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VIDEO: Video recording of the AIESEP specialist seminar “Future Directions in PE Assessment” from October 18-20, 2018. Content of the seminar: Given the growing research interest in PE-assessment, the complexities PE-teachers meet in planning and carrying out assessment, and the increasing emphasis placed on accountability within education at large, we aim to draw up an AIESEP Position Statement on PE Assessment based on the specialist seminar. Therefore, a large part of the program will be devoted to various forms of expert group discussion, in addition to the presentation of research, projects and initiatives on assessment in PE and PETE
Background: Assessment can have various functions, and is an important impetus for student learning. For assessment to be effective, it should be aligned with curriculum goals and of sufficient quality. Although it has been suggested that assessment quality in physical education (PE) is suboptimal, research into actual assessment practices has been relatively scarce. Purpose: The goals of the present study were to determine the quality of assessment, teachers’ views on the functions of assessment, the alignment of assessment with learning goals, and the actual assessment practices in secondary PE in the Netherlands. Participants and setting: A total of 260 PE teachers from different schools in the Netherlands filled out an online Physical Education Assessment Questionnaire (PEAQ) on behalf of their school. Data collection: The online questionnaire (PEAQ) contained the following sections: quality of assessment, intended functions of assessment, assessment practices, and intended goals of PE. Data analysis: Percentages of agreement were calculated for all items. In addition, assessment quality items were recoded into a numerical value between 1 and 5 (mean ± SD). Cronbach’s alpha was calculated for each predefined quality aspect of the PEAQ, and for assessment quality as a whole. Findings: Mean assessment quality (±SD) was 3.6 ± 0.6. With regard to the function of assessment, most PE teachers indicated that they intended using assessment as a means of supporting the students’ learning process (formative function). At the same time, the majority of schools take PE grades into account for determining whether a student may enter the next year (summative function). With regard to assessment practices, a large variety of factors are included when grading, and observation is by far the assessment technique most widely applied. A minority of PE teachers grade students without predetermined assessment criteria, and usually criteria are identical for all students. There is an apparent discrepancy between reported PE goals and assessment practices; although increasing students’ fitness levels is the least important goal of PE lessons according to the PE teachers, 81% reports that fitness is one of the factors being judged. Conversely, while 94% considers gaining knowledge about physical activity and sports as one of the goals of PE, only 34% actually assesses knowledge. Conclusions: Assessment in Dutch PE is of moderate quality. The findings further suggest that PE teachers consider assessment for learning important but that their assessment practices are not generally in line with this view. Furthermore, there seems to be a lack of alignment between intended learning outcomes and what is actually being valued and assessed. We believe that these results call for a concerted effort from PE departments, school boards, and the education inspectorate to scrutinise existing assessment practices, and work together to optimise PE assessment.
Many children aged 9–12 appear to have low levels of fundamental movement skills (FMS). Physical education (PE) is important because PE-teachers can teach children a variety of FMS and can influence PE-motivation. However, declined levels of PE-motivation are reported in the final grades of elementary school. Therefore, more insight in the relations between PE-motivation and FMS is needed.Purposes: In the first phase, instruments to measure the satisfaction of basic psychological needs (competence, autonomy, classmate relatedness and teacher relatedness) and PE-motivation (autonomous and controlled) in 9–12-year-old children were developed and validated. The purpose of the second phase was to examine the influence of basic psychological needs on PE-motivation, the influence of PE-motivation on locomotor skills, object control skills and balance skills, and the direct influence of basic psychological needs on FMS for boys and girls aged 9–12.Participants and data collection: In the first phase, 172 children (82 boys, 90 girls, M = 10.72 years ± 0.77) filled out questionnaires assessing the satisfaction of their basic psychological needs and motivation for PE. Forty-eight children completed the questionnaires again 4 weeks later. In the second phase, a total of 138 children (66 boys, 72 girls, 10.8 years ± .79) (three schools from phase 1 and one new school) participated. Children from the new school also completed the questionnaires and all children conducted the subtest for speed and agility, upper limb coordination and balance of the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency 2.Data analysis: In phase 1, linear weighted Kappa's and the Mokken Scale Program for polychotomous items were used to test reliability and validity. In phase 2, Pearson's correlations and multiple linear regression analyses were performed to examine the relations.Findings: Regarding phase 1, all subscales were reliable and the validity was considered moderate to strong except for the autonomy subscale, which was not reliable and valid. With respect to phase 2, all basic psychological needs, except autonomy among girls, had moderate to strong correlations with autonomous PE-motivation. Teacher relatedness was the most important predictor for boys and girls, while the second predictor was classmate relatedness for boys and competence for girls. No positive significant relations between basic psychological needs and FMS and between PE-motivation and FMS were found. In contrary, moderate but negative relations between teacher relatedness and balance skills and between autonomous PE-motivation and balance skills were found for boys.Conclusions: The results confirmed the importance of the basic psychological needs in the prediction of autonomous PE-motivation in 9–12-year-old children. Although all needs should be supported by the PE-teacher, it is important to be aware of the different impact of the needs on autonomous PE-motivation for boys and girls. Despite the missing relations with FMS, PE-teachers seem to be able to autonomously motivate children for PE regardless of their FMS proficiency.
MUSE supports the CIVITAS Community to increase its impact on urban mobility policy making and advance it to a higher level of knowledge, exchange, and sustainability.As the current Coordination and Support Action for the CIVITAS Initiative, MUSE primarily engages in support activities to boost the impact of CIVITAS Community activities on sustainable urban mobility policy. Its main objectives are to:- Act as a destination for knowledge developed by the CIVITAS Community over the past twenty years.- Expand and strengthen relationships between cities and stakeholders at all levels.- Support the enrichment of the wider urban mobility community by providing learning opportunities.Through these goals, the CIVITAS Initiative strives to support the mobility and transport goals of the European Commission, and in turn those in the European Green Deal.Breda University of Applied Sciences is the task leader of Task 7.3: Exploitation of the Mobility Educational Network and Task 7.4: Mobility Powered by Youth Facilitation.
In tijden van toenemende culturele diversiteit en arbeidsonzekerheid hebben jongeren in Nederlandse en Duitse stadswijken grote behoefte aan richting met betrekking tot hun toekomstige leven. Ouders en leraren lijken zelf vaak te worden overweldigd door de snel veranderende wereld waarin ze leven. Naast deze veranderingen neemt het gebruik van sociale media sterk toe, waardoor de al bestaande generatiekloof nog groter wordt. Deze ontwikkelingen hebben grote gevolgen voor de levensloopperspectieven van jongeren en leiden er vaak toe dat ze meer dan ooit richting zoeken bij hun leeftijdgenoten. In plaats van dit te zien als een problematische situatie, is dit project erop gericht de netwerken van jongeren te gebruiken als bron voor verbetering van de stadswijken. Het basisidee is jonge adolescenten (in de leeftijd van 12-14 jaar) te empoweren via bepaalde leeftijdgenoten die al gerespecteerd, verantwoordelijk en stabiel in het leven staan. Deze ‘homies’ (vier Nederlandse en vier Duitse jongeren) worden getraind en begeleid door experts op het gebied van oplossingsgericht denken en inspirerende communicatie. Daarna gaan de homies aan de slag in hun eigen wijk, waar ze drie maanden actief zullen zijn. De meeste communicatie met hun leeftijdgenoten zal verlopen via mobiele communicatie en sociale medianetwerken. In het begeleidende onderzoek wordt een analyse gemaakt van de leefsituatie van jongeren in de geselecteerde wijken voor en na de tussenkomst van de homies. De homies houden zelf een (mobiel) dagboek bij dat inzicht zal bieden in hoe zij zelf de veranderingen bij de jongeren in hun wijk zien.
Mensen die moeite hebben met lezen en schrijven (laaggeletterden) zijn ondervertegenwoordigd in onderzoek, waardoor een belangrijke onderzoekspopulatie ontbreekt. Dit is een probleem, omdat zorgbeleid dan onvoldoende op hun behoeften wordt aangepast. Laaggeletterden hebben vaak een lage sociaal economische positie (SEP). Mensen met een lage SEP leven gemiddeld 4 jaar korter en 15 jaar in minder goed ervaren gezondheid vergeleken met mensen met een hoge SEP. Om laaggeletterden te betrekken in onderzoek, is het o.a. nodig om onderzoek toegankelijker te maken. Dit project draagt hieraan bij door de ontwikkeling van een toolbox voor toegankelijke (proefpersonen)informatie (pif) en toestemmingsverklaringen. We ontwikkelen in co-creatie met de doelgroep toegankelijke audiovisuele materialen die breed ingezet kunnen worden door (gezondheids)onderzoekers van (zorggerelateerde) instanties/bedrijven én kennisinstellingen voor de werving voor en informatieverstrekking over onderzoek. In de multidisciplinaire samenwerking met onze partners, Pharos, Stichting ABC, Stichting Crowdience, de HAN-Sterkplaats en de Academische Werkplaats Sterker op eigen benen (AW-SOEB) van Radboudumc stellen we de behoeften van de doelgroep centraal. Middels creatieve sessies en gebruikerservaringen wordt in een iteratief ontwerpende onderzoeksaanpak toegewerkt naar diverse ontwerpen van informatiebrieven en toestemmingsverklaringen, waarbij de visuele communicatie dragend is. Het ontwikkelproces biedt kennisontwikkeling en hands-on praktijkvoorbeelden voor designers en grafisch vormgevers in het toegankelijk maken van informatie. Als laaggeletterden beter bereikt worden d.m.v. de pif-toolbox, kunnen de inzichten van deze groep worden meegenomen. Dit zorgt voor een minder scheef beeld in onderzoek, waardoor (gezondheids)beleid zich beter kan richten op kwetsbare doelgroepen. Hiermee wordt een bijdrage geleverd aan het verkleinen van gezondheidsverschillen.