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Purpose: This study aims to systematically identify items that measure comnicative participation from measurement instruments that measure (aspects communication and/or participation in children and adolescents (5–18 years with communication disorders, for developing an item bank. Method: A systematic literature search was performed in MEDLINE Embase to search for patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) or pareports measuring aspects of communication and/or participation in childand adolescents. The individual items of the included measurement instrumwere reviewed on whether they measure communicative participation. The itwere then classified into one of the International Classification of FunctioDisability and Health (ICF) for Children and Youth (World Health Organiza2007) domains of activities and participation. Results: A total of 29 instruments were found, nine PROMs and 20 preports. One hundred forty-five items were identified that measure communtive participation. From these 145 items, 74 were retrieved from PROMs (5and 71 were retrieved from parent reports (49%). The majority of items classified in ICF Domain 7, interpersonal interactions and relationships (73.8followed by Domain 8, major life areas (13.8%), and Domain 9, commsocial, and civic life (8.3%). Only a few items were found in Domains 5 and none was found in Domains 1, 2, and 4. Conclusions: We identified 145 items potentially useful for developing an bank addressing communicative participation in children and adolescents communication disorders. However, item development in collaboration with target population is needed to ensure that these items fully reflect the const.
BackgroundSeveral conditions and diseases can result in speech problems that can have a negative impact on everyday functioning, referred to as communicative participation. Subjective problems with acquired speech problems are often assessed with the speech handicap index (SHI). To assess generic participation problems, the Utrecht Scale for Evaluation of Rehabilitation–Participation (USER-P) questionnaire is frequently used. The English questionnaire Communicative Participation Item Bank—short form (CPIB short form) is a 10-item valid, reliable instrument that assesses communicative participation. In the absence of a Dutch equivalent, translation and validation of the CPIB short form was required.AimsTo translate the CPIB short form into Dutch, and to determine its psychometric properties for the group of adults with speech problems resulting from a neurological aetiology or head and neck cancer.Methods & ProceduresTranslation of the CPIB short form was performed following the instructions of the European Organisation for Research and Treatment for Cancer (EORTC). In a cross-sectional multi-centre study, participants completed the Dutch CPIB short form together with the SHI and USER-P, and the CPIB a second time after 2 weeks. We assessed internal consistency and test–retest reliability of the CPIB. Construct validity was assessed based on correlations with SHI, USER-P and speech assessments.Outcomes & ResultsIn the validation study, 122 participants were included: 51 with dysarthria due to different neurological disorders, 48 with speech problems due to head and neck cancer treatment and 23 healthy controls. Internal consistency of the items was high (Cronbach's alpha = 0.962), the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) for test–retest reliability was high 0.908 (95% CI = 0.870–0.935). Construct validity was supported by a strong correlation between the Dutch CPIB short form and the SHI total score (SHI total rs = 0.887) and a moderate correlation between the Dutch CPIB-10 and the USER-P subscales (USER-P Frequency rs = 0.365; USER-P restrictions and USER-P satisfaction rs = 0.546). A moderate correlation was found between the Dutch CPIB-10 and the speech performance assessments (degree of distortedness r = −0.0557; p ≤ 0.001; degree of intelligibility r = 0.0562).Conclusions & ImplicationsThe Dutch CPIB short form provides a valid and reliable tool for clinical practice and research purposes. It allows clinicians to start using this PROM in clinical and research practice to systematically investigate the impact of the speech problems on communicative participation in a Dutch-speaking population.What this paper addsWhat is already known on the subjectCommunicative participation allows people to take part in life situations, but can be affected by acquired speech problems. The CPIB is a patient-reported outcome measure for the assessment of this concept. For the English language the 46-item bank and a 10-item short form is available.What this paper adds to existing knowledgeThis paper describes the process of translation of the CPIB short form into Dutch, and confirms its reproducibility and validity.What are the potential or actual clinical implications of this work?With this validated Dutch version of the CPIB short form available, professionals can implement this tool in clinical and research practice to systematically evaluate communicative participation.
Purpose: This study aims to systematically identify items that measure commu-nicative participation from measurement instruments that measure (aspects of) communication and/or participation in children and adolescents (5–18 years old) with communication disorders, for developing an item bank. Method: A systematic literature search was performed in MEDLINE and Embase to search for patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) or parent reports measuring aspects of communication and/or participation in children and adolescents. The individual items of the included measurement instruments were reviewed on whether they measure communicative participation. The items were then classified into one of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) for Children and Youth (World Health Organization, 2007) domains of activities and participation. Results: A total of 29 instruments were found, nine PROMs and 20 parent reports. One hundred forty-five items were identified that measure communica-tive participation. From these 145 items, 74 were retrieved from PROMs (51%), and 71 were retrieved from parent reports (49%). The majority of items were classified in ICF Domain 7, interpersonal interactions and relationships (73.8%), followed by Domain 8, major life areas (13.8%), and Domain 9, community, social, and civic life (8.3%). Only a few items were found in Domains 5 and 6, and none was found in Domains 1, 2, and 4. Conclusions: We identified 145 items potentially useful for developing an item bank addressing communicative participation in children and adolescents with communication disorders. However, item development in collaboration with the target population is needed to ensure that these items fully reflect the construct.
communicative participation, language disordersOBJECTIVE(S)/RESEARCH QUESTION(S) Speech and language therapists (SLTs) are the primary care professionals to treat language and communication disorders. Their treatment is informed by a variety of outcome measures. At present, diagnosis, monitoring of progress and evaluation are often based on performance-based and clinician-reported outcomes such as results of standardized speech, language, voice, or communication tests. These tests typically aim to capture how well the person can produce or understand language in a controlled situation, and therefore only provide limited insight in the person’s challenges in life. Performance measures do not incorporate the unobservable feelings such as a patient's effort, social embarrassment, difficulty, or confidence in communication. Nor do they address language and communication difficulties experienced by the person themselves, the impact on daily life or allow patients to set goals related to their own needs and wishes. The aim of our study is give our patients a voice and empower SLTs to incorporate their patient's perspective in planning therapy. We will Aangemaakt door ProjectNet / Generated by ProjectNet: 08-12-2020 12:072Subsidieaanvraag_digitaal / Grant Application_digitaalDossier nummer / Dossier number: 80-86900-98-041DEFINITIEFdevelop a valid and reliable patient-reported outcome measure that provides information on communicative participation of people with communication disorders and integrate this item bank in patient specific goal setting in speech and language therapy. Both the item bank and the goal setting method will be adapted in cocreation with patients to enable access for people with communication difficulties.STUDY DESIGN Mixed methods research design following the MRC guidance for process evaluation of complex interventions, using PROMIS methodology including psychometric evaluation and an iterative user-centered design with qualitative co-creation methods to develop accessible items and the goal setting method.RESEARCH POPULATION Children, adolescents and adults with speech, language, hearing, and voice disorders.OUTCOME MEASURES An online patient-reported outcome measure on communicative participation, the Communicative Participation Item Bank (CPIB), CPIB items that are accessible for people with language understanding difficulties, a communicative-participation person-specific goal setting method developed with speech and language therapists and patients and tested on usability and feasibility in clinical practice, and a course for SLTs explaining the use of the goal-setting method in their clinical reasoning process.RELEVANCE This study answers one of the prioritized questions in the call for SLTs to systematically and reliably incorporate the clients’ perspective in their daily practice to improve the quality of SLT services. At present patient reported outcomes play only a small role in speech and language therapy because 1) measures (PROMS) are often invalid, not implemented and unsuitable for clinical practice and 2) there is a knowledge gap in how to capture and interpret outcomes from persons with language disorders.
In dit project werkt het lectoraat ‘Bewegen, gezondheid en welzijn’ samen met de Hogeschool Arnhem Nijmegen, Hogeschool Zuyd, de Vrije Universiteit, de Universiteit van Maastricht, het UMC Groningen, drie GGZ instellingen (Universitair Centrum Psychiatrie Groningen (UCP), GGZ Friesland en GGZ Drenthe), de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychomotorische Therapie en het Landelijk Platform Geestelijke Gezondheidzorg (LPGGZ, nu ook MIND). De projectdoelstelling is: Het verwerven van nieuwe kennis over de ontwikkeling en implementatie van specifieke uitkomstmaten waarmee de impact van psychomotorische interventies binnen de GGZ gemonitord en geëvalueerd kan worden en de samenwerking met de betrokken patiënt wordt versterkt. Aanleiding voor dit project zijn praktijkvragen van psychomotorisch therapeuten werkzaam in de GGZ. Zij geven aan behoefte te hebben aan nieuwe kennis en meetinstrumenten waarmee ze: 1. het behandelresultaat en de toenemende vraag naar evidentie van psychomotorische therapie (PMT) )vast kunnen stellen; 2. het beloop van de behandeling kunnen monitoren en bespreekbaar kunnen maken met de betrokken patiënt. Op basis van de beschikbare literatuur over behandelevaluaties werd de volgende onderzoeksvraag geformuleerd: ‘Hoe kunnen Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) voor psychomotorische therapie ontwikkeld en ingezet worden om het specifieke resultaat van psychomotorische therapie bij volwassen patiënten in de GGZ gestandaardiseerd te evalueren en wat kan de bijdrage zijn van dagboekmetingen via Experience Sampling Methods (ESM)?’. Het project richt zich op: 1. Selectie, onderzoek en onderbouwing van PMT specifieke PROMS. 2. Onderzoeken van de haalbaarheid van de inzet van ESM als evaluatiemethode binnen de PMT. 3. De ontwikkeling van een digitale portal. Beoogde resultaten zijn: • Databank van Nederlandstalige meetinstrumenten die als PROMs kunnen dienen ter evaluatie van pychomotorische interventies en die zijn opgenomen in een portal dat beschikbaar komt voor de beroepsgroep. • Handboek over het inzetten van ESM binnen PMT. • Cursussen over het gebruik van de PROMs en het gebruik van ESM.
Het doel van dit project is het slimmer scoren in de fysiotherapeutische zorg door gebruik te maken van PROMIS Computer Adaptive Testing. De verschuiving van acute naar chronische zorg, de toename van evidence based handelen, het (h)erkennen van het belang van het perspectief van de patiënt en de opkomst van value based health care heeft geleid tot het meten van patiënt gerapporteerde uitkomsten, meestal in de vorm van vragenlijsten (Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs). Fysiotherapeuten blijken het belang van de meetinstrumenten wel te (h)erkennen, maar met name de tijdsinvestering en de veelheid van vragenlijsten te groot vinden om de instrumenten consequent te gebruiken. Fysiotherapeuten vragen dan ook “Help ons met kortere en meer relevante vragenlijsten die klinisch inzetbaar en betekenisvol zijn in de praktijk en elkaar niet overlappen“. Het Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information Systeem (PROMIS) is ontwikkeld om beperkingen van klassieke PROMs op te lossen door gebruik te maken van Item Response Theory en Computer Adaptive Testing en geldt als de nieuwe gouden standaard voor het (slimmer) meten en scoren van PROs in de zorg. Tot dusver blijken de Engelstalige PROMIS instrumenten meer valide, betrouwbaarder en responsiever is dan alle bestaande PROMs. Voor de Nederlandstalige versies zijn de betrouwbaarheid en responsiviteit van voor de fysiotherapie belangrijke PROMIS instrumenten nog niet bekend. Het is ook onbekend of fysiotherapeuten de PROMIS instrumenten beter hanteerbaar vinden dan de traditionele PROMs. Omdat betrouwbaarheid en responsiviteitsscores in belangrijke mate bijdragen aan de hanteerbaarheid en interpretatie van meetinstrumenten moeten deze eigenschappen eerst worden uitgezocht. Wij maken gebruik van 5 werkpakketten: WP1 is een test-hertest studie (betrouwbaarheid) van de PROMIS instrumenten, WP2 is een responsiviteit studie van de PROMIS instrumenten, WP3 is een feasibility studie van de PROMIS instrumenten, WP4 is ontwikkeling van scholing en WP5 is de evaluatie van de scholing.