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The semantic differential is a widely applied measurement technique in the information systems field. As wedemonstrate in this study, however, there is evidence that many of the applications of the semantic differentialseem to be subject to common shortcomings. In this study, we address these shortcomings by creatingawareness of the requirements underlying semantic differentiation. We discuss the requirements of semanticdifferentiation and use them as a foundation to introduce a framework to assist researchers in applying thesemantic differential more adequately. The framework puts renewed emphasis on bipolar scale selection anddimensionality testing, introduces semantic bipolarity as new criterion, and proposes distinct stages for thetesting of wording and contextual contamination. We exemplify the framework using an illustration exercise,which centers on the assessment of the meaning of the concept “electronic marketplace quality”. Using amixture of qualitative and quantitative methods, the illustration exercise clarifies the prerequisites for semantic differentiation and provides suggestions for researchers. The paper concludes with a discussion of several methodological implications.
What is a pop-up store and how can it be used for organisational counterspacing? The pop-up can be interpreted as a fashionable and hypermodern platform focusing on the needs of a younger generation of consumers that searches for new experiences and is prone to ad hoc decision-making. From this perspective, the pop-up is a typical expression of the experience economy. But it is more. The ephemeral pop-up store, usually lasting from one day to six months, is also a spatial practice on the boundary between place as something stable/univocal and space as something transitory/polyphonic. Organizational theory has criticized the idea of a stable place and proposed the concept of spacing with a focus on the becoming of space. In this article, the pop-up store is introduced as a fashionable intervention into organizational spacing. It suggests a complementary perspective to non-representational theory and frames the pop-up as co-actor engaging everyday users in appropriating space. Drawing on Lefebvre’s notions of differential space, festival and evental moment, theory is revisited and then operationalized in two pop-up store experiments. Apart from contributing to the ongoing theoretical exploration of the spacing concept, this article aims to inspire differential pop-up practices in organisations.