for the logistics and supply chain sector and education. In addition, they are developing a community of data and logistics specialists.Partners:LCB, Gemeenten Breda en Tilburg, REWIN, Midpoint Brabant, Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat, Rijksoverheid, Provincie Noord-Brabant, Regio West-Brabant, Regio Hart van Brabant.In Dutch:Proeftuin van logistieke innovatie. DALI is een project waarin 18 bedrijven pilots uitvoeren om met datatoepassingen processen in de logistiek en supply chain te verslimmen. Vanuit deze pilots worden generieke toepassingen en tools op het gebied van data ontwikkeld voor MKB-bedrijven en het onderwijs.
The CSTT contributes to Work Package 1 of the ETGG 2030 project.WP1 involves the development and preparation of the “European SME Going Green 2030 Report” with the objective of providing an overview of Europe-wide action on the state and development of sustainable tourism at different levels, with a particular focus on small and medium enterprises (SMEs). In addition to information on the political framework for sustainable tourism at global and at European levels, the emphasis of the report is on national chapters that are to describe and analyse the current situation of sustainable tourism in general and of SMEs in particular. The CSTT contributes the Dutch chapter.These national reviews should cover information regarding relevant stakeholders, policies and strategies as well as activities and instruments linked to sustainable tourism development at national level. Furthermore, they should address core achievements as well as challenges and opportunities regarding the development of sustainable tourism, possibly taking into consideration the implications of the Covid-19 crisis.