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The objective of this study was to compose an objective and detailed notational analysis system for 3 vs. 2GK smallsided soccer games, in which three roles are examined: attacker with ball, attacker without ball and defender. The actions and the outcome of the actions were registered for each player and in each role. Players earn points for each action and outcome according to an a priori determined scheme. Performance scores for each role are calculated as the average number of points a participant earns per trial. This notation system was tested on 19 highly talented female soccer players and validity and reliability of the system were determined. In addition, practical applications were discussed and the most important items of the notation system were determined and using only these items, a simplified notation system was proposed. The notation system has high ecological validity and can discriminate the high and low categorized players, but further development is necessary to increase the reliability of the system.
The visual representation of Information System (IS) artefacts is an important aspect in the practical application of visual representations. However, important and known visual representation principles are often undervalued, which could lead to decreased effectiveness in using a visual representation. Decision Management (DM) is one field of study in which stakeholders must be able to utilize visual notations to model business decisions and underlying business logic, which are executed by machines, thus are IS artefacts. Although many DM notations currently exist, little research actually evaluates visual representation principles to identify the visual notations most suitable for stakeholders. In this paper, the Physics of Notations framework of Moody is operationalized and utilized to evaluate five different DM visual notations. The results show several points of improvement with regards to these visual notations. Furthermore, the results could show the authors of DM visual notations that well-known visual representation principles need to be adequately taken into account when defining or modifying DM visual notations.
In 2015, the Object Management Group published the Decision Model and Notation with the goal to structure and connect business processes, decisions and underlying business logic. Practice shows that several vendors adopted the DMN standard and (started to) integrate the standard with their tooling. However, practice also shows that there are vendors who (consciously) deviate from the DMN standard while still trying to achieve the goal DMN is set out to reach. This research aims to 1) analyze and benchmark available tooling and their accompanied languages according to the DMN-standard and 2) understand the different approaches to modeling decisions and underlying business logic of these vendor specific languages. We achieved the above by analyzing secondary data. In total, 22 decision modelling tools together with their languages were analyzed. The results of this study reveal six propositions with regards to the adoption of DMN with regards to the sample of tools. These results could be utilized to improve the tools as well as the DMN standard itself to improve adoption. Possible future research directions comprise the improvement of the generalizability of the results by including more tools available and utilizing different methods for the data collection and analysis as well as deeper analysis into the generation of DMN directly from tool-native languages.