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Insider ethnographic analysis is used to analyze change processes in an engineering department. Distributed leadership theory is used as conceptual framework.
The importance of leadership is increasingly recognized in relation to digital transformation. Therefore, middle management and top management must have the competencies required to lead such a transformation. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between the digital leader competencies as set out by the European e-competence framework (e-CF) and the digital transformation of organizations. Also, the relationship between digital leadership competency (DLC) and IT capability is examined. An empirical investigation is presented based on a sample of 433 respondents, analyzed using PLS-SEM. The results strongly support our hypotheses. DLC has a strong impact on organizational digital transformation. A post-hoc analysis showed this is predominantly the case for the e-CF competencies of business plan development, architecture design, and innovating while business change management and governance do not seem to affect organizational digital transformation. This is the first empirical study to conceptualize, operationalize and validate the concept of DLC, based on the e-competence framework, and its impact on digital transformation. These findings have significant implications for researchers and practitioners working on the transformation toward a digital organization.
The swift enhancement of technology has affected the business environment as higher education alone no longer plays a definitive role in the employment process. To meet the emerging requirements of employers, individuals, specifically students, need to gain more entrepreneurial tendencies. The aim of this study is to investigate the factors affecting the entrepreneurial intention (EI) of university students. In order to do so, five constructs (EI, individual entrepreneurial orientation (IEO), self-efficacy, environmental support, and knowledge sharing) and their items taken from existing literature were used within the proposed model, and the constructed hypotheses were evaluated using structural equation modelling (SEM). Based on the model, a survey was distributed to 332 students of various universities.Self-efficacy and IEO are expected to be the prime factors affecting EI, whereas environmental support and knowledge sharing are expected to have more of an indirect effect on EI. Overall, this study will help establish the influencers of EI among university students.
Chemical preservation is an important process that prevents foods, personal care products, woods and household products, such as paints and coatings, from undesirable change or decomposition by microbial growth. To date, many different chemical preservatives are commercially available, but they are also associated with health threats and severe negative environmental impact. The demand for novel, safe, and green chemical preservatives is growing, and this process is further accelerated by the European Green Deal. It is expected that by the year of 2050 (or even as soon as 2035), all preservatives that do not meet the ‘safe-by-design’ and ‘biodegradability’ criteria are banned from production and use. To meet these European goals, there is a large need for the development of green, circular, and bio-degradable antimicrobial compounds that can serve as alternatives for the currently available biocidals/ preservatives. Anthocyanins, derived from fruits and flowers, meet these sustainability goals. Furthermore, preliminary research at the Hanze University of Applied Science has confirmed the antimicrobial efficacy of rose and tulip anthocyanin extracts against an array of microbial species. Therefore, these molecules have the potential to serve as novel, sustainable chemical preservatives. In the current project we develop a strategy consisting of fractionation and state-of-the-art characterization methods of individual anthocyanins and subsequent in vitro screening to identify anthocyanin-molecules with potent antimicrobial efficacy for application in paints, coatings and other products. To our knowledge this is the first attempt that combines in-depth chemical characterization of individual anthocyanins in relation to their antimicrobial efficacy. Once developed, this strategy will allow us to single out anthocyanin molecules with antimicrobial properties and give us insight in structure-activity relations of individual anthocyanins. Our approach is the first step towards the development of anthocyanin molecules as novel, circular and biodegradable non-toxic plant-based preservatives.
Ten gevolge van de klimaatverandering Nederland bedreigt. De Verenigde Naties benoemt ‘17 Gobal Goals for a Sustainable Development’ nader gespecificeerd. Goal 13:” versterk de veerkracht en het aanpassingsvermogen aan klimaatgerelateerde gevaren en natuurrampen”. Deze klimaatverandering vraagt om een continue inzicht in de waterafvoercapaciteit van Nederlandse water-infrastructuur. Autonome vaartuigen maken een continue bemeting en realtime informatie van de vaarwegen mogelijk op basis waarvan waar snel actie ondernomen kan worden. Diverse partijen zowel publiek als privaat hebben de wens om continue en autonoom te varen en zijn afzonderlijk hiermee bezig zoals onder andere Rijkswaterstaat, Saeport Groningen en Provincie Overijssel . Het lectoraat mechatronica, dat succesvol onderzoek doet naar ‘autonome systemen in ongestructureerde omgevingen’ heeft veel kennis en ervaring op het gebied van grond (2D navigatie) en lucht robots (3D navigatie). Deze ontwikkelde technologieën zijn potentieel zeer geschikt voor navigatie op het water (2D, 2.5D) en onderwater (3D). Tijdens de vraaginventarisatie bleek er reeds veel interesse van partijen om kennis te delen en samen door te ontwikkelen. Er zijn semi-autonome vaartuigen beschikbaar hiervoor, maar bij de partijen ontbrak een totaal overzicht van de huidige stand van der technologie. Daarom wil het lectoraat Mechatronica samen met Marinminds, Aquatic Drones en DronExpert een onderzoek uitvoeren naar de ‘State of the Art’ betreft autonoom varen. In dit project zal dit onderzoek worden uitgevoerd door specificatie van de gewenste functionele bouwblokken (WP1), een state-of-the art van beschikbare technische oplossingen (WP2), een Gap-analysis tussen deze beide (WP3), verkennende experimenten hiernaar met behulp van een demonstrator (WP4) en een nieuwe specifiek gemaakte projectaanvraag (WP5). Dit cross-over project van de topsector HTSM/SmartIndustry met de topsector Water & Maritiem versterkt al direct de kennispositie van alle betrokken partijen, waardoor deze consortia sneller de vaarwegen klimaat-adaptief kunnen maken, zodat daarmee de Nederlandse (water) veiligheid beter wordt geborgd.
The impacts of tourism on destinations and the perceptions of local communities have been a major concern both for the industry and research in the past decades. However, tourism planning has been mainly focused on traditions that promote the increase of tourism without taking under consideration the wellbeing of both residents and visitors. To develop a more sustainable tourism model, the inclusion of local residents in tourism decision-making is vital. However, this is not always possible due to structural, economic and socio-cultural restrictions that residents face resulting to their disempowerment. This study aims to explore and interpret the formal processes around tourism decision-making and community empowerment in urban settings. The research proposes a comparative study of three urban destinations in Europe (The Hague in the Netherlands, San Sebastian in Spain and, Ioannina in Greece) that experience similar degree of tourism growth. The proposed study will use a design-based approach in order to understand tourism decision-making and what empowers or disempowers community participation within the destinations. Based on the findings of primary and secondary data, a community empowerment model will be applied in one the destinations as a pilot for resident engagement in tourism planning. The evaluation of the pilot will allow for an optimized model to be created with implications for tourism planning at a local level that can contribute to sustainable destinations that safeguard the interests of local residents and tourists.