Introduction: Writing Readiness Inventory Tool In Context (WRITIC) is an activity-based assessment tool to evaluate which kindergarten children are at risk of developing handwriting difficulties. WRITIC-assessment is valid, reliable, feasible, predictive, and norm-referenced. Broad international interest in translating WRITIC-assessment exists.Objectives: Making WRITIC available to professionals internationally to enable participation in handwriting at school. Methods: Composing translation teams with universities in different countries, back- and forth translation, cross-cultural assessment adaptation, carrying out feasibility and validation studies, starting courses for training the professionals.Results: Translation teams have been started in different countries resulting in an English, Portuguese and Slovenian translation, validation studies in Flanders, UK, Portugal and Slovenia and translation projects in Greece, Bulgaria, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. A Figshare environment was developed to safely store, exchange the data and to support international research. An international digital platform has been constructed to sell e-manuals, share e-learning and support people worldwide.Conclusion: The translation and cross-cultural adaptation in different languages and the international digital platform made WRITIC-assessment accessible to children’s therapists around the world with the same results: enabling school participation of all children in contributing to inclusive education.
Introduction: Writing Readiness Inventory Tool In Context (WRITIC) is an activity-based assessment tool to evaluate which kindergarten children are at risk of developing handwriting difficulties. WRITIC-assessment is valid, reliable, feasible, predictive, and norm-referenced. Broad international interest in translating WRITIC-assessment exists.Objectives: Making WRITIC available to professionals internationally to enable participation in handwriting at school. Methods: Composing translation teams with universities in different countries, back- and forth translation, cross-cultural assessment adaptation, carrying out feasibility and validation studies, starting courses for training the professionals.Results: Translation teams have been started in different countries resulting in an English, Portuguese and Slovenian translation, validation studies in Flanders, UK, Portugal and Slovenia and translation projects in Greece, Bulgaria, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. A Figshare environment was developed to safely store, exchange the data and to support international research. An international digital platform has been constructed to sell e-manuals, share e-learning and support people worldwide.Conclusion: The translation and cross-cultural adaptation in different languages and the international digital platform made WRITIC-assessment accessible to children’s therapists around the world with the same results: enabling school participation of all children in contributing to inclusive education.
This study utilized the Dutch translation of the Adjustment Scales for Early Transition in Schooling (ASETS), assessed in 323 kindergarten children across 30 regular schools in the Netherlands. Culturally-tailored, context-informed assessments are essential to address childhood adaptation challenges in early schooling. The analysis included EFA and CFA, revealing three behavioral problem categories: Aggressive/Oppositional (α = .86), Withdrawal/Low energy (α = .87), and Hyperactive/Attention seeking (α = .92). In addition, three situational contexts were identified: Contexts Requiring Discipline (α = .84), Contexts of Teaching and Learning (α = .85), and problems in Contexts Requiring Engagement (aka Disengagement) (α = .80). The 3-factor situational model demonstrated a good fit, RMSEA = .056, CFI = .97, and Pearson correlations highlighting distinct associations between behavioral dimensions and situational requirements.
The project’s aim is to foster resilient learning environments, lessen early school leaving, and give European children (ages 4 -6) a good start in their education while providing and advancing technical skills in working with technology that will serve them well in life. For this purpose, the partnership has developed age appropriate ICT animation tools and games - as well as pedagogical framework specific to the transition phase from kindergarten to school.