ObjectivesOsteoarthritis (OA) of the foot-ankle complex is understudied. Understanding determinants of pain and activity limitations is necessary to improve management of foot OA. The aim of the present study was to investigate demographic, foot-specific and comorbidity-related factors associated with pain and activity limitations in patients with foot OA.MethodsThis exploratory cross-sectional study included 75 patients with OA of the foot and/or ankle joints. Demographic and clinical data were collected with questionnaires and by clinical examination. The outcome variables of pain and activity limitations were measured using the Foot Function Index (FFI). Potential determinants were categorized into demographic factors (e.g., age, sex), foot-specific factors (e.g., plantar pressure and gait parameters), and comorbidity-related factors (e.g., type and amount of comorbid diseases). Multivariable regression analyses with backward selection (p-out≥0.05) were performed in two steps, leading to a final model.ResultsOf all potential determinants, nine factors were selected in the first step. Five of these factors were retained in the second step (final model): female sex, pain located in the hindfoot, higher body mass index (BMI), neurological comorbidity, and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) score were positively associated with the FFI score. The explained variance (R2) for the final model was 0.580 (adjusted R2 = 0.549).ConclusionFemale sex, pain located in the hindfoot, higher BMI, neurological comorbidity and greater psychological distress were independently associated with a higher level of foot-related pain and activity limitations. By addressing these factors in the management of foot OA, pain and activity limitations may be reduced.
ObjectivesOsteoarthritis (OA) of the foot-ankle complex is understudied. Understanding determinants of pain and activity limitations is necessary to improve management of foot OA. The aim of the present study was to investigate demographic, foot-specific and comorbidity-related factors associated with pain and activity limitations in patients with foot OA.MethodsThis exploratory cross-sectional study included 75 patients with OA of the foot and/or ankle joints. Demographic and clinical data were collected with questionnaires and by clinical examination. The outcome variables of pain and activity limitations were measured using the Foot Function Index (FFI). Potential determinants were categorized into demographic factors (e.g., age, sex), foot-specific factors (e.g., plantar pressure and gait parameters), and comorbidity-related factors (e.g., type and amount of comorbid diseases). Multivariable regression analyses with backward selection (p-out≥0.05) were performed in two steps, leading to a final model.ResultsOf all potential determinants, nine factors were selected in the first step. Five of these factors were retained in the second step (final model): female sex, pain located in the hindfoot, higher body mass index (BMI), neurological comorbidity, and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) score were positively associated with the FFI score. The explained variance (R2) for the final model was 0.580 (adjusted R2 = 0.549).ConclusionFemale sex, pain located in the hindfoot, higher BMI, neurological comorbidity and greater psychological distress were independently associated with a higher level of foot-related pain and activity limitations. By addressing these factors in the management of foot OA, pain and activity limitations may be reduced.
Background: Integrating physical therapy sessions and an online application (e-Exercise) might support people with hip osteoarthritis (OA), knee OA, or both (hip/knee OA) in taking an active role in the management of their chronic condition and may reduce the number of physical therapy sessions.Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the short- and long-term effectiveness of e-Exercise compared to usual physical therapy in people with hip/knee OA.Design: The design was a prospective, single-blind, multicenter, superiority, cluster- randomized controlled trial.Setting: The setting included 143 primary care physical therapist practices.Participants: The participants were 208 people who had hip/knee OA and were 40 to 80 years of age.Intervention: e-Exercise is a 3-month intervention in which about 5 face-to-face physical therapy sessions were integrated with an online application consisting of graded activity, exercise, and information modules. Usual physical therapy was conducted according to the Dutch physical therapy guidelines on hip and knee OA.Measurements: Primary outcomes, measured at baseline after 3 and 12 months, were physical functioning and free-living physical activity. Secondary outcome measures were pain, tiredness, quality of life, self-efficacy, and the number of physical therapy sessions.Results: The e-Exercise group (n = 109) received, on average, 5 face-to-face sessions; the usual physical therapy group (n = 99) received 12. No significant differences in primary outcomes between the e-Exercise group and the usual physical therapy group were found. Within-group analyses for both groups showed a significant improvement in physical functioning. After 3 months, participants in the e-Exercise group reported an increase in physical activity; however, no objectively measured differences in physical activity were found. With respect to secondary outcomes, after 12 months, sedentary behavior significantly increased in the e-Exercise group compared with the usual physical therapy group. In both groups, there were significant improvements for pain, tiredness, quality of life, and self-efficacy.Limitations: The response rate at 12 months was 65%.Conclusions: The blended intervention, e-Exercise, was not more effective than usual physical therapy in people with hip/knee OA.
MUSE supports the CIVITAS Community to increase its impact on urban mobility policy making and advance it to a higher level of knowledge, exchange, and sustainability.As the current Coordination and Support Action for the CIVITAS Initiative, MUSE primarily engages in support activities to boost the impact of CIVITAS Community activities on sustainable urban mobility policy. Its main objectives are to:- Act as a destination for knowledge developed by the CIVITAS Community over the past twenty years.- Expand and strengthen relationships between cities and stakeholders at all levels.- Support the enrichment of the wider urban mobility community by providing learning opportunities.Through these goals, the CIVITAS Initiative strives to support the mobility and transport goals of the European Commission, and in turn those in the European Green Deal.Breda University of Applied Sciences is the task leader of Task 7.3: Exploitation of the Mobility Educational Network and Task 7.4: Mobility Powered by Youth Facilitation.
Patiëntdata uit vragenlijsten, fysieke testen en ‘wearables’ hebben veel potentie om fysiotherapie-behandelingen te personaliseren (zogeheten ‘datagedragen’ zorg) en gedeelde besluitvorming tussen fysiotherapeut en patiënt te faciliteren. Hiermee kan fysiotherapie mogelijk doelmatiger en effectiever worden. Veel fysiotherapeuten en hun patiënten zien echter nauwelijks meerwaarde in het verzamelen van patiëntdata, maar vooral toegenomen administratieve last. In de bestaande landelijke databases krijgen fysiotherapeuten en hun patiënten de door hen zelf verzamelde patiëntdata via een online dashboard weliswaar teruggekoppeld, maar op een weinig betekenisvolle manier doordat het dashboard primair gericht is op wensen van externe partijen (zoals zorgverzekeraars). Door gebruik te maken van technologische innovaties zoals gepersonaliseerde datavisualisaties op basis van geavanceerde data science analyses kunnen patiëntdata betekenisvoller teruggekoppeld en ingezet worden. Wij zetten technologie dus in om ‘datagedragen’, gepersonaliseerde zorg, in dit geval binnen de fysiotherapie, een stap dichterbij te brengen. De kennis opgedaan in de project is tevens relevant voor andere zorgberoepen. In dit KIEM-project worden eerst wensen van eindgebruikers, bestaande succesvolle datavisualisaties en de hiervoor vereiste data science analyses geïnventariseerd (werkpakket 1: inventarisatie). Op basis hiervan worden meerdere prototypes van inzichtelijke datavisualisaties ontwikkeld (bijvoorbeeld visualisatie van patiëntscores in vergelijking met (beoogde) normscores, of van voorspelling van verwacht herstel op basis van data van vergelijkbare eerdere patiënten). Middels focusgroepinterviews met fysiotherapeuten en patiënten worden hieruit de meest kansrijke (maximaal 5) prototypes geselecteerd. Voor deze geselecteerde prototypes worden vervolgens de vereiste data-analyses ontwikkeld die de datavisualisaties op de dashboards van de landelijke databases mogelijk maken (werkpakket 2: prototypes en data-analyses). In kleine pilots worden deze datavisualisaties door eindgebruikers toegepast in de praktijk om te bepalen of ze daadwerkelijk aan hun wensen voldoen (werkpakket 3: pilots). Uit dit 1-jarige project kan een groot vervolgonderzoek ‘ontkiemen’ naar het effect van betekenisvolle datavisualisaties op de uitkomsten van zorg.
Wetenschappers gebruiken bioorthogonale klikreacties tussen trans-cyclooctenen (TCOs) en tetrazines (Tz) om geheel nieuwe geneesmiddelen te ontwikkelen waarmee heel gericht cruciale biologische doelmoleculen kunnen worden geraakt, zodat ziektes op een veel selectievere manier kunnen worden behandeld. Recentelijk heeft de Radboud Universiteit een nieuw TCO-derivaat ontwikkeld en geoctrooieerd dat beschikt over twee orthogonale handvatten, goede stabiliteit, een snelle klik-kinetiek en een biocompatibele “click-to-release” functionaliteit. Bovendien kan deze TCO in een efficiënte synthese met hoge zuiverheid geproduceerd worden in tegenstelling tot vergelijkbare gepubliceerde stoffen. Binnen dit KIEM project zullen ‘ready-to-use’ TCO-producten ontwikkeld worden, gebaseerd op dit nieuwe TCO-derivaat. Dit is belangrijk om de drempel te verlagen voor onderzoekers om deze nieuwe technologie te benutten in hun toepassingen en versnelt daarmee de ontwikkeling van “slimme” geneesmiddelen of materialen. De werkzaamheden in dit project zullen bestaan uit literatuuronderzoek, synthetisch ontwerp van TCO-derivaten, chemische synthese, onderzoek naar de eigenschappen van de stoffen en contact leggen met potentiele gebruikers. De beoogde projectresultaten zijn chemische methoden om geactiveerde TCOs te synthetiseren, 5–10 geactiveerde eindproducten, inzicht in de chemie van TCOs, inzicht in de kinetiek en stabiliteit van de nieuwe TCOs en nieuwe samenwerkingen. In dit project wordt samengewerkt tussen de Radboud Universiteit en het biotechnologiebedrijf Synvenio. Binnen de synthetisch organische chemie afdeling van de Radboud Universiteit is de eerdergenoemde nieuwe TCO ontwikkeld. Synvenio is een jong biotechnologiebedrijf dat bioactieve stoffen beschikbaar maakt voor biochemisch- en biomedische onderzoekers. Het team bestaat uit chemici met veel affiniteit met biochemie, waaronder een van de uitvinders van de nieuwe TCO.