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Background: Limited information is available on the experiences of patients during rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR). Aim: The current study aimed to identify factors that differentiated positive and negative patient experiences during rehabilitation after ACLR. Method and Design: A survey-based study with an online platform was used to identify factors that differentiated positive and negative patient experiences during rehabilitation after ACLR. Seventy-two patients (age 27.8 [8.8] y) after ACLR participated. Data were analyzed and themes were identified by comparing categories and subcategories on similarity. Main Findings: Positive patient experiences were room for own input, supervision, attention, knowledge, honesty, and professionalism of the physiotherapist. Additionally, a varied and structured rehabilitation program, adequate facilities, and contact with other patients were identified as positive patient experiences. Negative experiences were a lack of attention, lack of professionalism of the physiotherapists, a lack of sport-specific field training, a lack of goal setting, a lack of adequate facilities, and health insurance costs. Conclusions: The current study identified factors that differentiated positive and negative patient experiences during rehabilitation after ACLR. These findings can help physiotherapists in understanding the patient experiences during rehabilitation after ACLR.
Background: Sexual deviance is regarded as an important risk factor for sexual offending. However, little is known about the development of deviant sexual interests. The transfer of arousal between emotions, i.e., excitation transfer, could attribute sexual salience to stimuli that would otherwise not be sexual in nature. As such, excitation transfer could contribute to the very beginning of unusual or deviant sexual interests. The current protocol proposes a study to investigate to what extent excitation transfer occurs, i.e., to what extent genital and subjective sexual arousal to sexual stimuli is higher in an emotional state than in a neutral state. Following a prior pilot study, several adjustments were made to the study protocol, including a stronger emotional manipulation by using 360-degree film clips and the inclusion of a larger and more sexually diverse sample. Methods: We will recruit 50 adult male volunteers with diverse sexual interests. We will induce sexual arousal in four different emotional states (aggression/dominance, endearment, fear, disgust) and a neutral state. Sexual arousal will be measured genitally using penile plethysmography and subjectively via self-report. Using paired samples t-tests, sexual arousal in the emotional states will be compared with sexual arousal in the neutral state. Discussion: We aim to show that arousal in response to emotional stimuli that are initially nonsexual in nature, can enhance sexual arousal. These findings have potentially important implications for the development of unusual and/or deviant sexual interests and possibly for the treatment of such sexual deviant interests in people who have committed sexual offenses.
Background: Patient involvement in interprofessional education (IPE) is a new approach in fostering person-centeredness and collaborative competencies in undergraduate students. We developed the Patient As a Person (PAP-)module to facilitate students in learning from experts by experience (EBEs) living with chronic conditions, in an interprofessional setting. This study aimed to explore the experiences of undergraduate students, EBEs and facilitators with the PAP-module and formulate recommendations on the design and organization of patient involvement in IPE. Methods: We collected data from students, EBEs and facilitators, through eight semi-structured focus group interviews and two individual interviews (N = 51). The interviews took place at Maastricht University, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences and Regional Training Center Leeuwenborgh. Conventional content analysis revealed key themes. Results: Students reported that learning from EBEs in an interprofessional setting yielded a more comprehensive approach and made them empathize with EBEs. Facilitators found it challenging to address multiple demands from students from different backgrounds and diverse EBEs. EBEs were motivated to improve the personcentredness of health care and welcomed a renewed sense of purpose. Conclusions: This study yielded six recommendations: (a) students from various disciplines visit an EBE to foster a comprehensive approach, (b) groups of at least two students visit EBEs, (c) students may need aftercare for which facilitators should be receptive, (d) EBEs need clear instruction on their roles, (e) multiple EBEs in one session create diversity in perspectives and (f) training programmes and peer-to-peer sessions for facilitators help them to interact with diverse students and EBEs.
The pressure on the European health care system is increasing considerably: more elderly people and patients with chronic diseases in need of (rehabilitation) care, a diminishing work force and health care costs continuing to rise. Several measures to counteract this are proposed, such as reduction of the length of stay in hospitals or rehabilitation centres by improving interprofessional and person-centred collaboration between health and social care professionals. Although there is a lot of attention for interprofessional education and collaborative practice (IPECP), the consortium senses a gap between competence levels of future professionals and the levels needed in rehabilitation practice. Therefore, the transfer from tertiary education to practice concerning IPECP in rehabilitation is the central theme of the project. Regional bonds between higher education institutions and rehabilitation centres will be strengthened in order to align IPECP. On the one hand we deliver a set of basic and advanced modules on functioning according to the WHO’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health and a set of (assessment) tools on interprofessional skills training. Also, applications of this theory in promising approaches, both in education and in rehabilitation practice, are regionally being piloted and adapted for use in other regions. Field visits by professionals from practice to exchange experiences is included in this work package. We aim to deliver a range of learning materials, from modules on theory to guidelines on how to set up and run a student-run interprofessional learning ward in a rehabilitation centre. All tested outputs will be published on the INPRO-website and made available to be implemented in the core curricula in tertiary education and for lifelong learning in health care practice. This will ultimately contribute to improve functioning and health outcomes and quality of life of patients in rehabilitation centres and beyond.
A feeling of worry, anxiety, loneliness and anticipation are commonplace in both medical and non-medical arenas such as elderly care. An innovative solution such as the ‘simple and effective’ comfyhand would offer better patient care and improved care efficiency with a high chance of long-term, economic efficiency. ComfyHand is a start-up in the healthcare sector that aims to develop sustainable products to improve patient wellbeing in healthcare settings. It does this by emulating the experience of holding a hand which gives the person comfort and support in moments where real human contact is not possible. Right now the comfyhand is in the development phase, working on several prototypes for test trials in elderly care and hospitals. In this project we want to explore the use of 3D printing for producing a comfyhand. Desired properties for the prototype include optimal heat transfer, softness, regulation of sweat, durability and sustainability. The goal of this study is to develop a prototype to test in a trial with patients within Envida, a care centre. The trial itself is out of scope of this project. This proposal focuses on researching the material of choice and the processability. Building on knowledge gained in a previous Kiem GoChem project and a Use Case (Shape3Dup) of a currently running Raak MKB project (Enlighten) on 3D printing of breast prostheses, several materials, designs and printing parameters will be tested.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is een veelbelovende techniek binnen de KIA Sleuteltechnologieën. Met name generatieve AI (GenAI), bekend van ChatGPT, heeft de potentie om de uitvoering van beroepstaken fundamenteel te veranderen. Zo ook de beroepstaken van programmeurs en dataspecialisten. Aan de hand van een casus gaan we onderzoeken hoe de toepassing van GenAI voor dataconversie in de topsector Life Sciences kan leiden tot een versnelling in de ontwikkeling van geneesmiddelen en medische hulpmiddelen. Het ontwikkelen van nieuwe geneesmiddelen en medische hulpmiddelen vraagt namelijk om een intensief regime van klinische studies om veiligheid en effectiviteit te waarborgen. Na elke studie dienen de resultaten en onderliggende klinische data ter goedkeuring ingediend te worden bij regelgevende instanties, een tijdrovend en kostbaar proces. Hierdoor duurt het voor patiënten lang voordat nieuwe medicijnen of medische hulpmiddelen beschikbaar zijn. Voor MKB-bedrijven die vaak maar één of enkele producten ontwikkelen kan de duur van het proces het verschil maken tussen wel of niet levensvatbaar zijn als bedrijf. Een belangrijke bottleneck in het proces is dat het veel tijd kost om de data van de klinische studies te laten voldoen aan CDISC, een vereiste standaard voor data-aanlevering. De huidige werkwijze is dat de conversie van de data handmatig geprogrammeerd wordt. Het programmeren kost al snel honderden uren, hetgeen de doorlooptijd van studies significant verlengt. Daarom wil dit consortium van Hanzehogeschool en drie mkb’s onderzoek doen naar de vraag: Hoe kunnen klinische data binnen de kaders van de regelgeving efficiënter geconverteerd worden naar CDISC-formaat door inzet van generatieve AI? Naast de consortiumpartners zijn twee brancheorganisaties uit het domein Gezondheid en Zorg betrokken voor de disseminatie binnen de Life Sciences. Deze brancheorganisaties zijn tevens de eerste partij voor opschaling in vervolgprojecten. De Hanzehogeschool zorgt verder voor de transfer van de opgedane kennis naar andere data-intensieve domeinen.