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Inte Gloerich and Gabriele Ferri investigate the impacts of Covid-related datafication on marginalized urban communities, emphasizing the importance of creativity and imagination in fostering resilience and agency in the face of ongoing and future crises.
Inte Gloerich and Gabriele Ferri investigate the impacts of Covid-related datafication on marginalized urban communities, emphasizing the importance of creativity and imagination in fostering resilience and agency in the face of ongoing and future crises.
This article introduces Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s concepts of smooth and striated space and couples these with the realms of art and technology. In doing so, and by analysing a case study, the dynamic natures and complex mixtures of art and technology are discussed. As a result, a perspective through which art and technology work together to enable new experiences opens up. The case study consists of Anja Hertenberger’s work entitled InBetween — an ongoing performance project in which she examines the reactions of people to her wearing an item of clothing which features a miniature camera on the front and a screen at the back. The article concludes by arguing that although Hertenberger’s performance concerns mediation, it mainly brings about immediate experiences that can be regarded as ‘imaginings’ rather than imaginations.
This article introduces Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s concepts of smooth and striated space and couples these with the realms of art and technology. In doing so, and by analysing a case study, the dynamic natures and complex mixtures of art and technology are discussed. As a result, a perspective through which art and technology work together to enable new experiences opens up. The case study consists of Anja Hertenberger’s work entitled InBetween — an ongoing performance project in which she examines the reactions of people to her wearing an item of clothing which features a miniature camera on the front and a screen at the back. The article concludes by arguing that although Hertenberger’s performance concerns mediation, it mainly brings about immediate experiences that can be regarded as ‘imaginings’ rather than imaginations.
Universities have the potential, and the responsibility, to take on more ecological and relational approaches to facilitating learning-based change in times of interconnected socioecological crises. Signs for a transition towards these more regenerative approaches of higher education (RHE) that include more place-based, ecological, and relational, ways of educating can already be found in niches across Europe (see for example the proliferation of education-based living labs, field labs, challenge labs). In this paper, the results of a podcast-based inquiry into the design practises and barriers to enacting such forms of RHE are shown. This study revealed seven educational practises that occurred across the innovation niches. It is important to note that these practises are enacted in different ways, or are locally nested in unique expressions; for example, while the ‘practise’ of cultivating personal transformations was represented across the included cases, the way these transformations were cultivated were unique expressions of each context. These RHE-design practises are derived from twenty-seven narrative-based podcasts as interviews recorded in the April through June 2021 period. The resulting podcast (The Regenerative Education Podcast) was published on all major streaming platforms in October 2021 and included 21 participants active in Dutch universities, 1 in Sweden, 1 in Germany, 1 in France, and 3 primarily online. Each episode engages with a leading practitioner, professor, teacher, and/or activist that is trying to connect their educational practice to making the world a more equitable, sustainable, and regenerative place. The episodes ranged from 30 to 70 min in total length and included both English (14) and Dutch (12) interviews. These episodes were analysed through transition mapping a method based on story analysis and transition design. The results include seven design practises such as cultivating personal transformations, nurturing ecosystems of support, and tackling relevant and urgent transition challenges, as well as a preliminary design tool that educational teams can use together with students and local agents in (re)designing their own RHE to connect their educational praxis with transition challenges. van den Berg B, Poldner K, Sjoer E, Wals A. Practises, Drivers and Barriers of an Emerging Regenerative Higher Education in The Netherlands—A Podcast-Based Inquiry. Sustainability. 2022; 14(15):9138. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14159138
Universities have the potential, and the responsibility, to take on more ecological and relational approaches to facilitating learning-based change in times of interconnected socioecological crises. Signs for a transition towards these more regenerative approaches of higher education (RHE) that include more place-based, ecological, and relational, ways of educating can already be found in niches across Europe (see for example the proliferation of education-based living labs, field labs, challenge labs). In this paper, the results of a podcast-based inquiry into the design practises and barriers to enacting such forms of RHE are shown. This study revealed seven educational practises that occurred across the innovation niches. It is important to note that these practises are enacted in different ways, or are locally nested in unique expressions; for example, while the ‘practise’ of cultivating personal transformations was represented across the included cases, the way these transformations were cultivated were unique expressions of each context. These RHE-design practises are derived from twenty-seven narrative-based podcasts as interviews recorded in the April through June 2021 period. The resulting podcast (The Regenerative Education Podcast) was published on all major streaming platforms in October 2021 and included 21 participants active in Dutch universities, 1 in Sweden, 1 in Germany, 1 in France, and 3 primarily online. Each episode engages with a leading practitioner, professor, teacher, and/or activist that is trying to connect their educational practice to making the world a more equitable, sustainable, and regenerative place. The episodes ranged from 30 to 70 min in total length and included both English (14) and Dutch (12) interviews. These episodes were analysed through transition mapping a method based on story analysis and transition design. The results include seven design practises such as cultivating personal transformations, nurturing ecosystems of support, and tackling relevant and urgent transition challenges, as well as a preliminary design tool that educational teams can use together with students and local agents in (re)designing their own RHE to connect their educational praxis with transition challenges. van den Berg B, Poldner K, Sjoer E, Wals A. Practises, Drivers and Barriers of an Emerging Regenerative Higher Education in The Netherlands—A Podcast-Based Inquiry. Sustainability. 2022; 14(15):9138. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14159138
The concept of human-computer integration (HInt) is entering a new evolutionary phase, that leads to a paradigm shift from interaction to the integration of computing devices with the human body (Farooq & Grudin, 2017). This embodied integration, where a computer tightly integrates with the human body (Mueller, Maes & Grudin, 2019), engages the human being in mutual give-and-take relationships with computational systems. The paradigm shift in human-computer integration might have more to do with ‘becoming-in-the-world’ (Shildrick, 2022) than with ‘being-in-the-world’ requires a rethinking in the philosophy on the human body and its technological intertwining. Our research project starts from the belief that new insight and meanings on bodily understanding in the context of Human-Computer Integration can only be achieved through a creative and artistic exploration of the ‘lived experience’ of disabled bodies. In this project, research activities will be grounded in feminist philosophy and performed into the context of disability, yet the methodological approach of exploring the ‘felt sense’ and ‘kinaesthetics’ of the disability materiality takes place through performative design practice at the intersection of the HCI-related research fields of Soma Design (Höök, 2018) and Somaesthetics (Shusterman, 2008), as well as artistic disciplines, such as Musicology and Music Therapy, Dance and Dance Movement Therapy, Disability Arts and Critical Disability Studies. This paper starts with an explanation of the current research situation, and then provides background information on the different schools of thought that are present in the project. It continues with describing the research goals, methods, and research questions. The final part of the paper consists of an overview of three preliminary studies which explore human-computer relationships through the combination of performative practice and cyber-physical demonstrators, created by bachelor-students ‘Communication and Multimedia Design’ at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences in The Netherlands and master-students ‘Web, Communication, and Information Systems’ at the Fachhochschule Kufstein in Austria. The takeaway message of this paper is that to advance our understandings of human-computer integration, we must consider a perspectivist viewpoint to develop alternative ways for exploring the bodily complexities of human-computer integration. We further argue that disability can be a catalyst for innovation and life-changing design in health and well-being, as it automatically emphasises the need for engaging with ‘being human’ in the context of the human-computer relationship. This PhD-project is productively looking for new forms of studying the context of disability, to unveil, excavate and expose knowledge for human- computer integration (HInt) that would otherwise be overlooked in the HCI-community.