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This is a revised PAPAI (Personal Adapted Physical Activity Instructor) handbook 2020, part of the Sport Empowers Disabled Youth 2 (SEDY2) project. The original handbook of the PAPAI project, based on Finnish pilot-phase experiences, was written in 2016 by Aija Saari and Heidi Skantz. This revised (2020) PAPAI handbook contains updated materials and lessons learned by the Finnish Paralympic Committee and Inholland University during 2017-2020.
Het lectoraat Kracht van Sport (Hogeschool van Amsterdam/Inholland) onder leiding van lector Marije Baart de la Faille–Deutekom heeft tot doel een bijdrage te leveren aan het verhogen van de sportparticipatie in Nederland. Daarbij is er speciale aandacht voor sport voor mensen met een beperking, onder andere in het Erasmus+-project Sport Empowers Disabled Youth (SEDY).
In this report, the results of the inventory phase are discussed. The goal of the inventory phase was to collect data on the current and desired situation concerning opportunities for children and youth with a disability to do sport activities (supply) and their needs regarding sport (demand). In the inventory phase in each country interviews were conducted and a literature review was executed in order to get insight into the current and desired situation regarding supply and demand of adapted physical activity (APA). Furthermore, based on a questionnaire filled in by youth or their parents, data were gathered about sports participation, experiences with adapted sports and the contentment about the supply of adapted sports. Thereafter, each country has identified the best practices to increase participation in adapted sports for youth in their country. During the project, the results of the inventory phase were discussed in partner meetings.