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In the emerging sustainable Human Resource Management (HRM) literature, advocating to ‘rehumanize’ and pluralize HRM, dialogue is put forward as a silver bullet to cope with paradoxical tensions and pluralist workforces. This conceptual paper aims to add to the sustainable HRM literature by examining the position and application of dialogue within sustainable HRM, using ideas and concepts from dialogue literature and complexity thinking. We applied core concepts of complexity thinking (i.e., self-organization, nonlinearity, attractors, and emergence) to deepen our understanding of the positioning of dialogue, the position of power, and the emergence of intended and unintended outcomes. Moreover, through the distinction between intentional and continuous dialogue, the intentional, dynamic, and emergent nature of dialogue was explored. Connecting, sensing, grasping, and influencing the local patterning of continuous dialogue is important for positioning dialogue within sustainable HRM, and intentional dialogical practices can support this. More specifically, based on our literature review, we present a conceptual model that furthers our understanding of (1) conceptualizations of dialogue as both intended and continuous; (2) the role of power in dialogue; (3) how stability and novelty emerge from dialogue. The paper concludes by discussing the implications of the developed perspectives on dialogue for future research as well as management practices.
De zogenoemde “21th century skills” worden, aldus het Ministerie van Onderwijs, steeds belangrijker. Het zijn eigenschappen die we terugvinden in de eindtermen van vrijwel alle hbo-opleidingen en die – in de woorden van Donald Schön – de kern zijn van een “reflective practitioner” : een vakvrouw of –man, die zichzelf in complexe situaties kan sturen en daardoor productief blijft. Eerder onderzoek van het lectoraat Pedagogiek van de Beroepsvorming heeft aangetoond dat een leeromgeving gericht op zelfsturing aan drie condities moet voldoen: er moet sprake zijn van praktijkgestuurd onderwijs, studenten moeten de kans krijgen een dialoog aan te gaan over de zin en betekenis van hun ervaringen in het praktijkgestuurde onderwijs en studenten moeten medezeggenschap hebben over hun eigen leerproces. Met name het realiseren van een dialoog blijkt echter heel moeilijk te zijn. Zowel docenten als studenten (en ook de onderwijsmanagers) zijn gewend aan onderwijs waarin zin en betekenis nauwelijks ter discussie staat. Het gevolg is dat ze vooral gericht zijn op reproductief en niet op betekenis-gericht leren. Zelfsturing vereist evenwel deze laatste vorm van leren. Zelfsturing vereist een dialoog over de zin en betekenis van ervaringen die de student “raken”. Dergelijke ervaringen roepen veelal emoties op die in eerste instantie niet begrepen worden. Zin en betekenis zijn “geen dingen in een doosje”; ze worden gaandeweg duidelijk in een gesprek waarin de docent verklaart noch verheldert, maar samen met de student op zoek gaat naar de juiste woorden. Dat zijn woorden waarvan de student voelt dat ze haar in staat stellen iets uit te drukken dat voorheen nog niet onder woorden gebracht kon worden. In dit boek wordt vanuit verschillende perspectieven en op basis van empirisch onderzoek ingegaan op de vraag in hoeverre het hbo er in slaagt een dergelijke dialoog met haar studenten te realiseren. Tevens wordt stilgestaan bij methoden om zo’n dialoog te realiseren.
The ELSA AI lab Northern Netherlands (ELSA-NN) is committed to the promotion of healthy living, working and ageing. By investigating cultural, ethical, legal, socio-political, and psychological aspects of the use of AI in different decision-makingcontexts and integrating this knowledge into an online ELSA tool, ELSA-NN aims to contribute to knowledge about trustworthy human-centric AI and development and implementation of health technology innovations, including AI, in theNorthern region.The research in ELSA-NN will focus on developing and mapping ELSA knowledge around three general concepts of importance for the development, monitoring and implementation of trustworthy and human-centric AI: availability, use,and performance. These concepts will be explored in two lines of research: 1) use case research investigating the use of different AI applications with different types of data in different decision-making contexts at different time periods duringthe life course, and 2) an exploration among stakeholders in the Northern region of needs, knowledge, (digital) health literacy, attitudes and values concerning the use of AI in decision-making for healthy living, working and ageing. Specificfocus will be on investigating low social economic status (SES) perspectives, since health disparities between high and low SES groups are growing world-wide, including in the Northern region and existing health inequalities may increase with theintroduction and use of innovative health technologies such as AI.ELSA-NN will be integrated within the AI hub Northern-Netherlands, the Health Technology Research & Innovation Cluster (HTRIC) and the Data Science Center in Health (DASH). They offer a solid base and infrastructure for the ELSA-NNconsortium, which will be extended with additional partners, especially patient/citizens, private, governmental and researchrepresentatives, to have a quadruple-helix consortium. ELSA-NN will be set-up as a learning health system in which much attention will be paid to dialogue, communication and education.
GAMING HORIZONS is a multidisciplinary project that aims to expand the research and innovation agenda on serious gaming and gamification. The project is particularly interested in the use of games for learning and cultural development. Gamification - and gaming more broadly – are very important from a socio-economic point of view, but over the past few years they have been at the centre of critical and challenging debates, which highlighted issues such as gender and minority representation, and exploitative game mechanics. Our project’s key contention is that it is important for the European ICT community to engage with design trends and social themes that have affected profoundly the mainstream and ‘independent’ game development cultures over the past few years, especially because the boundaries between leisure and serious games are increasingly blurred. GAMING HORIZONS is a direct response to the official recognition by the H2020 programme of work that multidisciplinary research can help to advance the integration between Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and the Social Sciences and the Humanities (SSH). The project’s objective is to enable a higher uptake of socially responsible ICT-related research in relation to gaming. This objective will be achieved through a research-based exchange between communities of developers, policy makers, users and researchers. The methodology will involve innovative data collection activities and consultations with a range of stakeholders over a period of 14 months. We will interrogate the official ‘H2020 discourse’ on gamification – with a particular focus on ‘gamified learning’ - whilst engaging with experts, developers and critical commentators through interviews, events, workshops and systematic dialogue with an Advisory Board. Ultimately, GAMING HORIZONS will help identify future directions at the intersection of ethics, social research, and both the digital entertainment and serious games industries.EU FundingThe 14-month research project 'Gaming Horizons' was funded by the European Commission through the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.