Service of SURF
© 2025 SURF
NeuroDevelopmental Treatment (NDT) is the most used rehabilitation approach in the treatment of patients with stroke in the Western world today, despite the lack of evidence for its efficacy. The aim of this study was to conduct an intervention check and measure the nurses' competence, in positioning stroke patients according to the NDT approach. The sample consisted of 144 nurses in six neurological wards who were observed while positioning stroke patients according to the NDT approach. The nurses' combined mean competence scores within the wards was 195 (70%) of 280 (100%) possible, and for each ward the mean score varied between 181 (65%) and 206 (74%). This study indicates that nurses working in hospitals where the NDT approach has been implemented have the knowledge and skills to provide NDT nursing.
Ongeveer een derde van onze nationale energieconsumptie wordt gebruikt in gebouwen voor verwarming, koeling, verlichting en elektrische apparatuur. Milieuoverwegingen, voorzieningszekerheid en kosten maken dat wij slim met de energievoorziening in de gebouwde omgeving om moeten gaan. Maar alle slimheid, innovatie en creativiteit ten spijt is het gasverbruik van woningen gebouwd in 2010 niet lager dan van woningen gebouwd in 1995, zijn de woningen niet gezonder geworden, gebruikt de gebouwde omgeving ook nog ieder jaar meer elektriciteit en zijn er nauwelijks duurzame installaties die naar behoren werken. Wat leren wij daarvan? Hoe zorgen wij ervoor dat duurzaamheid meer dan een losse kreet wordt en onze hele energieketen echt duurzaam wordt? Naast innovatie en creativiteit zijn kennis en vakmanschap belangrijk. Systemen modelleren en simuleren, en het gebruiken van virtual environments om grip te krijgen op het ontwerp, regeling en onderhoud van complexe binnenklimaatinstallaties en energie-installaties zullen hierbij in de toekomst een steeds belangrijkere rol gaan spelen.
Hematological malignancies and treatment with hematopoietic SCT are known to affect patients’ quality of life. The problem profile and care needs of this patient group need clarification, however. This study aimed to assess distress, problems and care needs after allo- or auto-SCT, and to identify risk factors for distress, problems or care needs. In this cross-sectional study, patients treated with allo-SCT or auto-SCT for hematological malignancies completed the Distress Thermometer and Problem List. Three patient groups were created: 0–1, 1–2.5 and 2.5–5.5 years after transplantation. After allo-SCT, distress and the number of problems tended to be lower with longer follow-up. After auto-SCT, distress was highest at 1–2.5 year(s). Patients mainly reported physical problems, followed by cognitive-emotional and practical problems. A minority reported care needs. Risk factors for distress as well as problems after allo-SCT included younger age, shorter time after transplantation and GVHD. A risk factor for distress as well as problems after auto-SCT was the presence of comorbid diseases. Up to 5 years after auto-SCT or allo-SCT, patients continue to experience distress and problems. Judged by prevalence, physical problems are first priority in supportive care, followed by cognitive-emotional and practical problems.