Service of SURF
© 2025 SURF
The Rollz Motion Smart rollator detects posture, gait and activity of a user and provides feedback. • Various programs to train the user and optimize walking performance. • Measuring gait parameters like velocity, step time, step length, distance between person and rollator. • Visual, tactile and auditory cues help the user to take the first step or maintain a suitable walking rhythm.
Background: In general people after stroke do not meet the recommendations for physical activity to conduct a healthy lifestyle. Programs to stimulate walking activity to increase physical activity are based on the available insights into barriers and facilitators to physical activity after stroke. However, these programs are not entirely successful. The purpose of this study was to comprehensively explore perceived barriers and facilitators to outdoor walking using a model of integrated biomedical and behavioral theory, the Physical Activity for people with a Disability model (PAD). Methods: Included were community dwelling respondents after stroke, classified ≥ 3 at the Functional Ambulation Categories (FAC), purposively sampled regarding the use of healthcare. The data was collected triangulating in a multi-methods approach, i.e. semi-structured, structured and focus-group interviews. A primarily deductive thematic content analysis using the PAD-model in a framework-analysis’ approach was conducted after verbatim transcription. Results: 36 respondents (FAC 3–5) participated in 16 semi-structured interviews, eight structured interviews and two focus-group interviews. The data from the interviews covered all domains of the PAD model. Intention, ability and opportunity determined outdoor walking activity. Personal factors determined the intention to walk outdoors, e.g. negative social influence, resulting from restrictive caregivers in the social environment, low self-efficacy influenced by physical environment, and also negative attitude towards physical activity. Walking ability was influenced by loss of balance and reduced walking distance and by impairments of motor control, cognition and aerobic capacity as well as fatigue. Opportunities arising from household responsibilities and lively social constructs facilitated outdoor walking. Conclusion: To stimulate outdoor walking activity, it seems important to influence the intention by addressing social influence, self-efficacy and attitude towards physical activity in the development of efficient interventions. At the same time, improvement of walking ability and creation of opportunity should be considered
Begin 2020 heeft de gemeente Den Haag aan De Haagse Hogeschool (Lectoraat Urban Ageing) gevraagd om samen met Hulsebosch Advies en AFEdemy een integrale monitor te ontwikkelen en uit te voeren waarbij, door middel van kwalitatieve en kwantitatieve methoden, onderzoek wordt gedaan naar de stand van zaken van Den Haag als seniorvriendelijke stad en tevens te kijken naar huidige trends aangaande ouderen. Tevens vroeg de gemeente om de ontwikkeling van een meetinstrument dat in de toekomst eenvoudig bij herhaling kan worden ingezet voor onderzoek: de standaard Age Friendly Cities and Communities Questionnaire (AFCCQ) voor ouderen1. In een stadsenquête en in zogenaamde stadsateliers zijn ouderen gevraagd naar hun bevindingen. In totaal hebben 393 Haagse ouderen meegedaan aan de enquête en 50 aan de stadsateliers. De aan de ouderen gestelde vragen gingen over de volgende acht onderwerpen die volgens de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie (WHO) gezamenlijk de seniorvriendelijkheid van een stad bepalen: ●Huisvesting; ●Sociale participatie; ●Respect en sociale inclusie; ●Burgerschap en werkgelegenheid; ●Communicatie en informatie; ●Sociale en gezondheidsvoorzieningen; ●Buitenruimte en gebouwen; ●Transport; ● en aanvullend, een negende domein: Financiën. CC-BY NC ND