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"A proportion of those with eating disorders have also experienced traumatic events and ongoing symptoms of PTSD such as re-experiencing of the trauma and nightmares. We implemented an innovative trauma intervention called Imagery Rescripting (ImRs) to explore whether for those undergoing inpatient treatment for an eating disorder (in an underweight phase), it would be possible to treat the various trauma-related symptoms as well as the eating problems. Since this has not been investigated before, we asked the participants in this study to recount their experiences. Twelve participants who were underweight, reported a past history of trauma and were in an inpatient eating disordertreatment program participated in ImRs therapy intervention. One of these participant did not engage in the ImRs therapy because she discontinued the inpatient ED treatment. Analysis of interviews with these participants found that -although they were reluctant before the start of the treatment- the ImRs treatment during their inpatient admission had given them hope again. They added that it was important to have support from group members, sociotherapists and therapists. They shared a number of ways that the ImRs treatment could be adapted to people with eating disorders. Their experiences indicated that given these factors it was possible to treat PTSD during an underweight phase. This is important: until now, treatment for eating disorders has not specifically been trauma-focused and these tips have scope to improve the ImRs intervention and eating disorder treatment more broadly in the future."
BackgroundE-mental health holds promise for people with severe mental illness, but has a limited evidence base. This study explored the effect of e-health added to face-to-face delivery of the Illness Management and Recovery Programme (e-IMR).MethodIn this multi-centre exploratory cluster randomized controlled trial, seven clusters (n = 60; 41 in intervention group and 19 in control group) were randomly assigned to e-IMR + IMR or IMR only. Outcomes of illness management, self-management, recovery, symptoms, quality of life, and general health were measured at baseline (T0), halfway (T1), and at twelve months (T2). The data were analysed using mixed model for repeated measurements in four models: in 1) we included fixed main effects for time trend and group, in 2) we controlled for confounding effects, in 3) we controlled for interaction effects, and in 4) we performed sub-group analyses within the intervention group.ResultsNotwithstanding low activity on e-IMR, significant effects were present in model 1 analyses for self-management (p = .01) and recovery (p = .02) at T1, and for general health perception (p = .02) at T2, all in favour of the intervention group. In model 2, the confounding covariate gender explained the effects at T1 and T2, except for self-management. In model 3, the interacting covariate non-completer explained the effects for self-management (p = .03) at T1. In model 4, the sub-group analyses of e-IMR-users versus non-users showed no differences in effect.ConclusionBecause of confounding and interaction modifications, effectiveness of e-IMR cannot be concluded. Low use of e-health precludes definite conclusions on its potential efficacy. Low use of e-IMR calls for a thorough process evaluation of the intervention.
In het NRO-NWO project “Co-design with kids” worden in een consortium van kennisinstellingen en praktijkpartners richtlijnen voor leraren en ontwerptools voor kinderen ontwikkeld en geëvalueerd waarmee basisscholieren generieke 21ste-eeuwse vaardigheden kunnen ontwikkelen waaronder: 1. het ontwikkelen van empathie en inzicht in de ander; 2. communiceren en samenwerken met elkaar en de opdrachtgever; en 3. creatief denken. Deze vaardigheden ontwikkelen de kinderen aan de hand van vraagstukken uit de praktijk, van echte opdrachtgevers. Tijdens het ontwerpproces verkennen de kinderen in groepjes het probleem dat een echte opdrachtgever schetst en komen ze na een aantal weken met oplossingen. De Haagse Hogeschool (HHs) onderzoekt de kwaliteit van de ontwerpuitkomsten van de kinderen in termen van originaliteit, uitwerking, relevantie en toepasbaarheid en onderzoekt of de ontwerpideeën meerwaarde hebben voor de opdrachtgevers. De kinderen hebben gewerkt aan oplossingen voor vraagstukken uit drie domeinen: het bewegingsonderwijs, de speelruimte en de zorg. In elk domein worden minimaal twee ontwerprondes uitgevoerd, één waarbij het ontwerpproces door een ontwerper wordt gefaciliteerd en één waarbij het ontwerpproces door de groepsleerkracht van de kinderen wordt begeleid.