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Eight new primer sets were designed for PCR detection of (i) mono-oxygenase and dioxygenase gene sequences involved in initial attack of bacterial aerobic BTEX degradation and of (ii) catechol 2,3-dioxygenase gene sequences responsible for meta-cleavage of the aromatic ring. The new primer sets allowed detection of the corresponding genotypes in soil with a detection limit of 10(3)-10(4) or 10(5)-10(6) gene copies g(-1) soil, assuming one copy of the gene per cell. The primer sets were used in PCR to assess the distribution of the catabolic genes in BTEX degrading bacterial strains and DNA extracts isolated from soils sampled from different locations and depths (vadose, capillary fringe and saturated zone) within a BTEX contaminated site. In both soil DNA and the isolates, tmoA-, xylM- and xylE1-like genes were the most frequently recovered BTEX catabolic genes. xylM and xylE1 were only recovered from material from the contaminated samples while tmoA was detected in material from both the contaminated and non-contaminated samples. The isolates, mainly obtained from the contaminated locations, belonged to the Actinobacteria or Proteobacteria (mainly Pseudomonas). The ability to degrade benzene was the most common BTEX degradation phenotype among them and its distribution was largely congruent with the distribution of the tmoA-like genotype. The presence of tmoA and xylM genes in phylogenetically distant strains indicated the occurrence of horizontal transfer of BTEX catabolic genes in the aquifer. Overall, these results show spatial variation in the composition of the BTEX degradation genes and hence in the type of BTEX degradation activity and pathway, at the examined site. They indicate that bacteria carrying specific pathways and primarily carrying tmoA/xylM/xylE1 genotypes, are being selected upon BTEX contamination.
Carnitine/choline acyltransferases play diverse roles in energy metabolism and neuronal signalling. Our knowledge of their evolutionary relationships, important for functional understanding, is incomplete. Therefore, we aimed to determine the evolutionary relationships of these eukaryotic transferases. We performed extensivephylogenetic and intron position analyses. We found that mammalian intramitochondrial CPT2 is most closely related to cytosolic yeast carnitine transferases (Sc-YAT1 and 2), whereas the other members of the family are related to intraorganellar yeast Sc-CAT2. Therefore, the cytosolically active CPT1 more closely resembles intramitochondrial ancestors than CPT2. The choline acetyltransferase is closely related to carnitine acetyltransferase and shows lower evolutionary rates than long chain acyltransferases. In the CPT1 family several duplications occurred during animal radiation, leading to the isoforms CPT1A, CPT1B and CPT1C. In addition, we found five CPT1-like genes in Caenorhabditis elegans that strongly group to the CPT1 family. The long branch leading to mammalian brain isoform CPT1C suggests that either strong positive or relaxed evolution has taken place on this node. The presented evolutionary delineation of carnitine/choline acyltransferases adds to current knowledge on their functions and provides tangible leads for further experimental research.
tIn this study we aimed to identify genes that are responsive to pertussis toxin (PTx) and might eventu-ally be used as biological markers in a testing strategy to detect residual PTx in vaccines. By microarrayanalysis we screened six human cell types (bronchial epithelial cell line BEAS-2B, fetal lung fibroblastcell line MRC-5, primary cardiac microvascular endothelial cells, primary pulmonary artery smooth mus-cle cells, hybrid cell line EA.Hy926 of umbilical vein endothelial cells and epithelial cell line A549 andimmature monocyte-derived dendritic cells) for differential gene expression induced by PTx. Imma-ture monocyte-derived dendritic cells (iMoDCs) were the only cells in which PTx induced significantdifferential expression of genes. Results were confirmed using different donors and further extendedby showing specificity for PTx in comparison to Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and Bordetellapertussis lipo-oligosaccharide (LOS). Statistical analysis indicated 6 genes, namely IFNG, IL2, XCL1, CD69,CSF2 and CXCL10, as significantly upregulated by PTx which was also demonstrated at the protein levelfor genes encoding secreted proteins. IL-2 and IFN- gave the strongest response. The minimal PTx con-centrations that induced production of IL-2 and IFN- in iMoDCs were 12.5 and 25 IU/ml, respectively.High concentrations of LPS slightly induced IFN- but not IL-2, while LOS and detoxified pertussis toxindid not induce production of either cytokine. In conclusion, using microarray analysis we evaluated sixhuman cell lines/types for their responsiveness to PTx and found 6 PTx-responsive genes in iMoDCs ofwhich IL2 is the most promising candidate to be used as a biomarker for the detection of residual PTx.