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The importance of leadership is increasingly recognized in relation to digital transformation. Therefore, middle management and top management must have the competencies required to lead such a transformation. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between the digital leader competencies as set out by the European e-competence framework (e-CF) and the digital transformation of organizations. Also, the relationship between digital leadership competency (DLC) and IT capability is examined. An empirical investigation is presented based on a sample of 433 respondents, analyzed using PLS-SEM. The results strongly support our hypotheses. DLC has a strong impact on organizational digital transformation. A post-hoc analysis showed this is predominantly the case for the e-CF competencies of business plan development, architecture design, and innovating while business change management and governance do not seem to affect organizational digital transformation. This is the first empirical study to conceptualize, operationalize and validate the concept of DLC, based on the e-competence framework, and its impact on digital transformation. These findings have significant implications for researchers and practitioners working on the transformation toward a digital organization.
The paper summarizes two models for engineering education, as discussed in earlier papers. The first model (Corporate Curriculum) aims to bring Industry into the school, while the second model (I3) intends to bring the school into Industry. The contribution of the presented models to the Bologna Declaration and to the Renaissance Engineer idea are discussed.
The swift enhancement of technology has affected the business environment as higher education alone no longer plays a definitive role in the employment process. To meet the emerging requirements of employers, individuals, specifically students, need to gain more entrepreneurial tendencies. The aim of this study is to investigate the factors affecting the entrepreneurial intention (EI) of university students. In order to do so, five constructs (EI, individual entrepreneurial orientation (IEO), self-efficacy, environmental support, and knowledge sharing) and their items taken from existing literature were used within the proposed model, and the constructed hypotheses were evaluated using structural equation modelling (SEM). Based on the model, a survey was distributed to 332 students of various universities.Self-efficacy and IEO are expected to be the prime factors affecting EI, whereas environmental support and knowledge sharing are expected to have more of an indirect effect on EI. Overall, this study will help establish the influencers of EI among university students.
Het RaakPRO project INTRALOG (1/9/2015-31/8/2019) heeft inzicht opgeleverd in de toepassing van autonoom rijden op distributiecentra (DCs). Het project heeft door de samenwerking van hogescholen en universiteiten met bedrijven, kenniscentra en branchevertegenwoordigers, op de thema’s businessmodellen en technologische innovatie in de ontwikkeling van autonoom rijden, een uniek resultaat bereikt. Een autonoom rijdende Yard Truck, gestuurd door Multi Agent System voor het beheer van de logistieke infrastructuur op een distributiecentrum. De aansturing en organisatie van de externe logistiek op een distributiecentrum (DC) door een Multi Agent Systeem (MAS), borgt een optimale inzet van autonoom rijdende Yard Trucks. In de ontwikkeling van het MAS is onderzoek uitgevoerd bij de logistieke partners van INTRALOG. Doel was inzicht in de logistieke eisen en randvoorwaarden vervoersbewegingen op DCs en deze te vertalen in kritische prestatie indicatoren (KPIs) voor de autonome Yard Trucks. De realisatie van een autonoom rijdende Yard Truck op modelschaal is gedaan door de ontwikkeling van een rij-robot (controller) die in staat is om los van de infrastructuur een Yard Truck autonoom over en binnen een bestaande infrastructuur te dirigeren. De randvoorwaarden voor het uitvoeren van de voertuigbewegingen van de Yard Truck, zijn voortgekomen uit de KPIs die bepaald zijn aan de hand van de onderzochte businessmodellen. Centraal in de Top-Up staan twee aspecten: 1) de ontwikkeling van een video waarin het autonoom dokken centraal staat dat gestuurd wordt door een MAS-applicatie en 2) een seminar gericht op de toepassing van het resultaat van INTRALOG op distributiecentrums. De doelstelling van de Top-up is primair het verspreiden van het gedachtegoed van INTRALOG, maar ook het: o Vergroten van het netwerk van het consortium van INTRALOG; en o Demonstreren om versneld tot een real life product te komen.
This proposal aims to explore a radically different path towards a more sustainable fashion future through technology. Most research on fashion and technology focuses on high tech innovation and, as a result, overlooks knowledge that is already available and has been used, tested and improved for centuries. The proposed research project, however, looks backward to move forward. It aims to investigate ‘the blindingly obvious’ and asks the question how historical technologies could be used to solve contemporary environmental issues in fashion. It thus argues that technology from the past could inspire both designers and technologists to come up with new and exciting solutions to make the future of fashion more sustainable. The current fast fashion system has changed the relationship consumers have with their clothing. Clothing has become a throwaway object and this has severe environmental implications. This research project aims to find a solution by exploring historical technologies - such as folding, mending and reassembling-, because in the past a ‘sustainable’ attitude towards fashion was the norm simply because cloth and garments were expensive. It wants to examine what happens when consumers, fashion designers and technologists are confronted with these techniques. What would, for example, materialize when an aeronautical engineer takes the technique of folding as a starting point and aims to create clothes that can grow with babies and toddlers? The answer is the signature suit of the brand Petit Pli: a special folding technique allows their signature suit to grow with children from 3 months to 3 years. Much like the age-old folding techniques applied in traditional Dutch dress, which allowed the size women’s jackets to be altered, by simply adjusting the pleats. Similarly, this project aims to investigate how high tech solutions, can be initiated through historical techniques.
The Ph.D. candidate will investigate the seismic response of connection details frequently used in traditional Dutch construction practice, specifically in the Groningen area. The research will focus on the experimental and numerical definition of the complete load-deflection behaviour of each considered connection; specifically, the tests will aim at identifying stiffness, strength, ductility, and dissipative behaviour of the connections. The experiments will be conducted on scaled or full-scale components that properly resemble the as-built and retrofitted as well connection details. The tests will involve monotonic and cyclic loading protocols to be able to define the load and displacement response of the connection to reversal loads, such as earthquakes, as well as the development of failure mechanisms under such loading cases. Possibly, also dynamic tests will be performed. Numerical models will be created and calibrated versus the experimental findings. Characteristic hysteretic behaviours of the examined connection types will be provided for the use of engineers and researchers.