Landside operations in air cargo terminals consist of many freight forwarders (FFWs) delivering and picking up cargo at the capacity-constrained loading docks at the airport's ground handlers' (GHs) facilities. To improve the operations of the terminal and take advantage of their geographical proximity a small set of FFWs can build a coalition to consolidate stochastically-arriving shipments and share truck fleet capacity while other FFWs continue bringing cargo to the terminal in a non-cooperative manner. Results from a detailed discrete-event simulation model of the cargo landside operations in Amsterdam Aiport showed that all operational policies had trade-offs in terms of the average shipment cycle time of coalition FFWs, the average shipment cycle time of non-coalition FFWs, and the total distance traveled by the coalition fleet, suggesting that horizontal cooperation in this context was not always beneficial, contrary to what previous studies on horizontal cooperation have found. Since dock capacity constitutes a significant constraint on operations in air cargo hubs, this paper also investigates the effect of dock capacity utilization and horizontal cooperation on the performance of consolidation policies implemented by the coalition. Thus, we built a general model of the air cargo terminal to analyze the effects caused by dock capacity utilization without the added complexity of landside operations at Amsterdam Airport to investigate whether the results hold for more general scenarios. Results from the general simulation model suggest that, in scenarios where dock and truck capacity become serious constraints, the average shipment cycle times of non-coalition FFWs are reduced at the expense of an increase in the cycle times of FFWs who constitute the coalition. A good balance among all the performance measures considered in this study is reached by following a policy that takes advantage of consolidating shipments based on individual visits to GH.
Landside operations in air cargo terminals consist of many freight forwarders (FFWs) delivering and picking up cargo at the capacity-constrained loading docks at the airport's ground handlers' (GHs) facilities. To improve the operations of the terminal and take advantage of their geographical proximity a small set of FFWs can build a coalition to consolidate stochastically-arriving shipments and share truck fleet capacity while other FFWs continue bringing cargo to the terminal in a non-cooperative manner. Results from a detailed discrete-event simulation model of the cargo landside operations in Amsterdam Aiport showed that all operational policies had trade-offs in terms of the average shipment cycle time of coalition FFWs, the average shipment cycle time of non-coalition FFWs, and the total distance traveled by the coalition fleet, suggesting that horizontal cooperation in this context was not always beneficial, contrary to what previous studies on horizontal cooperation have found. Since dock capacity constitutes a significant constraint on operations in air cargo hubs, this paper also investigates the effect of dock capacity utilization and horizontal cooperation on the performance of consolidation policies implemented by the coalition. Thus, we built a general model of the air cargo terminal to analyze the effects caused by dock capacity utilization without the added complexity of landside operations at Amsterdam Airport to investigate whether the results hold for more general scenarios. Results from the general simulation model suggest that, in scenarios where dock and truck capacity become serious constraints, the average shipment cycle times of non-coalition FFWs are reduced at the expense of an increase in the cycle times of FFWs who constitute the coalition. A good balance among all the performance measures considered in this study is reached by following a policy that takes advantage of consolidating shipments based on individual visits to GH.
For the development of a circular economy and the reduction of the environmental impact of supply chains, the sharing of reliable information throughout the entire chain is a prerequisite. In practice, this is difficult to realise which blockchain can improve. BCLivingLab aims to explore the application of blockchain technology in supply chain and logistics. The project develops four physical hubs and a virtual repository for blockchain knowledge to support SME’s in developing use-cases and experiment with blockchain applications. The ambition is to build a community of interested stakeholders and to be involved in current and future blockchain initiatives.
For the development of a circular economy and the reduction of the environmental impact of supply chains, the sharing of reliable information throughout the entire chain is a prerequisite. In practice, this is difficult to realise which blockchain can improve. BCLivingLab aims to explore the application of blockchain technology in supply chain and logistics. The project develops four physical hubs and a virtual repository for blockchain knowledge to support SME’s in developing use-cases and experiment with blockchain applications. The ambition is to build a community of interested stakeholders and to be involved in current and future blockchain initiatives.
Nederland wil in 2050 een circulaire economie zijn. Een economie zonder afval, waarbij alles draait op herbruikbare grondstoffen. Het zuiniger en slimmer omgaan met grondstoffen is ook voor de textielbranche van belang. De meest gebruikte en bekende hernieuwbare plantaardige grondstof voor de textielindustrie is katoen. De huidige niet-circulaire productie en toepassingen van katoen hebben vergaande negatieve impact op mens en milieu. De gebruikersduur van kleding wordt steeds korter en afgedankte kleding wordt laagwaardig verwerkt om uiteindelijk alsnog te worden verbrand. Zowel het economische als duurzame verbeterpotentieel voor circulair textiel is dan ook enorm. De kwaliteit van katoen vermindert met iedere (mechanische) recyclingstap omdat de vezellengte steeds korter wordt. De uitdaging is om meermaals te recycling waarbij in iedere recyclestap waarde wordt behouden en gecreëerd. Als uiteindelijke stap wordt nagestreefd de grondstof veilig terug te laten keren naar de biosfeer als voedingsmiddel waarna een nieuwe cascade kan beginnen: een kringloop in de vorm van regeneratieve cascades. Om dit te realiseren moet de hele keten samenwerken in een transparant systeem waarbij stakeholders meervoudige waarde in balans ontwikkelen, zodat geen partij in de keten wordt benadeeld. Organisaties worstelen met deze veranderende rollen en zoeken nieuwe bedrijfsmodellen, waarin herstel en volhoudbaarheid boven oneindige groei en uitputting staan. In dit project werken Nederlandse bedrijven (met name MKB) uit de gehele textielketen samen met Indiase bedrijven om de werking van een katoencascade -een regeneratief, circulair systeem van katoenzaad tot worteldoek- te onderzoeken en op te tekenen. Een interdisciplinaire benadering is hierbij cruciaal. De nadruk ligt zowel op onderzoek naar de technische haalbaarheid van de katoenvezel als op de ontwikkeling van collaboratieve bedrijfsmodellen. De geformuleerde onderzoeksvraag luidt: Welke collaboratieve bedrijfsmodellen ontstaan tijdens het ontwerponderzoek die geschikt zijn voor meervoudige waardecreatie in een katoencascade en hoe kunnen die bijdragen aan de verdere ontwikkeling van regeneratieve cascadeprincipes?