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A problem in spontaneous dream psi studies is validation of purported psi elements. Dreams rarely have enough specifi city to satisfy critics that they point to paranormal knowledge of a specifi c event. This creates evidential hurdles to overcome when evaluating whether a dream contains psi-derived information such as scenes of future events or physically distant locations. In this study, the goal is to arrive at a reasonable method to establish that information derived from spontaneous dream experiences can be established as veridical. To accomplish this, a method for fi nding the equivalent of a target within a spontaneous experience is used to fi x a specifi c locale and time for comparison. Adverse scoring criteria are used to address complaints about confi rmation bias. The result is a psi-adverse method for scoring spontaneous experiences that are anchored to a specifi c locale and time. This method regularly produced signifi cant p-values when used to assess 20 consecutive dream records, comprising 598 individual line items. These records were taken as a sample from a group of 3,305 dream records made over the past 22 years by the author.
De term rechts inde poltiek laat een positief sentiment ten aanzien van linkse onderwerpen (m.n. de sociale agenda) zien en scoort over de hele linie positief. Journalisten kiezen meer voor extra-aandacht dankzij vooropplaatsing van de term rechts* sinds de verkiezingen van 2010 dan van het begrip links*. Ten slotte denkt het publiek vaker (2,75 keer) bij links* aan politiek (slecht imago), hobby's (wereldvreemd) en kerk (sektarisch gezelschap) dan bij het rechtse gedachtegoed aan negatieve connotaties (politiek, anti-islam, egoïsme).
To prevent the social worker being jammed between the economic and rationalized logic of managers and politicians on the one hand, and the life world of the people on the other, he needs to develop a healthy identity. The social constructive view can help to overcome the identity crisis the social professional is in. It offers a model to analyze the conflict a social professional has to deal with, and forces the social worker to make a clear and moral choice for the life world of his clients. This view seems also suitable to develop an indigenous body of practice theory for social work. The presence theory, the family group work and constructive social work demonstrates the possibilities. To regain confidence from both the people and the politicians, the rationalized system of planning and control has to be replaced by the trust model. To develop this model we have to find ways to justify the money used in this sector.