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Over the past decade, journalists have created in-depth interactive narratives to provide an alternative to the relentless 24-hour news cycle. Combining different media forms, such as text, audio, video, and data visualisation with the interactive possibilities of digital media, these narratives involve users in the narrative in new ways. In journalism studies, the convergence of different media forms in this manner has gained significant attention. However, interactivity as part of this form has been left underappreciated. In this study, we scrutinise how navigational structure, expressed as navigational cues, shapes user agency in their individual explorations of the narrative. By approaching interactive narratives as story spaces with unique interactive architectures, in this article, we reconstruct the architecture of five Dutch interactive narratives using the walkthrough method. We find that the extensiveness of the interactive architectures can be described on a continuum between closed and open navigational structures that predetermine and thus shape users’ trajectories in diverse ways.
In this study, we compared the impact of audio-, video-, and text-chat interaction on target language use during online learner-learner interaction and on learner affect amongst adolescent learners of German as a foreign language. Repeated measures and ANOVA analyses revealed a high percentage of target language output in all conditions for all four tasks, especially in text- chat. Audio-chatters produced the most output and used the most meaning negotiation, compensation strategies, self-repair and other-repair strategies. Learners in all conditions gained in enjoyment, willingness to communicate and self-efficacy. Anxiety reduced for text-chatters. Task effects partly determined the quantity of L2 output, while condition effects determined meaning-oriented and form-focused processing.
People suffering from dementia often have problems with way finding and feel restless. In this paper we present an interactive wall developed for decreasing the amount of wandering behaviour of people suffering from dementia. The installation aims at making these people feel more at home in the nursing homes by guiding them with a motion triggered audio path. This leads them to a wall with large windows displaying images and short movie tracks from their hometown. The results of an observation study show that the interactive wall succeeds in attracting people and thus reducing the wandering behaviour. Remarks of the elderly as well as their family and caretakers support this conclusion.
Create and test the effect of different audio and movement interactions on virtual museum experiencesA virtual museum was created in order to conduct research, specifically designed for the Samsung Gear VR. In the virtual environment there are interactive compositions the user can hear, and react to while seeing a virtual reality exposition of stunning Japanese paintings. The objective of the latest study was to find whether differences in audio (i.e., interactive or non‐interactive) and movement types (i.e., fixed or free) had an impact on the experience of presence for the user in a virtual environment that represents a museum. The audio variable is composed by and is researched on behalf of Musica Nova, a company that produces music for new forms of media. The results of this component illustrated that interactive music increases feelings of engagement and presence. As to the movement types in a virtual museum, users indicated that free movement caused for a more engaging virtual environment. The research was extended for research on different paintings (e.g. VanGogh).