Brand Positioning is an English translation of an exceptionally well-renowned Dutch textbook, which provides a practical approach to analysing, defining and developing a brand’s positioning and strategy.Divided into three key parts, the book works step-by-step through the creation of an effective marketing strategy, combining an academic approach with the strategic and operational guidelines, tools and techniques required. Unlike other textbooks, it has a unique focus on the relationship between branding, marketing and communications, exploring brand values, brand identity and brand image, and analysing how these can be transformed into a successful positioning strategy, using international case studies, examples and practical exercises.This textbook will be core reading for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students of marketing strategy, branding, marketing communications and consumer behaviour. It will also be of great value to marketing and communications professionals looking to develop and maintain their company’s brand.Erik Kostelijk is Associate Professor of Marketing at the Amsterdam School of International Business of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands. He has teaching, research and professional experience in China, USA, Lithuania, France, Spain and Italy. He is the designer and author of the Value Compass, a method to assess the influence of values on branding.Karel Jan Alsem is Professor in Marketing at Hanze University of Applied Sciences in Groningen, the Netherlands, and is Lecturer in Marketing at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. He is also a brand consultant. He has published in several academic journals and has written multiple marketing books, including Applied Strategic Marketing (Routledge, 2019).
Brand Positioning is an English translation of an exceptionally well-renowned Dutch textbook, which provides a practical approach to analysing, defining and developing a brand’s positioning and strategy.Divided into three key parts, the book works step-by-step through the creation of an effective marketing strategy, combining an academic approach with the strategic and operational guidelines, tools and techniques required. Unlike other textbooks, it has a unique focus on the relationship between branding, marketing and communications, exploring brand values, brand identity and brand image, and analysing how these can be transformed into a successful positioning strategy, using international case studies, examples and practical exercises.This textbook will be core reading for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students of marketing strategy, branding, marketing communications and consumer behaviour. It will also be of great value to marketing and communications professionals looking to develop and maintain their company’s brand.Erik Kostelijk is Associate Professor of Marketing at the Amsterdam School of International Business of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands. He has teaching, research and professional experience in China, USA, Lithuania, France, Spain and Italy. He is the designer and author of the Value Compass, a method to assess the influence of values on branding.Karel Jan Alsem is Professor in Marketing at Hanze University of Applied Sciences in Groningen, the Netherlands, and is Lecturer in Marketing at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. He is also a brand consultant. He has published in several academic journals and has written multiple marketing books, including Applied Strategic Marketing (Routledge, 2019).
Today, Dutch National Non-profit Sports Organizations (NNSFs) experience financial pressures. Two indications for this are described in this paper i.e. increased competition in the sports sector and changes in subsidy division. Decreasing incomes from subsidies can be compensated with either increasing incomes from a commercial domain or increasing incomes from member contributions. This last solution has been the motive for the increasing interest in the use of marketing techniques as a solution for the growing uncertainties. Many NNSFs have participated in a special marketing program in order to enlarge their marketing awareness and create a marketing strategy. This paper deals with possible impediments resulting from the implementation of the marketing strategies. It is primarily based on a literature review, however, the first results from a qualitative research to the increasing use of marketing techniques among NNSFs provides insights in the experienced impediments of NNSFs .
Het Hanze Innovation Traineeship Pilot project is geïnitieerd op de Hanzehogeschool Groningen door drie onderzoeksgroepen (lectoraten) die zijn ingebed in het Marian van Os Centre of Expertise Ondernemen (CoEO). De trainees worden gecoacht in een Community of Learners en begeleid door een diverse groep van onderzoekers van de volgende onderzoeksgroepen van de Hanzehogeschool Groningen: (1) International Business, (2) Marketing/Marktgericht Ondernemen en (3) User-Centered Design. Het doel van het programma is om regionale MKBs in Noord-Nederland te ondersteunen om duurzaam te innoveren met de hulp en ondersteuning van trainees en onderzoekers van de drie onderzoeksgroepen. De trainees worden begeleid bij het ontwikkelen en implementeren van een door onderzoek ondersteunde innovatie tijdens een afstudeerproject en een 12-maanden durende traineeship bij het bedrijf. Bij de start van het programma ondergaan de MKBs een innovatie-gezondheids-check die wordt herhaald nadat de traineeship is afgerond. Over het algemeen zouden de bedrijven hun bedrijfsprestaties en innovatiecapaciteit moeten kunnen verbeteren door middel van het programma. Verder zal de onderzoekssamenwerking tussen de onderzoeksgroepen van de Hanzehogeschool en de MKBs leiden tot een beter inzicht in innovatiebarrières en succesfactoren. De opgedane kennis over regionale MKB-innovatie zal in alle sectoren en industrieën worden geprojecteerd. De uiteindelijke projectresultaten zullen dienen voor het besluitvormingsproces van toekomstige innovatie traineeship programma's
The aim of the innovation traineeship program is to support regional SMEs in the North of the Netherlands to sustainably innovate with the help and support of trainees and researchers of the Hanzehogeschool. The trainees will be guided to develop and implement a research-informed innovation during an internship and a year-long traineeship at the company. The innovation traineeship program is initiated at the Hanze UAS by three research groups (lectoraten) who are embedded in the Marian van Os Center of Expertise Ondernemen (CoEO). The trainees will be coached in a Community of Learners and guided by a diverse group of researchers from the following Hanze UAS research groups: • International Business • Marketing (Marklinq) • Digitalisation (comprised of the research groups User-Centered Design & New Business & ICT) Key-objectives of the project: 1. Measure SME innovation capacity throughout the project period by applying the Innovation Health Check from Enterprise Europe Network ; 2. Identify suitable topics for the participating SME to collaborate on with the research groups; 3. Develop and implement selected innovation(s) with the trainee and accompanying researchers; 4. Understand innovation barriers and provide tools to overcome them; 5. Train trainees in innovation development and applied research; 6. Create an innovation network of regional SMEs; 7. Develop long-term relationships with regional SMEs; 8. Enhance awareness of regional innovations, best-practices, opportunities and barriers, through the dissemination of case studies and workshops; 9. Generalise knowledge for overarching themes, sectors, and industries; 10. Provide input for the development of sustainable Innovation traineeships for the whole of the Netherlands. The project plan explains more in the detail the context, the need articulation, network creation, monitoring and management of the project.
This research is dedicated to the study of marketing opportunities and consumer behavior, as well as the impact of technology on marketing relationships (eg, interorganizational, company-consumer). It is also in its interest to explore the form and nature of the entrepreneurial phenomenon beyond the contexts in which it can occur. A sub-area of specialization that has been deserving special interest is that of entrepreneurial skills. Another area of commitment is related to information systems and information technology with decision support in organizations.Partners: CAPES Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (Brazil), Federal University of Pernambuco (Brazil)