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A qualitative study of HRM programmes in eight different organizations was set up in order to identify factors, called implementability levers, that contributed to the implementability of those programmes. Three types of those levers were found, related to, respectively, the proces of the programme implementation (example: the involvement of line managers in the programme development), the content of the programme (example: the adaptibility of the programme) and the programme’s context (example: the accessibility of the HRM department for involved line managers). Levers in each of the categories appeared to have, as regards their impact on the programme’s implementability, a bright as well as a dark side: they tended to promote, in some specific way, as well as to hamper, in another specific way, the implementation of programmes. Taking care of programme implementability thus shows up as a doable, but puzzling, change management-like task of HR managers.
In the emerging sustainable Human Resource Management (HRM) literature, advocating to ‘rehumanize’ and pluralize HRM, dialogue is put forward as a silver bullet to cope with paradoxical tensions and pluralist workforces. This conceptual paper aims to add to the sustainable HRM literature by examining the position and application of dialogue within sustainable HRM, using ideas and concepts from dialogue literature and complexity thinking. We applied core concepts of complexity thinking (i.e., self-organization, nonlinearity, attractors, and emergence) to deepen our understanding of the positioning of dialogue, the position of power, and the emergence of intended and unintended outcomes. Moreover, through the distinction between intentional and continuous dialogue, the intentional, dynamic, and emergent nature of dialogue was explored. Connecting, sensing, grasping, and influencing the local patterning of continuous dialogue is important for positioning dialogue within sustainable HRM, and intentional dialogical practices can support this. More specifically, based on our literature review, we present a conceptual model that furthers our understanding of (1) conceptualizations of dialogue as both intended and continuous; (2) the role of power in dialogue; (3) how stability and novelty emerge from dialogue. The paper concludes by discussing the implications of the developed perspectives on dialogue for future research as well as management practices.
Developing and testing several AR and VR concepts for SAMSUNG (Benelux) Samsung and Breda University of Applied Sciences decided to work together on developing and testing several new digital media concepts with a focus on VR and gaming. This collaboration has led to several innovative projects and concepts, among others: the organisation of the first Samsung VR jam in which game and media students developed new concepts for SAMSUNG GEAR in 24 hours, the pre-development of a VR therapy concept (Fear of Love) created by CaptainVR, the Samsung Industry Case in which students developed new concepts for SAMSUNG GEAR (wearables), the IGAD VR game pitch where over 15 VR game concepts were created for SAMSUNG VR GEAR and numerous projects in which VR concepts are developed and created using new SAMSUNG technologies. Currently we are co-developing new digital HRM solutions.
Onderzoek naar en aanpak van blue collar jovs in EDR in MKB
3. Innovatiewerkplaats ‘APK Werkscan’Arbeid is de laatste decennia sterk veranderd. Elk jaar ontstaan en verdwijnen beroepen. Bedrijven zien zich regelmatig genoodzaakt om de oriëntatie op de corebusiness te herzien (Kelly, 2016). Veel sterker dan vroeger is hierdoor een oriëntatie op competenties en rollen bepalend geworden in plaats van op de vaste functierollen en -inhoud. Daarnaast is ook de inrichting van de arbeid individueler geworden, denk aan het veel mobieler zijn ten aanzien van de werkplek en het tijdstip van werken. Hierdoor ligt meer nadruk op de eigen kracht van de werknemer. Het klassieke functioneringsgesprek doet geen recht meer aan de hedendaagse werknemer, die autonomie en competentie nodig heeft om de aansluiting met de snel veranderende omstandigheden te behouden. Tegelijk wordt hij meer dan vroeger met verantwoordingseisen (protocollen en keurmerken) geconfronteerd. De innovatiewerkplaats ‘APK Werkscan’ richt zich op de vragen: “Hoe kan ICT bijdragen aan duurzame inzetbaarhid van werknemers in alle fasen van de loopbaan?” en “Welke bijdrage kunnen de gegenereerde onderzoeksdata leveren aan de algemene Human Capital Agenda van een bedrijf?”