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Brochure about the Meaningful Music in Health care (MiMiC) practice.
A musical improvisation inspired by a beautifulsummer day or by a song by Elvis; for patientsadmitted in hospital for an operation, music canhave healing powers. With the research projectMeaningful Music in Health Care (MiMiC), thattook place from autumn 2015 until 2018, the researchgroup Lifelong Learning in Music (LLM), togetherwith the department of surgery of the UniversityMedical Center Groningen (UMCG), researched thepractice of live music for hospital patients and theirhealth care professionals. For the research groupLifelong Learning in Music the focus of the researchwas on the meaning of this musical practice formusicians and health care professionals, and onthe development of this practice.The research of UMCG concentrated on the effectsof live music on the recovery and wellbeing of patients
In greenhouse horticulture harvesting is a major bottleneck. Using robots for automatic reaping can reduce human workload and increase efficiency. Currently, ‘rigid body’ robotic grippers are used for automated reaping of tomatoes, sweet peppers, etc. However, this kind of robotic grasping and manipulation technique cannot be used for harvesting soft fruit and vegetables as it will cause damage to the crop. Thus, a ‘soft gripper’ needs to be developed. Nature is a source of inspiration for temporary adhesion systems, as many species, e.g., frogs and snails, are able to grip a stem or leave, even upside down, with firm adhesion without leaving any damage. Furthermore, larger animals have paws that are made of highly deformable and soft material with adjustable grip size and place holders. Since many animals solved similar problems of adhesion, friction, contact surface and pinch force, we will use biomimetics for the design and realization of the soft gripper. With this interdisciplinary field of research we aim to model and develop functionality by mimicking biological forms and processes and translating them to the synthesis of materials, synthetic systems or machines. Preliminary interviews with tech companies showed that also in other fields such as manufacturing and medical instruments, adjustable soft and smart grippers will be a huge opportunity in automation, allowing the handling of fragile objects.
“Empowering learners to create a sustainable future” This is the mission of Centre of Expertise Mission-Zero at The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS). The postdoc candidate will expand the existing knowledge on biomimicry, which she teaches and researches, as a strategy to fulfil the mission of Mission-Zero. We know when tackling a design challenge, teams have difficulties sifting through the mass of information they encounter. The candidate aims to recognize the value of systematic biomimicry, leading the way towards the ecosystems services we need tomorrow (Pedersen Zari, 2017). Globally, biomimicry demonstrates strategies contributing to solving global challenges such as Urban Heat Islands (UHI) and human interferences, rethinking how climate and circular challenges are approached. Examples like Eastgate building (Pearce, 2016) have demonstrated successes in the field. While biomimicry offers guidelines and methodology, there is insufficient research on complex problem solving that systems-thinking requires. Our research question: Which factors are needed to help (novice) professionals initiate systems-thinking methods as part of their strategy? A solution should enable them to approach challenges in a systems-thinking manner just like nature does, to regenerate and resume projects. Our focus lies with challenges in two industries with many unsustainable practices and where a sizeable impact is possible: the built environment (Circularity Gap, 2021) and fashion (Joung, 2014). Mission Zero has identified a high demand for Biomimicry in these industries. This critical approach: 1) studies existing biomimetic tools, testing and defining gaps; 2) identifies needs of educators and professionals during and after an inter-disciplinary minor at The Hague University; and, 3) translates findings into shareable best practices through publications of results. Findings will be implemented into tangible engaging tools for educational and professional settings. Knowledge will be inclusive and disseminated to large audiences by focusing on communication through social media and intervention conferences.
Het vakgebied Biomimicry gebruikt principes uit de natuur als inspiratiebron voor het ontwerpen van productinnovaties. In de marketingpraktijk worden principes uit de natuur nog niet gebruikt. Het lectoraat New Marketing van het Expertisecentrum Sustainable Business van Avans is in 2021 gestart met een oriënterend onderzoek naar de toepassingsmogelijkheden van biomimicry binnen marketing. Uit dit onderzoek komt naar voren dat principes uit de natuur bedrijven en merken kunnen helpen om hun marketingaanpak te verduurzamen. Met name op het onderwerp ‘groei’ biedt biomimicry kansrijke aanknopingspunten en inzichten. Groei is een belangrijk thema voor bedrijven en marketeers waar ze tegelijkertijd mee worstelen: hoe kunnen zij op een groene manier groeien? Het reclamebureau Heldergroen volgt het lopende onderzoek van Avans met grote belangstelling. Ze wil principes uit de natuur graag gaan gebruiken om (potentiële) klanten te helpen om hun marketingaanpak te verduurzamen. Daarom gaat het lectoraat New Marketing in samenwerking met Heldergroen en haar klanten onderzoek doen om “een bruikbare methodiek te ontwikkelen om inzichten uit de natuurlijke wereld te benutten voor het versnellen van de transitie naar een groene economie via het vakgebied marketing.” Het lectoraat New Marketing gaat in het kader van dit verdiepend onderzoek op basis van deskresearch, interviews en actieonderzoek aan de slag om hiervoor een methodologie te ontwerpen.