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Responsive public spaces use interactive technologies to adapt to users and situations. This enhances the quality of the space as a public realm. However, the application of responsive technologies in spatial design is still to be explored. What exactly are the options for incorporating responsive technologies in spatial designs to improve the quality of public spaces? The book Responsive Public Spaces explores and disentangles this new assignment for designers, and presents inspiring examples. A consortium of spatial designers, interaction designers and local stakeholders, headed by the Chair of Spatial Urban Transformation of Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, carried out a two-year practice-based study of responsive public spaces. This book draws on those insights to provide a practical approach and a roadmap for the new design process for responsive public spaces.The study results are of signi¬icance for various professional fields. The book is intended for clients and stakeholders involved in planning and design of public spaces, spatial designers, interaction designers and students.
In this chapter, we explore a case inwhich a problembased learning (PBL) course at Maastricht University is responsively evaluated. Within responsive evaluation, the value of an educational practice or educational regime is dependent on the multiple, sometimes conflicting, perspectives of stakeholders in the evaluation setting. Within this chapter, the reader first gets acquainted with responsive evaluation and its development, core concepts, and worldview premises. Then we present the case example. This is followed by a section on the issue of learning within and from evaluation. Finally, we deal with the issue of how local case knowledge provided within this chapter can be of global importance.
The TOP program is a fully implemented responsive parenting intervention for very preterm born infants. Fidelity monitoring of interventions is important for preserving program adherence, impact outcomes and to make evidence-based adaptations. The aim of this study was to develop a fidelity tool for the TOP program following an iterative and co-creative process and subsequently evaluate the reliability of the tool. Three consecutive phases were carried out. Phase I: Initial development and pilot testing two methods namely self-report and video based observation. Phase II: Adaptations and refinements. Phase III: Evaluation of the psychometric properties of the tool based on 20 intervention videos rated by three experts.The interrater reliability of the adherence and competence subscales was good (ICC.81 to .84) and varied from moderate to excellent for specific items (ICC between .51 and .98). The FITT displayed a high correlation (Spearman’s rho.79 to.82) between the subscales and total impression item. The co-creative and iterative process resulted in a clinical useful and reliable tool for evaluating fidelity in the TOP program. This study offers insights in the practical steps in the development of a fidelity assessment tool which can be used by other intervention developers.