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The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated remote working and working at the office. This hybrid working is an indispensable part of today's life even within Agile Software Development (ASD) teams. Before COVID-19 ASD teams were working closely together in an Agile way at the office. The Agile Manifesto describes 12 principles to make agile working successful. These principles are about working closely together, face-to-face contact and continuously responding to changes. To what extent does hybrid working influence these agile principles that have been indispensable in today's software development since its creation in 2001? Based on a quantitative study within 22 Dutch financial institutions and 106 respondents, the relationship between hybrid working and ASD is investigated. The results of this research show that human factors, such as team spirit, feeling responsible and the ability to learn from each other, are the most decisive for the success of ASD. In addition, the research shows that hybrid working creates a distance between the business organization and the IT department. The findings are valuable for Managers, HR professionals and employees working in the field of ASD as emphasizing and fostering Team Spirit, Learning Ability, and a Sense of Responsibility among team members can bolster the Speed of ASD.
This article proposes a model for the design of a hybrid VET curriculum across the school-work boundary.
With artificial intelligence (AI) systems entering our working and leisure environments with increasing adaptation and learning capabilities, new opportunities arise for developing hybrid (human-AI) intelligence (HI) systems, comprising new ways of collaboration. However, there is not yet a structured way of specifying design solutions of collaboration for hybrid intelligence (HI) systems and there is a lack of best practices shared across application domains. We address this gap by investigating the generalization of specific design solutions into design patterns that can be shared and applied in different contexts. We present a human-centered bottom-up approach for the specification of design solutions and their abstraction into team design patterns. We apply the proposed approach for 4 concrete HI use cases and show the successful extraction of team design patterns that are generalizable, providing re-usable design components across various domains. This work advances previous research on team design patterns and designing applications of HI systems.
The consistent demand for improving products working in a real-time environment is increasing, given the rise in system complexity and urge to constantly optimize the system. One such problem faced by the component supplier is to ensure their product viability under various conditions. Suppliers are at times dependent on the client’s hardware to perform full system level testing and verify own product behaviour under real circumstances. This slows down the development cycle due to dependency on client’s hardware, complexity and safety risks involved with real hardware. Moreover, in the expanding market serving multiple clients with different requirements can be challenging. This is also one of the challenges faced by HyMove, who are the manufacturer of Hydrogen fuel cells module ( To match this expectation, it starts with understanding the component behaviour. Hardware in the loop (HIL) is a technique used in development and testing of the real-time systems across various engineering domain. It is a virtual simulation testing method, where a virtual simulation environment, that mimics real-world scenarios, around the physical hardware component is created, allowing for a detailed evaluation of the system’s behaviour. These methods play a vital role in assessing the functionality, robustness and reliability of systems before their deployment. Testing in a controlled environment helps understand system’s behaviour, identify potential issues, reduce risk, refine controls and accelerate the development cycle. The goal is to incorporate the fuel cell system in HIL environment to understand it’s potential in various real-time scenarios for hybrid drivelines and suggest secondary power source sizing, to consolidate appropriate hybridization ratio, along with optimizing the driveline controls. As this is a concept with wider application, this proposal is seen as the starting point for more follow-up research. To this end, a student project is already carried out on steering column as HIL
Sinds de corona reset wordt in de culturele en creatieve sector volop geïnnoveerd om tijdelijke sluitingen en financiële verliezen te compenseren. Aanbieders van hoogwaardige culturele programma’s, zoals presentatie-instellingen en zelforganiserende collectieven, coördineren in hoog tempo digitale expositieruimtes, livestreams en online debatten, waarmee ze hun bestaande (offline en lokale) en nieuwe (online en mondiale) publiek bedienen. Soms ook tegelijkertijd, in een hybride evenement; met een beperkt live publiek én een onbeperkt aantal online bezoekers. Hoe zorgen zij dat beide groepen bij deze livecastings een gelijkwaardige ervaring hebben? En hoe benutten ze de potentie van dit opgenomen materiaal voor publicatie en blijvende publieksinteractie in hun digitaal (web)archief? Ad hoc coronaoplossingen behoeven nu toekomstbestendige doorontwikkeling. Met MKB’ers ontwikkelen we een langetermijnvisie op off/online kennisdeling van hun culturele aanbod, op voorwaarden van duurzaamheid en technologische onafhankelijkheid in het beheer en de data-opslag van hun gepubliceerde materiaal. Verregaande digitalisering en klimaatoverwegingen geven namelijk naast corona urgentie aan een visie op hybride programmering. In het onderzoek worden werkende principes ontwikkeld voor een langetermijnvisie op een hybride en kwalitatief hoogwaardig programma-aanbod, met het oog op het bedienen van nieuw en bestaand publiek na de corona reset, via participatieve livecasts van evenementen, de samenhangende verslaglegging daarvan middels publicaties die uiteindelijk in levende archieven te komen: Om het knelpunt van ‘schermmoeheid’ bij eindgebruikers van programma-aanbod te voorkomen, ontwikkelen we werkende principes in het oplossingsgebied ‘participatieve livecasting’, om de succespijler ‘gezamenlijke publiekservaring bij online evenementen’ te bewerkstelligen. Om het knelpunt van ‘gefragmenteerde informatievoorziening’ bij programma-aanbieders te voorkomen, ontwikkelen we werkende principes in het oplossingsgebied ‘hybride publicaties’, om de succespijler ‘samenhang in off/online programma-aanbod’ te bewerkstelligen. Om het knelpunt van een ‘reactieve houding’ bij programma-aanbieders te voorkomen, ontwikkelen we werkende principes in het oplossingsgebied ‘levende archieven’, om de succespijler van een ‘anticiperende houding in de werkwijze van programma-aanbieders’ te bewerkstelligen.
The Healthy Workplace monitor is being developed to monitor the health and well-being of knowledge workers in relation to the office space and their home workplace. Since the corona period, a lot has changed in the way knowledge workers work. Both offices and employees require more flexibility to carry out work in an efficient but also healthy and enjoyable way. It is important to identify office workers needs with regard to workspaces at the office and at home from a holistic view, in which mental , physical and social aspects play a role. A vital, happy employee is a productive employee.