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French/English abstract: Les systèmes d’aide à la prise de décision jouent un rôle important dans la pratique juridique aux Pays-Bas. Divers organismes gouvernementaux utilisent de tels systèmes automatisés pour la prise de décisions juridiques (de masse). Les départements juridiques, les cabinets d’avocats, les éditeurs juridiques et d’autres organismes ont de plus en plus recours à ces outils pour appuyer et améliorer les services d’aide juridique aux particuliers et aux entreprises. Ces outils permettent d’améliorer l’efficacité des processus et des services juridiques, mais ils peuvent aussi avoir d’importants effets préjudiciables sur les droits des personnes ou sur la qualité juridique des services produits, en particulier lorsqu’il n’existe pas de processus de conception minutieux et transparent. Cet article donne un aperçu de l’utilisation de ces systèmes dans la pratique juridique néerlandaise, discute de leurs avantages, pièges et défis, puis il identifie certaines questions de recherche pour le futur.---Rule-based systems for decision support and decision-making play an important role in Dutch legal practice. Government agencies use rule-based systems for (mass) legal decision-making. Legal departments, law firms, legal publishers and various other organizations increasingly use rule-basedsystems to support and improve the provision of legal aid to private individuals and corporate clients. Rule-based systems can improve efficiency of legal processes and services, but can also have important detrimental effects on the rights of individuals or legal quality, especially when there is no careful and transparent design process. This article provides an overview of the use of these systems in Dutch legal practice, discusses benefits, pitfallsand challenges and identifies questions for future research.
Agile software development has evolved into an increasingly mature software development approach and has been applied successfully in many software vendors’ development departments. In this position paper, we address the broader agile service development. Based on method engineering principles we define a framework that conceptualizes an operational way of working for the development of services, emphatically taking into account agility. As a first level of agility, the framework contains situational project factors that influence the choice of method fragments; secondly, increased agility is proposed by describing and operationalizing these method fragments not as imperative steps or activities, but instead by means of sets of minimally specified, declarative rules that determine the context and constraints within which goals are to be reached. This approach borrows concepts from rules management, organizational patterns, and game design theory. Keywordsmethod engineering–agile service development–business rules–business rules management–product management–game design
Author supplied: "Abstract—Software architecture compliance checking (SACC) is an approach to monitor the consistency between the intended and the implemented architecture. In case of static SACC, the focus is mainly on the detection of dependencies that violate architectural relation rules. Interpretation of reported violations may be cumbersome, since the violations need to be connected to architectural resolutions and targeted qualities such as maintainability and portability. This paper describes an SACC case study which shows that inclusion of different types of rules in the SACC process enhances reasoning on architecture violations, especially if a rule type is related to specific architectural pattern. The SACC is performed with HUSACCT, an SACC-tool that provides rich sets of module and rule types in support of patterns such as layers, facade, and gateway. The case system is a governmental system developed in C#, which follows the .NET common application architecture. Even though the system appeared to be well-structured, the SACC revealed that 10 of the 17 architectural rules were violated."