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© 2025 SURF
BACKGROUND. In order to prevent sarcopenia in community dwelling older adults a higher daily protein intake is needed. A new e-health strategy for dietary counseling was used with the aim to increase total daily protein intake to optimal levels (minimal 1.2 g/kg/d, optimal 1.5 g/kg/d) through use of regular food products.METHODS. The VITAMIN (VITal AMsterdam older adults IN the city) RCT included 245 community dwelling older adults (age ≥ 55y): control, exercise, and exercise plus dietary counseling (protein) group. Dietary intake was measured by a 3d dietary record at baseline and after 6 months intervention. In total 173 subjects were eligible for analysis. A two-way mixed ANOVA with time, group, and time*group interaction was performed. Post-hoc Bonferroni was performed with significance level at p<0.05.RESULTS. Mean age of the subjects was 72.1±6.3y, with a BMI of 25.7±4.2 of which 68% were females. ANOVA revealed significant effect of time, group and time*group (p<0.001). Table 1 shows higher protein intake over time in the dietary counseling group than either control (p=0.038) or exercise (p=0.008) group. Additional analyses revealed no change in vegetable protein intake. The higher protein intake was fully accounted for by animal protein intake. In the dietary counseling group 72% of subjects increased protein intake above the minimum intake level. DISCUSSION. This study shows digitally supported dietary counseling improves protein intake sufficiently in community dwelling older adults. Protein intake increase by counseling with e-health is a promising strategy for dieticians with the upcoming rising ageing population.
We tested the hypothesis that in human ageing a decreased intramuscular acylcarnitine status is associated with (pre-)frailty, reduced physical performance and altered mitochondrial function. Results showed that intramuscular total carnitine levels and acetylcarnitine levels were lower in (pre-)frail old females compared to fit old females and young females, whereas no differences were observed in males. The low intramuscular acetylcarnitine levels in females correlated with low physical performance, even after correction for muscle mass (%), and were accompanied with lowered expression of genes involved in mitochondrial energy production and functionality. We concluded that in (pre-)frail old females, intramuscular total carnitine levels and acetylcarnitine levels are decreased, and this decrease is associated with reduced physical performance and low expression of a wide range of genes critical for mitochondrial function. The results stress the importance of taking sex differences into account in ageing research.
Nurses often have difficulties with using interdisciplinary stroke guidelines for patients with stroke as they do not focus sufficiently on nursing. Therefore, the Stroke Nursing Guideline (SNG) was developed and implemented. The aim of this study was to determine the implementation and feasibility of the SNG in terms of changes in documentation and use of the guideline in the care of stroke patients on Neurological and Rehabilitation wards, barriers and facilitators, and nurses' and auxiliary nurses' view of the implementation.