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Though there are different interpretations in the scholarly literature of what a social learning is: whether it is an individual, organisational, or collective process. For example, Freeman (2007), in his study on policy change in the public health sector, conceptualised collective learning of public officials as a process of epistemological bricolage. In his interpretation, the new policy ideas are the result of this bricolage process, when the “acquired second-hand” ideas are transformed into “something new”. The literature on (democratic) governance points opens another perspective to the policy change, emphasising the importance of public engagement in the policy-making process. Following this school of thought the new policy is the result of a deliberative act that involves different participants. In other words, the ideas about policy are not borrowed, but are born in social deliberation. Combining the insights gained from both literatures – social learning and governance – the policy change is interpreted, as a result of a broad social interaction process, which is also the social learning for all participants.The paper will focus on further development of the conceptualisation of policy change through social deliberation and social learning and will attempt to define the involved micro mechanisms. The exploratory case study of policy change that was preceded by a broad public debate will help to describe and establish the mechanisms. Specifically, the paper will focus on the decision of the Dutch government to cease the exploration of natural gas from the Groningen gas field. The radical change in national policy regarding gas exploration is seen as a result of a broader public debate, which was an act of social deliberation and social learning at the same time.
main spatial policy approaches to securing DHC through new developments in Belgium, France, Ireland, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom
This chapter presents Critical Policy Discourse Analysis (CPDA) which merges critical discourse analysis (CDA) with critical policy studies (CPS). CPDA engages with a discursive analysis of a policy problem, generally drawing on critical discourse analysis for its methodology, in this case Text Oriented Discourse Analysis (TODA). The research addresses the problem of complexity reduction in the process of policy-making and illustrates this with an analysis of the UN Agenda “Transforming the World, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, which introduces the sustainable development goals (SDGs). It presents the reader with a detailed example of how to perform a TODA research. It indeed reveals mechanisms of policy reduction such as decontextualization, singularization, a limited spatio-temporal frame reduced to the timespan of the UN. It discusses the potential consequences of this for the effectivity of the SDGs and presents alternative theories and voices that do capture the complexity of real life events. The final section suggests further developments in CPDA and advocates bringing complexity to the fore.
Developing a framework that integrates Advanced Language Models into the qualitative research process.Qualitative research, vital for understanding complex phenomena, is often limited by labour-intensive data collection, transcription, and analysis processes. This hinders scalability, accessibility, and efficiency in both academic and industry contexts. As a result, insights are often delayed or incomplete, impacting decision-making, policy development, and innovation. The lack of tools to enhance accuracy and reduce human error exacerbates these challenges, particularly for projects requiring large datasets or quick iterations. Addressing these inefficiencies through AI-driven solutions like AIDA can empower researchers, enhance outcomes, and make qualitative research more inclusive, impactful, and efficient.The AIDA project enhances qualitative research by integrating AI technologies to streamline transcription, coding, and analysis processes. This innovation enables researchers to analyse larger datasets with greater efficiency and accuracy, providing faster and more comprehensive insights. By reducing manual effort and human error, AIDA empowers organisations to make informed decisions and implement evidence-based policies more effectively. Its scalability supports diverse societal and industry applications, from healthcare to market research, fostering innovation and addressing complex challenges. Ultimately, AIDA contributes to improving research quality, accessibility, and societal relevance, driving advancements across multiple sectors.
Grote steden staan de komende decennia voor enorme uitdagingen om ruimtelijke herstructurering en versterking van sociaaleconomische posities van bepaalde wijken, te combineren met leefbaarheids-, duurzaamheids-, en mobiliteitsambities. Dit zijn vraagstukken waar bij uitstek verschillende fysieke, sociale, economische en bestuurlijke professionals moeten samenwerken. Dit onderzoek richt zicht op boundary spanners, professionals die een sleutelrol spelen in het verbinden van domeinoverstijgende vraagstukken. Met de toename en complexiteit van maatschappelijke vragen in het grootstedelijke domein groeit ook de behoefte aan en het belang van boundary spanners in het realiseren van effectieve samenwerking. Kennis over de effectiviteit van hun werkpraktijken blijft echter achter. Gezien de urgentie van grootstedelijke vraagstukken, is het van groot belang deze kennis te ontwikkelen. De (grootstedelijke) professionals die in de rol van boundary spanner vervullen of die rol ambiëren vragen zich dan ook af: Hoe krijg ik zicht op mijn eigen boundary spanner praktijk als individu of binnen een team werken, welke mogelijke verbeteringen zijn er in ons handelen en wat daarvan is overdraagbaar naar andere professionals en andere situaties? Door deze praktijkvraag te combineren met theoretische kennis vanuit bestuurskunde en verandermanagement, geeft dit onderzoek antwoord op de overkoepelende onderzoeksvraag: Wat zijn de kenmerken van de werkpraktijken waarin (grootstedelijke) professionals, die we kunnen typeren als of boundary spanners, de grenzen tussen domeinen bij grootstedelijke vraagstukken weten te overbruggen? Het onderzoek is een co-creatie van stedelijke professionals in teams van vijf praktijkcases: het programma Haven-Stad (Amsterdam); de regiodeal Den Haag Zuidwest; het project Cruciale Mijl (Amsterdam); Combiwel buurtwerk (Amsterdam) en het team gebiedsadviseurs (Amsterdam), met onderzoekers van de Centres of Expertise van de Hogeschool van Amsterdam en de Haagse Hogeschool. Dit onderzoek expliciteert de werkregels die boundary spanners in staat stelt om domeinoverstijgend te werken en levert op die manier een wezenlijke bijdrage aan het realiseren van deze grootstedelijke vraagstukken.
There is increasing interest for the use of Virtual Reality (VR) in the field of sustainable transportation and urban development. Even though much has been said about the opportunities of using VR technology to enhance design and involve stakeholders in the process, implementations of VR technology are still limited. To bridge this gap, the urban intelligence team of NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences developed CycleSPEX, a Virtual Reality (VR) simulator for cycling. CycleSpex enables researchers, planners and policy makers to shape a variety of scenarios around knowledge- and design questions and test their impact on users experiences and behaviour, in this case (potential) cyclists. The impact of infrastructure enhancements as well as changes in the surrounding built environment can be tested, analysed an evaluated. The main advantage for planners and policy makers is that the VR environment enables them to test scenarios ex-ante in a safe and controlled setting.“The key to a smart, healthy and safe urban environment lies in engaging mobility. Healthy cities are often characterized by high quality facilities for the active modes. But what contributes to a pleasant cycling experience? CycleSPEX helps us to understand the relations between cyclists on the move and (designed) urban environments”