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Intelligent environments can offer support to people with early-stage dementia, who often experience problems with maintaining their circadian rhythm. The focus of this work is developing a prototype of an Intelligent Environment for assisting these people with their daily rhythm while living independently at home. Following the four phases of the Empathic Design Framework (Explore, Translate, Process, and Validate), the needs of people with dementia and their caregivers were incorporated into the design. In the exploration phase, a need assessment took place using focus groups (N=12), observations (N=10), and expert interviews (N=27). Then, to determine the requirements for a prototype of an intelligent environment, the second phase, Translate, used three co-creation sessions with different stakeholder groups. In these sessions, Mind Maps (N=55) and Idea Generation Cards (N=35) were used. These resulted in a set of 10 requirements on the following topics: context-awareness, pattern recognition, adaptation, support, personalization, autonomy, modularity, dementia proof interaction, costs, data, and privacy. Finally, in the third phase, the requirements were applied to a real-life prototype by a multidisciplinary design team of researchers, (E-Health) tech companies, designers, software engineers with representatives of eight organizations. The prototype serves as a basis for further development of Intelligent Environments to enable people with dementia to live longer independently at home.
Conference proceedings International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing Environments
In an aging population, the prevalence of people with dementia is increasing. Intelligent environments can offer a solution to support people in the early stages of dementia, who often experience problems with maintaining their day-night rhythm. The focus of this work is developing an Intelligent Environment for assisting these people with their daily structure while living independently at home. Three co-creation methods with several stakeholder groups were used to elicit requirements and develop a prototype of an Intelligent Environment. Participants were involved in sessions using Mind Maps (N=55), Idea Generation Cards (N=35), and in a multidisciplinary design team with representatives of eight organizations. The result of these sessions was a set of 10 requirements for the Intelligent Environment on the following topics: context-awareness, pattern recognition, adaptation, support, personalization, autonomy, modularity, dementia proof interaction, costs, data and privacy. Based on these requirements, several scenarios were developed to explicate such an environment for supporting people with early dementia. The design team translated the requirements to a real-life prototype of an Intelligent Environment integrated into a demonstration home. The prototype serves as a basis for further development of Intelligent Environments to enable people with dementia to live longer independently at home.
The objective of DIGIREAL-XL is to build a Research, Development & Innovation (RD&I) Center (SPRONG GROUP, level 4) on Digital Realities (DR) for Societal-Economic Impact. DR are intelligent, interactive, and immersive digital environments that seamlessly integrate Data, Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, Modelling-Simulation, and Visualization by using Game and Media Technologies (Game platforms/VR/AR/MR). Examples of these DR disruptive innovations can be seen in many domains, such as in the entertainment and service industries (Digital Humans); in the entertainment, leisure, learning, and culture domain (Virtual Museums and Music festivals) and within the decision making and spatial planning domain (Digital Twins). There are many well-recognized innovations in each of the enabling technologies (Data, AI,V/AR). However, DIGIREAL-XL goes beyond these disconnected state-of-the-art developments and technologies in its focus on DR as an integrated socio-technical concept. This requires pre-commercial, interdisciplinary RD&I, in cross-sectoral and inter-organizational networks. There is a need for integrating theories, methodologies, smart tools, and cross-disciplinary field labs for the effective and efficient design and production of DR. In doing so, DIGIREAL-XL addresses the challenges formulated under the KIA-Enabling Technologies / Key Methodologies for sectoral and societal transformation. BUas (lead partner) and FONTYS built a SPRONG group level 4 based on four pillars: RD&I-Program, Field Labs, Lab-Infrastructure, and Organizational Excellence Program. This provides a solid foundation to initiate and execute challenging, externally funded RD&I projects with partners in SPRONG stage one ('21-'25) and beyond (until' 29). DIGIREAL-XL is organized in a coherent set of Work Packages with clear objectives, tasks, deliverables, and milestones. The SPRONG group is well-positioned within the emerging MINDLABS Interactive Technologies eco-system and strengthens the regional (North-Brabant) digitalization agenda. Field labs on DR work with support and co-funding by many network organizations such as Digishape and Chronosphere and public, private, and societal organizations.
The objective of DIGIREAL-XL is to build a Research, Development & Innovation (RD&I) Center (SPRONG GROUP, level 4) onDigital Realities (DR) for Societal-Economic Impact. DR are intelligent, interactive, and immersive digital environments thatseamlessly integrate Data, Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, Modelling-Simulation, and Visualization by using Gameand Media Technologies (Game platforms/VR/AR/MR). Examples of these DR disruptive innovations can be seen in manydomains, such as in the entertainment and service industries (Digital Humans); in the entertainment, leisure, learning, andculture domain (Virtual Museums and Music festivals) and within the decision making and spatial planning domain (DigitalTwins). There are many well-recognized innovations in each of the enabling technologies (Data, AI,V/AR). However, DIGIREAL-XL goes beyond these disconnected state-of-the-art developments and technologies in its focus on DR as an integrated socio-technical concept. This requires pre-commercial, interdisciplinary RD&I, in cross-sectoral andinter-organizational networks. There is a need for integrating theories, methodologies, smart tools, and cross-disciplinaryfield labs for the effective and efficient design and production of DR. In doing so, DIGIREAL-XL addresses the challengesformulated under the KIA-Enabling Technologies / Key Methodologies for sectoral and societal transformation. BUas (lead partner) and FONTYS built a SPRONG group level 4 based on four pillars: RD&I-Program, Field Labs, Lab-Infrastructure, and Organizational Excellence Program. This provides a solid foundation to initiate and execute challenging, externally funded RD&I projects with partners in SPRONG stage one ('21-'25) and beyond (until' 29). DIGIREAL-XL is organized in a coherent set of Work Packages with clear objectives, tasks, deliverables, and milestones. The SPRONG group is well-positioned within the emerging MINDLABS Interactive Technologies eco-system and strengthens the regional (North-Brabant) digitalization agenda. Field labs on DR work with support and co-funding by many network organizations such as Digishape and Chronosphere and public, private, and societal organizations
Voor Nederlandse game bedrijven vormt de doorlooptijd van het game designproces een steeds groter probleem bij het ontwikkelen van games. Game design processen lopen systematisch achter op de gebruikte hardware- en softwaretechnologieën en daarom wordt kwalitatief hoogstaande games ontwikkelen voortdurend complexer. Door toegenomen ontwikkelkosten ten gevolge hiervan zien game studio?s als Game Oven, PlayLogic en Lunagames ?die tot voor kort nog succesvolle titels produceerden? zich nu gedwongen de deuren te sluiten. Als deze trend zich voortzet verliest Nederland haar innovatieve game bedrijven één voor één en gaan de lange termijn plannen van de overheid voor deze creatieve industrie in rook op. Game design bepaalt de inhoud, werking en spelervaring van een game door het ontwerpen van spelregels, levels, verhalen en mechanismen. De cycli die nodig zijn om games te ontwerpen, te evalueren en aan te passen, duren te lang voor het behalen van de vereiste hoge kwaliteit. Doordat tijdige en begrijpelijke feedback over de kwaliteit van game designs ontbreekt, tasten game designers in het duister en kunnen bedrijven niet snel genoeg op de marktvraag reageren. Er is een enorme kloof tussen game designs en de programmacode van het uiteindelijke product. We noemen dit de representatiekloof bij game design. Een aantal game bedrijven vraagt het lectoraat Play & Civic Media van de Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HvA) om haar kennis en knowhow aan te wenden om methoden te ontwikkelen die hun game design processen versnellen. Het lectoraat stelt daarom voor om in een RAAK-MKB project getiteld ?Live Intelligent Visual Environments for Game Design? samen met tien game bedrijven, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) en TU Delft te werken aan krachtig live game design gereedschap dat de representatiekloof bij game design overbrugt en design cycli verkort door doorlopend en direct (live) feedback te geven over de kwaliteit van het eindproduct. In een periode van twee jaar zullen krachtige design notaties, talen en gereedschappen ontwikkeld worden dat designers in staat stelt om sneller, autonomer en gerichter interactieve spelelementen te ontwerpen en de kwaliteit van speler-ervaringen te verbeteren. Hiermee kunnen bedrijven hun concurrentiepositie herwinnen en gaat bovendien een markt voor thematisch specifieke en kleinere projecten voor hen open die momenteel nog moeilijk toegankelijk voor hen is. Allereerst zal met bedrijven geanalyseerd worden welke notaties en vormen van feedback over designs ontbreken voor a) mechanismen en b) verhaallijnen, missies en trainingen. Daarnaast zal met Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica de vereiste taaltechnologie ontwikkeld die doorlopende aanpassingen technisch mogelijk maakt. Vervolgens worden de gekozen visuele notaties, feedback en taaltechnologie ontwikkeld tot live game design gereedschap. Hierin werkt HvA samen met de TU Delft dat veel ervaring heeft het ontwikkelen van efficiënte productietools voor geavanceerde en realistische (trainings-)simulaties. Extra expertise op het gebied van design gereedschap is aanwezig bij de Universiteit van California Santa Cruz. Wetenschappers van deze instelling monitoren het onderzoek. Daarna zal in drie case studies met bedrijven het gereedschap worden getest, gevalideerd, geëvalueerd en verbeterd. Disseminatie en kenniscirculatie worden ondersteund door de Dutch Game Association en Dutch Game Garden. De borging van het netwerk en projectresultaten gebeurt bij de Hogeschool van Amsterdam door inbedding in kenniscentrum Create-IT en in de opleiding Informatica.