In het kader van het Interreg North Sea Region project "RIGHT skills for the RIGHT future" is een rapport geschreven waarin het concept waardeketens (value chains) en de ontwikkeling daarvan in de energiesector verkend is.
In het kader van het Interreg North Sea Region project "RIGHT skills for the RIGHT future" is een rapport geschreven waarin het concept waardeketens (value chains) en de ontwikkeling daarvan in de energiesector verkend is.
In areas where aging and shrinking, there are problems in the labor market and (care) facilities. Which constitute a threat to regional economy and quality of life in these areas. Not problems only Netherlands has regions which suffer, similar problems occur in other regions of the North Sea.iAge is an international project in which governments, organizations and knowledge institutions work around the North Sea.
JEWELS TOUR is a 4-year project funded by Interreg Europe and dealing with the valorisation of Jewish Cultural Heritage (JCH) in some European cities (Ferrara in Italy, Coimbra in Portugal, Erfurt in Germany, Lublin in Poland, Riga in Latvia, Ośrodek in Poland). Jewish cultural heritage is an integral part of the shared cultural heritage in Europe, and initiatives such as this project bring local stakeholders from different parts of Europe together to investigate the common responsibility of protecting tangible and intangible Jewish heritage. Across Europe, municipalities and local organizations recognize a need to make Jewish heritage accessible, and to do so in a sustainable way, that is in a way that benefit locals as well as visitors, with attention to economic as well as cultural and social benefits. The project aims is to devise policy instruments to promote Jewish cultural heritage, hereby including also digital ones, when possible. Technology is seen as an instrument to collect and share stories with equity, hereby also exploiting the emerging Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage that is promoted at European level.Societal IssueCultural heritage has been increasingly recognised as a strategic asset for an inclusive and sustainable development across Europe, due to its capacity to promote diversity and intercultural dialogue, while contributing to a stronger sense of belonging and mutual respect. The JEWELS TOUR project addresses the challenge of Jewish Cultural Heritage (JCH) discontinuity, reflecting both in a low level of investments and connection between heritage resources and local/regional productive sectors, as well as in the attractiveness regarding the promotion of JC assets as drivers for sustainable tourism and regional development.Benefit to societyIn recent years, Cultural Heritage has been increasingly recognised as a strategic resource for a sustainable and peaceful Europe, due to its capacity to promote diversity and intercultural dialogue, while contributing to a stronger sense of belonging and mutual respect . At EU level, cultural investments are considered as key drivers of territorial development and social cohesion, and as essential elements leading to the promotion of social innovation. JEWELS TOUR contributes to sustainable tourism and social innovation by revaluing Europe’s JCH, reinforcing the sense of belonging and cultural diversity in Europe.Collaborating partnersFerrara Municipality Italy, Breda University of Applied Sciences Advisory Partner Netherlands, Ośrodek "Brama Grodzka - Teatr NN" Partner Poland, Coimbra Municipality Partner Portugal, City of Erfurt Partner Germany, Riga Investment and Tourism Agency Partner Latvia, Lublin Municipality Partner Poland.
Het aantal winkelbezoekers loopt in Europa al jaren terug, vooral in economisch zwakkere regio’s. Dit geldt in het bijzonder voor ouderen, waarvan de verwachting is dat ze in de toekomst fysieke winkels nog meer de rug zullen toekeren. Om de winkelervaring te verbeteren, investeren winkeliers steeds meer in opkomende digitale technologieën zoals apps, interactieve en digitale schermen, sociale robots en zelfscankassa’s. Deze instore technologieën slaan vooral bij jongere klanten aan, oudere klanten blijken door hun beperkingen (o.a. zien, horen, mobiliteit, informatieverwerking en digitale vaardigheden) nog steeds veel barrières te ervaren bij het bezoek aan winkels en het gebruik van instore technologieën. Dit is niet alleen nadelig voor winkeliers omdat ouderen een substantieel, stijgend, en koopkrachtig deel van de bevolking vertegenwoordigen dat relatief trouw is aan regionale winkelgebieden, maar het zet ook de inclusie van ouderen in Europa onder druk omdat winkelbezoek bijdraagt aan hun sociale welbevinden. Met dit onderzoeksproject onderzoekt het nieuwe consortium van twee hogescholen en drie buitenlandse universiteiten hoe instore technologieën ouderen in Europa kunnen helpen bij het wegnemen van barrières om tot een goede winkelervaring te komen. Het project brengt de onderzoeksprogramma’s van het lectorenplatform Retail Innovation Platform (Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Hogeschool Saxion), de Retail en Marketingtechnologie groep (University of Bristol), de human-computer interaction groep (University of Calabria), en de engaging co-design research group (Aalto University) samen. Het project sluit aan bij nationale en Europese initiatieven zoals de Kennis- en Innovatieagenda Sleuteltechnologieën 2024-2027, The DIGITAL Europe Programme en de Strategy for the rights of persons with disabilities 2021-2030. Door de relaties tussen ouderen, opkomende digitale technologie, en winkelgedrag over verschillende Europese regio’s te onderzoeken, sluit het project tevens aan bij Interreg Europa en het Europees Fonds voor Regionale Ontwikkeling.
Project aimsNorthSEE aims to achieve greater coherence in Maritime Spatial Planning (processes; MSP) and in Maritime Spatial Plans (outcomes/solutions), capturing synergies and preventing incompatibilities in the North Sea Region (NSR). The project seeks to create better conditions for sustainable development of the area in the fields of shipping, energy and environmental protection. NorthSEE is possible thanks to the financial support from the Interreg North Sea Region programme of the European Union (European Regional Development Fund).Project tasks and resultsTo suggest a multi-level coordination framework capable of supporting ongoing coordination in MSP across the NSR in the long term. To develop an information and planning platform for MSP, enabling planners and stakeholders to share evidence for MSP and test different planning options in the form of scenarios based on real data. The MSP Challenge computer-supported simulation game will became this platform. To increase the capacity of stakeholders in key transnational sectors to actively contribute to MSP To align approaches for taking into account wider environmental issues in MSP To facilitate greater transnational coherence in MSP with respect to offshore energy infrastructure To achieve greater transnational coherence in using MSP to support environmental protection objectives. To facilitate greater transnational coherence in MSP with respect to shipping routes.Our roleThe Academy for Digital Entertainment (ADE) of Breda University of Applied Sciences is a full partner in this project. ADE is responsible for designing and developing the MSP Challenge simulation game concerning the NSR, as well as facilitating its application, all with the aim of developing insights befitting the project aims and thus Maritime Spatial Planning in the North Sea Region (see task 2). We therefore work closely with all NorthSEE partners to define the right requirements and ensure that the simulation game fulfills them. Multiple MSP Challenge sessions are planned to help develop insightful future scenarios and useful planning solutions for the NSR. More information about MSP Challenge is available on NorthSEE ( and on its own website (