In biomechanical joint-motion analyses, the continuous motion to be studied is often approximated by a sequence of finite displacements, and the Finite Helical Axis(FHA) or "screw axis" for each displacement is estimated from position measurements on a number of anatomical or artificial landmarks. When FHA parameters are directly determined from raw (noisy) displacement data, both the position and the direction of the FHA are ill-determined, in particular when the sequential displacement steps are small. This implies, that under certain conditions, the continuous pathways of joint motions cannot be adequately described. The purpose of the present experimental study is to investigate the applicability of smoothing (or filtering)techniques, in those cases where FHA parameters are ill-determined. Two different quintic-spline smoothing methods were used to analyze the motion data obtained with Roentgenstereophotogrammetry in two experiments. One concerning carpal motions in a wrist-joint specimen, and one relative to a kinematic laboratory model, in which the axis positions are a priori known. The smoothed and nonsmoothed FHA parameter errors were compared. The influences of the number of samples and the size of the sampling interval (displacement step) were investigated, as were the effects of equidistant and nonequidistant sampling conditions and noise invariance
In biomechanical joint-motion analyses, the continuous motion to be studied is often approximated by a sequence of finite displacements, and the Finite Helical Axis(FHA) or "screw axis" for each displacement is estimated from position measurements on a number of anatomical or artificial landmarks. When FHA parameters are directly determined from raw (noisy) displacement data, both the position and the direction of the FHA are ill-determined, in particular when the sequential displacement steps are small. This implies, that under certain conditions, the continuous pathways of joint motions cannot be adequately described. The purpose of the present experimental study is to investigate the applicability of smoothing (or filtering)techniques, in those cases where FHA parameters are ill-determined. Two different quintic-spline smoothing methods were used to analyze the motion data obtained with Roentgenstereophotogrammetry in two experiments. One concerning carpal motions in a wrist-joint specimen, and one relative to a kinematic laboratory model, in which the axis positions are a priori known. The smoothed and nonsmoothed FHA parameter errors were compared. The influences of the number of samples and the size of the sampling interval (displacement step) were investigated, as were the effects of equidistant and nonequidistant sampling conditions and noise invariance
Background Understanding the kinematic characteristics of relapse clubfoot compared to successfully treated clubfoot could aid early identification of a relapse and improve treatment planning. The usage of a multi segment foot model is essential in order to grasp the full complexity of the multi-planar and multi-joint deformity of the clubfoot. Research question The purpose of this study was to identify differences in foot kinematics, using a multi-segment foot model, during gait between patients with Ponseti treated clubfoot with and without a relapse and age-matched healthy controls. Methods A cross-sectional study was carried out including 11 patients with relapse clubfoot, 11 patients with clubfoot and 15 controls. Gait analysis was performed using an extended Helen Hayes model combined with the Oxford Foot Model. Statistical analysis included statistical parametric mapping and discrete analysis of kinematic gait parameters of the pelvis, hip, knee, ankle, hindfoot and forefoot in the sagittal, frontal and transversal plane. Results The relapse group showed significantly increased forefoot adduction in relation with the hindfoot and the tibia. Furthermore, this group showed increased forefoot supination in relation with the tibia during stance, whereas during swing increased forefoot supination in relation with the hindfoot was found in patients with relapse clubfoot compared with non-relapse clubfoot. Significance Forefoot adduction and forefoot supination could be kinematic indicators of relapse clubfoot, which might be useful in early identification of a relapse clubfoot. Subsequently, this could aid the optimization of clinical decision making and treatment planning for children with clubfoot.