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The main purpose of the research was the development and testing of an assessment tool for the grading of Dutch students' performance in information problem solving during their study tasks. Scholarly literature suggests that an analytical scoring rubric would be a good tool for this.Described in this article are the construction process of such a scoring rubric and the evaluation of the prototype based on the assessment of its usefulness in educational practice, the efficiency in use and the reliability of the rubric. To test this last point, the rubric was used by two professors when they graded the same set of student products. 'Interrater reliability' for the professors' gradings was estimated by calculating absolute agreement of the scores, adjacent agreement and decision consistency. An English version of the scoring rubric has been added to this journal article as an appendix. This rubric can be used in various discipline-based courses in Higher Education in which information problem solving is one of the learning activities. After evaluating the prototype it was concluded that the rubric is particularly useful to graders as it keeps them focussed on relevant aspects during the grading process. If the rubric is used for summative evaluation of credit bearing student work, it is strongly recommended to use the scoring scheme as a whole and to let the grading work be done by at least two different markers. [Jos van Helvoort & the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals-Information Literacy Group]
In september 2001 is het rapport Toetskader en prototypen gemeenschappelijke toetsvormen: performance assessments, portfolio en itembank uitgebracht door de ontwikkelgroep Assessment Pabo s. In het project Performance Assessment P-fase en K-fase Fontys-pabo s zijn pilots uitgevoerd. Verder is een prototype ontwikkeld voor informatie en communicatie rond de assessments in de elektronische leeromgeving. In het rapport staat hoe de pilots bij de verschillende pabo s zijn uitgevoerd. Vervolgens wordt ingegaan op de resultaten van de uitgevoerde onderzoeken. Aan het einde van elke paragraaf worden conclusies geformuleerd. Tot slot worden adviezen voor het vervolg gegeven.
Although reengineering is strategically advantageous fororganisations in order to keep functional and sustainable, safety must remain apriority and respective efforts need to be maintained. This paper suggeststhe combination of soft system methodology (SSM) and Pareto analysison the scope of safety management performance evaluation, and presents theresults of a survey, which was conducted in order to assess the effectiveness,efficacy and ethicality of the individual components of an organisation’s safetyprogram. The research employed quantitative and qualitative data and ensureda broad representation of functional managers and safety professionals, whocollectively hold the responsibility for planning, implementing and monitoringsafety practices. The results showed that SSM can support the assessment ofsafety management performance by revealing weaknesses of safety initiatives,and Pareto analysis can underwrite the prioritisation of the remedies required.The specific methodology might be adapted by any organisation that requires adeep evaluation of its safety management performance, seeks to uncover themechanisms that affect such performance, and, under limited resources, needsto focus on the most influential deficiencies.