OBJECTIVE: This work aims to gain insight into the long-term impact of depression course on social network size and perceived loneliness in older people living in the community. METHODS: Within a large representative sample of older people in the community (Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA)), participants with clinically relevant levels of depressive symptoms (scores >16 on the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale) were followed up over a period of 13 years of the LASA study (five waves). General estimating equations were used to estimate the impact of depression course on network size and loneliness and the interaction with gender and age. RESULTS: An unfavorable course of depression was found to be associated with smaller network sizes and higher levels of loneliness over time, especially in men and older participants. CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study stress the importance of clinical attention to the negative consequences of chronicity in depressed older people. Clinicians should assess possible erosion of the social network over time and be aware of increased feelings of loneliness in this patient group.
OBJECTIVE: This work aims to gain insight into the long-term impact of depression course on social network size and perceived loneliness in older people living in the community. METHODS: Within a large representative sample of older people in the community (Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA)), participants with clinically relevant levels of depressive symptoms (scores >16 on the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale) were followed up over a period of 13 years of the LASA study (five waves). General estimating equations were used to estimate the impact of depression course on network size and loneliness and the interaction with gender and age. RESULTS: An unfavorable course of depression was found to be associated with smaller network sizes and higher levels of loneliness over time, especially in men and older participants. CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study stress the importance of clinical attention to the negative consequences of chronicity in depressed older people. Clinicians should assess possible erosion of the social network over time and be aware of increased feelings of loneliness in this patient group.
BACKGROUNDS:Alcohol use among adolescents has become a major public health problem in the past decade and has large short- and long-term consequences on their health. The aim of this systematic review was to provide an overview of longitudinal cohort studies that have analyzed the association between the parent-child relationship (PCR) and change in alcohol use during adolescence.METHODS: A search of the literature from 1985 to July 2011 was conducted in Medline, PsycINFO, and EMBASE in order to identify longitudinal, general population studies regarding the influence of the PCR on alcohol use during adolescence. The studies were screened, and the quality of the relevant studies was assessed. A best-evidence synthesis was used to summarize the results.RESULTS: Twenty-eight relevant studies were identified. Five studies found that a negative PCR was associated with higher levels of alcohol use. Another seven papers only found this association for certain subgroups such as boys or girls, or a specific age group. The remaining sixteen studies did not find any association.CONCLUSIONS: We found weak evidence for a prospective association between the PCR and adolescent alcohol use. Further research to the association of the PCR with several types of alcohol use (e.g., initiation or abuse) and to the potential reversed causality of the PCR and alcohol use is required.
In societies where physical activity levels are declining, stimulating sports participation in youth is vital. While sports offer numerous benefits, injuries in youth are at an all-time high with potential long-term consequences. Particularly, women football's popularity surge has led to a rise in knee injuries, notably anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries, with severe long-term effects. Urgent societal attention is warranted, supported by media coverage and calls for action by professional players. This project aims to evaluate the potential of novel artificial intelligence-based technology to enhance player monitoring for injury risk, and to integrate these monitoring pathways into regular training practice. Its success may pave the way for broader applications across different sports and injuries. Implementation of results from lab-based research into practice is hindered by the lack of skills and technology needed to perform the required measurements. There is a critical need for non-invasive systems used during regular training practice and allowing longitudinal monitoring. Markerless motion capture technology has recently been developed and has created new potential for field-based data collection in sport settings. This technology eliminates the need for marker/sensor placement on the participant and can be employed on-site, capturing movement patterns during training. Since a common AI algorithm for data processing is used, minimal technical knowledge by the operator is required. The experienced PLAYSAFE consortium will exploit this technology to monitor 300 young female football players over the course of 1 season. The successful implementation of non-invasive monitoring of football players’ movement patterns during regular practice is the primary objective of this project. In addition, the study will generate key insights into risk factors associated with ACL injury. Through this approach, PLAYSAFE aims to reduce the burden of ACL injuries in female football players.
Studenten in het beroepsonderwijs leren op de werkplek om een goede beroepsuitoefenaar te worden. Beoordeling van het werkplekleren gebeurt vaak op de werkplek en door de werkplek. Dit promotieonderzoek wil in kaart brengen hoe werkplekopleiders de student beoordelen.Doel Het doel van dit promotieonderzoek is om het beoordelingsproces van werkplekopleiders in kaart te brengen en te analyseren. Door inzichten over dit proces te ontwikkelen en de huidige praktijk te analyseren willen we sterke en zwakke kanten van dit proces identificeren om zo bij te kunnen dragen aan de ondersteuning van werkplekopleiders. Implementatie Op basis van de resultaten van dit promotieonderzoek kunnen interventies ontwikkeld worden waarmee beoordelaars ondersteund kunnen worden in het beoordelen van het functioneren van studenten in de beroepspraktijk. Resultaten Ronde tafel-presentatie (2017). Beroepsbekwaamheid beoordelen: zicht krijgen op beslissingsprocessen van beoordelaars op de werkplek. Onderwijs Research Dagen 2017 Paperpresentatie (2017). Supervisor assessment of performance at the workplace in vocational education deconstructed. European Conference of Assessment in Medical Education 2017 Paperpresentatie (2018). Understanding how educators at the workplace reach judgements when assessing students’ professional performance. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction – Special Interest Group 1 2018 Proefschrift (2023) met titel Understanding how workplace educators assess student performance (verdediging 30 juni 2023). Looptijd 01 september 2016 - 01 september 2020 Aanpak Dit promotieonderzoek betreft een samenwerking tussen de OU en het lectoraat Beroepsonderwijs. De promotor vanuit de OU is prof. dr. Elly de Bruijn (ook lector Beroepsonderwijs), en de co-promotor vanuit het lectoraat Beroepsonderwijs is dr. Liesbeth Baartman. Tijdens dit promotieonderzoek nemen we interviews af en doen we een literatuurreview om in beeld te brengen wat er al bekend is in theorie en praktijk. Daarna doen we een longitudinale case study om het beoordelingsproces van werkplekopleiders gedurende de stage in kaart te brengen.
Studenten in het beroepsonderwijs leren op de werkplek om een goede beroepsuitoefenaar te worden. Beoordeling van het werkplekleren gebeurt vaak op de werkplek en door de werkplek. Dit promotieonderzoek wil in kaart brengen hoe werkplekopleiders de student beoordelen.Doel Het doel van dit promotieonderzoek is om het beoordelingsproces van werkplekopleiders in kaart te brengen en te analyseren. Door inzichten over dit proces te ontwikkelen en de huidige praktijk te analyseren willen we sterke en zwakke kanten van dit proces identificeren om zo bij te kunnen dragen aan de ondersteuning van werkplekopleiders. Implementatie Op basis van de resultaten van dit promotieonderzoek kunnen interventies ontwikkeld worden waarmee beoordelaars ondersteund kunnen worden in het beoordelen van het functioneren van studenten in de beroepspraktijk. Resultaten Ronde tafel-presentatie (2017). Beroepsbekwaamheid beoordelen: zicht krijgen op beslissingsprocessen van beoordelaars op de werkplek. Onderwijs Research Dagen 2017 Paperpresentatie (2017). Supervisor assessment of performance at the workplace in vocational education deconstructed. European Conference of Assessment in Medical Education 2017 Paperpresentatie (2018). Understanding how educators at the workplace reach judgements when assessing students’ professional performance. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction – Special Interest Group 1 2018 Proefschrift (2023) met titel Understanding how workplace educators assess student performance (verdediging 30 juni 2023). Looptijd 01 september 2016 - 01 september 2020 Aanpak Dit promotieonderzoek betreft een samenwerking tussen de OU en het lectoraat Beroepsonderwijs. De promotor vanuit de OU is prof. dr. Elly de Bruijn (ook lector Beroepsonderwijs), en de co-promotor vanuit het lectoraat Beroepsonderwijs is dr. Liesbeth Baartman. Tijdens dit promotieonderzoek nemen we interviews af en doen we een literatuurreview om in beeld te brengen wat er al bekend is in theorie en praktijk. Daarna doen we een longitudinale case study om het beoordelingsproces van werkplekopleiders gedurende de stage in kaart te brengen.