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Gebundelde verzameling van vijftien verhalen over diverse onderwerpen van studenten Toegepaste Biologie van HAS hogeschool in het kader van de specialisatie Toegepaste Ecologie.
John Lewis Gaddis doceert militaire- en politieke strategie aan de Yale University en wordt gezien als de meest vooraanstaande historicus over de Koude Oorlog. In zijn recente studie over Herodotus, Sun Tzu, Von Clausewitz en andere grote strategen probeert de Amerikaan uiteen te zetten waarom bepaalde leiders succesvol waren en andere niet. Wat vergt een geslaagde Grand Strategy? LinkedIn:
At the end of the 1940s and the early 1950s, the question whether or not to rearm West Germany was a fiercely and hotly debated topic in Europe. The Americans suggested doing this by integrating the Federal Republic in NATO. However, many Europeans feared the resurgence of German militarism. Nowhere was this more true than in France. Therefore, the French Foreign Minister René Pleven launched the so-called Pleven Plan, designed to allow West German units to be established, but only in small units. That way, Europe could profit from West Germany’s manpower, without the country becoming a military threat. Discussions on the European Defence Community were tough, but in the end was signed by the six Founding Fathers. The Dutch did so reluctantly, especially because the Americans were left out, favouring security arrangements in NATO and rearming and incorporating West Germany in the Western alliance. To the Netherlands, it was essential to incorporate the British and especially the Americans in the Western defense; the Dutch always favoured an Atlantic alliance, opposing too much supranationality in the European integration project. The Federal Republic of Germany on the other hand, saw it as an opportunity to regain sovereignty. In the end, the French National Assembly did not ratify the EDC-Treaty, opening the way to rearming West Germany and making it a full member of NATO. LinkedIn: