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This video presents BiebBeep, an interactive touchscreen system that has been developed with the aim to support information and social services for the New Library in Almere, The Netherlands. The constantly updated information displayed on the interactive screen concerns not only the library itself, but also features happenings in the local area. The system's distinctive feature is that people can add information to the screen themselves, such as tweets, photos, local and cultural news announcements, so that the library and its visitors can inform and connect with each other. Over the course of almost one year, several studies were conducted, including focus group, interview- and observation-based studies that have motivated the functionality, and particularly the user-generated and localized content the system supports. Consequently, the services and functionality the system offers are aimed towards supporting Library 2.0, the next generation library.
This paper presents the design and long-term study of BiebBeep, a large interactive touchscreen that has been developed with the aim to augment the information and social function of a library. BiebBeep displays user-generated and context-relevant content, such as information about local events and book trailers. The system’s distinctive feature is that people can add information to the screen themselves, such as tweets and Flickr photos, so that the library and its visitors can inform and connect with each other. For more than a year, the BiebBeep system has been iterated and studied in the library. The research approach presented is an exemplar of the study of a public screen in situ for long-term to best meet the demands for its actual use in present and future.
In the last decade, organizations have re-engineered their business processes and started using standard software solutions. Integration of structured data in relational databases has improved documentation of business transactions and increased data quality. But almost 90% of the information cannot be integrated in relational data bases. This amount of ‘unstructured’ information is exploding within the Enterprise 2.0. The use of social media tools to enhance collaboration, creates corporate blogs, wikis, forums, and other types of unstructured information. Structured and unstructured information are records, meant and used as evidence for policies, decisions, products, actions and transactions. Most stakeholders are making increasing demands for the trustworthiness of records for accountability reasons. In this age of evolving social media use, organizational chains, inter-organizational data warehouses and cloud computing, it is crucial for the Enterprise 2.0. that its policies, decisions, products, actions and transactions can be reliably reconstructed in context. Digital Archiving is a necessity for the Enterprise 2.0.: the reconstruction of the past depends on records and their meta data. Blogs, wikis, forums, etc., used for collaboration within the business processes of the organization, need to be documented for reconstruction in the future. Digital Archiving is a combination of three mechanisms: enterprise records management, organizational memory and records auditing. These mechanisms ensure that a digitized organization as the Enterprise 2.0. has a documented understanding of its past. In that way, it improves organizational accountability.