To enhance the validity of a mobility emission-effects model, a research is conducted on consumer behaviour. Consumer mobilitypreferences are the main determining factor in the proposed model that describes the kilometre and emission outcome under several scenarios. Motorized mobility of consumers buying fashion in shopping areas cause more kilometres in the network and subsequently more emission than when the fashion is bought online and the delivery is done by the parcel delivery services.The model provides an indication of best practice: if consumers change their shopping preferences they reduce emission and they also enable the PDSs to optimize their delivery operations
To enhance the validity of a mobility emission-effects model, a research is conducted on consumer behaviour. Consumer mobilitypreferences are the main determining factor in the proposed model that describes the kilometre and emission outcome under several scenarios. Motorized mobility of consumers buying fashion in shopping areas cause more kilometres in the network and subsequently more emission than when the fashion is bought online and the delivery is done by the parcel delivery services.The model provides an indication of best practice: if consumers change their shopping preferences they reduce emission and they also enable the PDSs to optimize their delivery operations