Hoe kunnen de krachten gebundeld worden om de problemen van stad en land in de 21ste eeuw aan te pakken met de inzet en inventiviteit van de toekomstige generaties beleidsmakers, kennisdragers en burgers? De belangrijkste doelstelling van het lectoraat is om binnen het thema Groene Leefomgeving van Steden in het instituut Van Hall Larenstein een onderzoekspoot op te zetten. De idee is om de visie(s) binnen de diverse vakgebieden nader te ontwikkelen. Dit kan door de kennis die binnen het onderwijs wordt geproduceerd te verdiepen en door nieuwe, onderzoek gerelateerde, netwerken te openen. Beide aspecten komen ten goede aan docent èn studenten. In deze rapportage worden twee projectlijnen gepresenteerd. Een eerste lijn is geïnitieerd vanuit de doelstelling Onderwijsvernieuwing, de andere lijn richt zich op Onderzoek en is geïnitieerd vanuit de praktijk. Vervolgens wordt de Kennisagenda gepresenteerd, die op basis van de projecten door het lectoraat en de betrokken docenten is – en overigens nog steeds wordt - ontwikkeld. Ten slotte volgt een overzicht van de publicaties van studenten rond projecten van het Lectoraat.
Hoe kunnen de krachten gebundeld worden om de problemen van stad en land in de 21ste eeuw aan te pakken met de inzet en inventiviteit van de toekomstige generaties beleidsmakers, kennisdragers en burgers? De belangrijkste doelstelling van het lectoraat is om binnen het thema Groene Leefomgeving van Steden in het instituut Van Hall Larenstein een onderzoekspoot op te zetten. De idee is om de visie(s) binnen de diverse vakgebieden nader te ontwikkelen. Dit kan door de kennis die binnen het onderwijs wordt geproduceerd te verdiepen en door nieuwe, onderzoek gerelateerde, netwerken te openen. Beide aspecten komen ten goede aan docent èn studenten. In deze rapportage worden twee projectlijnen gepresenteerd. Een eerste lijn is geïnitieerd vanuit de doelstelling Onderwijsvernieuwing, de andere lijn richt zich op Onderzoek en is geïnitieerd vanuit de praktijk. Vervolgens wordt de Kennisagenda gepresenteerd, die op basis van de projecten door het lectoraat en de betrokken docenten is – en overigens nog steeds wordt - ontwikkeld. Ten slotte volgt een overzicht van de publicaties van studenten rond projecten van het Lectoraat.
The in-depth assessment of the situation of the European textile and clothing sector is composed by six independent reports with a close focus on key aspects useful to understand the dynamics and the development of the textile and clothing industry, drivers of change – most notably the impact of the financial crisis – and identification of policy responses and best practices. This has been done in six specific tasks leading to the six reports: Task 1 Survey on the situation of the EU textile and clothing sector Task 2 Report on research and development Task 3 Report on SME situation Task 4 Report on restructuring Task 5 Report on training and Education Task 6 Report on innovation practices. This final report draws on the key findings of each independent report, highlighting major conclusions in order to describe the situation of the textile and clothing industry and the way forward for the sector. In line with the terms of reference the findings in the six reports have been analysed in connection with the developments following the recommendations drafted by the High Level Group on textiles and clothing (further referred to as HLG), installed in 2004 as a response to the European Commission Communication of 29th of October 2003 on the textile and clothing industry. The HLG was composed of leading personalities representing stakeholders in the textiles and clothing industry and issued two reports entailing a vision and recommendations.
In the Netherlands the business community is pretty active in the biobased economy because it offers plenty of economic opportunities. Innovation and chain development are stimulated towards the development of the bi-obased economy, bioenergy and to biobased materials. The Netherlands is strongly investing on improving inno-vative business and development, developing business cases and removing obstacles of non-technical origin. Importantly, the Dutch business community have recognised that many activities will depend on biomass imports as domestic production is mostly limited. In the Netherlands there is a large demand for biobased biomass, and it is estimated that in the year 2030 about 60-70% of the required biomass will have to be imported. The Dutch Platform Biobased Raw Materials has emphasised the importance of the imports of biomass, and has focused on developing guidelines for transition paths, where international cooperation with biomass-producing countries is essential. The Netherlands has identified Spain as an important provider of biomass resources (19 million ktoe), Spain holds the third position in European ranking of biomass potential. The autonomous community Galicia is the most important forest region in Spain, where the agroforestry sector has been considered as an alternative to yield economic benefits as well as to bring ecological advantages. However, the potential of Galicia as a pro-ducer and supplier of (waste flow) biomass is underdeveloped and underutilised. There is a need for a better un-derstanding of the potential business models that Dutch companies and Spanish stakeholders can apply to devel-op a biobased value chains that lead to the triple bottom line of People, Planet and Profit. To realise this goal, our project focuses on identifying the linkages between the Galicia agroforestry sector and the Dutch biobased industries, and explore the potential business opportunities towards the strengthening of both the local and the Dutch biobased markets. To achieve the latter we centred on the following questions: I. What are the potential new business models that can be applied for a profitable and sustainable biobased chain from the waste flows of the agroforestry sector of Galicia for a steady production and supply to the local and the Dutch markets, leading to a sustainable transition path? II. What are the institutional frameworks required to develop new and profitable biobased value chains within the agroforestry sector in Galicia?