This Framework is intended to act as a guide for those individuals and organisations seeking to develop forms of lifelong learning and professional development that are rooted in a culture of reflective andreflexive practice.
This Framework is intended to act as a guide for those individuals and organisations seeking to develop forms of lifelong learning and professional development that are rooted in a culture of reflective andreflexive practice.
This book is the account of teaching practice linked to research projects, a practice that is able to create new, unexpected values in the complex patchwork of the city through experimental and strategic interventions with greenery. That the interventions involve greenery is obviously linked to the fact that the Van Hall Larenstein university of applied sciences specializes in nature and agriculture, but there is also a practical reason. Green spaces act as a cohesive force, as is shown again and again in the Netherlands and in the Lively Cities programme. Particularly in the urban context, green spaces have a distinctive and perhaps even emotional value that encourages people to pause there and makes them think about their appreciation of a place. Greenery triggers people to take part in social experiments. But that is just the beginning.