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Physical activity (PA) is important for healthy ageing. Better insight into objectively measured PA levels in older adults is needed, since most previous studies employed self-report measures for PA assessment, which are associated with overestimation of PA. This study aimed to provide insight in objectively measured indoor and outdoor PA of older adults, and in PA differences by frailty levels. Data were collected among non-frail (N = 74) and frail (N = 10) subjects, aged 65 to 89 years. PA, measured for seven days with accelerometers and GPS-devices, was categorized into three levels of intensity (sedentary, light, and moderate-to-vigorous PA). Older adults spent most time in sedentary and light PA. Subjects spent 84.7%, 15.1% and 0.2%per day in sedentary, light and moderate-to-vigorous PA respectively. On average, older adults spent 9.8 (SD 23.7) minutes per week in moderate-to-vigorous activity, and 747.0 (SD 389.6) minutes per week in light activity. None of the subjects met the WHO recommendations of 150 weekly minutes of moderate-to-vigorous PA. Age-, sex- and health status-adjusted results revealed no differences in PA between non-frail and frail older adults. Subjects spent significantly more sedentary time at home, than not at home. Non-frail subjects spent significantly more time not at home during moderate-to-vigorous activities, than at home. Objective assessment of PA in older adults revealed that most PA was of light intensity, and time spent in moderate-to-vigorous PA was very low. None of the older adults met the World Health Organization recommendations for PA. These levels of MVPA are much lower than generally reported based on self-reported PA. Future studies should employ objective methods, and age specific thresholds for healthy PA levels in older adults are needed. These results emphasize the need for effective strategies for healthy PA levels for the growing proportion of older adults.
Abstract Background: Frail older adults who are hospitalized, are more likely to experience missed nursing care (MNC) due to high care needs, communication problems, and complexity of nursing care. We conducted a qualitative study to examine the factors affecting MNC among hospitalized frail older adults in the medical units. Methods: This qualitative study was carried using the conventional content analysis approach in three teaching hospitals. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 17 nurses through purposive and snowball sampling. The inclusion criteria for the nurses were: at least two years of clinical work experience on a medical ward, caring for frail older people in hospital and willingness to participate. Data were analyzed in accordance with the process described by Graneheim and Lundman. In addition, trustworthiness of the study was assessed using the criteria proposed by Lincoln and Guba. Results: In general, 20 interviews were conducted with nurses. A total of 1320 primary codes were extracted, which were classified into two main categories: MNC aggravating and moderating factors. Factors such as “age-unfriendly structure,” “inefficient care,” and “frailty of older adults” could increase the risk of MNC. In addition, factors such as “support capabilities” and “ethical and legal requirements” will moderate MNC. Conclusions: Hospitalized frail older adults are more at risk of MNC due to high care needs, communication problems, and nursing care complexity. Nursing managers can take practical steps to improve the quality of care by addressing the aggravating and moderating factors of MNC. In addition, nurses with a humanistic perspective who understand the multidimensional problems of frail older adults and pay attention to their weakness in expressing needs, can create a better experience for them in the hospital and improve patient safety.
Abstract Background: One of the most challenging issues for the elderly population is the clinical state of frailty. Frailty is defined as a cumulative decline across psychological, physical, and social functioning. Hospitalization is one of the most stressful events for older people who are becoming frail. The aim of the present study was to determine the effectiveness of interventions focused on management of frailty in hospitalized frail older adults. Methods: A systematic review and meta-analysis of research was conducted using the Medline, Embase, Cochrane, ProQuest, CINAHL, SCOPUS and Web of Science electronic databases for papers published between 2000 and 2019. Randomized controlled studies were included that were aimed at the management of frailty in hospitalized older adults. The outcomes which were examined included frailty; physical, psychological, and social domains; length of stay in hospital; re-hospitalization; mortality; patient satisfaction; and the need for post discharge placement. Results: After screening 7976 records and 243 full-text articles, seven studies (3 interventions) were included, involving 1009 hospitalized older patients. The quality of these studies was fair to poor and the risk of publication bias in the studies was low. Meta-analysis of the studies showed statistically significant differences between the intervention and control groups for the management of frailty in hospitalized older adults (ES = 0.35; 95% CI: 0. 067–0.632; z = 2.43; P < 0.015). However, none of the included studies evaluated social status, only a few of the studies evaluated other secondary outcomes. The analysis also showed that a Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment unit intervention was effective in addressing physical and psychological frailty, re-hospitalization, mortality, and patient satisfaction. Conclusions: Interventions for hospitalized frail older adults are effective in management of frailty. Multidimensional interventions conducted by a multidisciplinary specialist team in geriatric settings are likely to be effective in the care of hospitalized frail elderly. Due to the low number of RCTs carried out in a hospital setting and the low quality of existing studies, there is a need for new RCTs to be carried out to generate a protocol appropriate for frail older people.
De inzet van blended care in de zorg neemt toe. Hierbij wordt fysieke begeleiding (face-to-face) met persoonlijke aandacht door een zorgprofessional afgewisseld met digitale zorg in de vorm van een platform of mobiele applicatie (eHealth). De digitale zorg versterkt de mogelijkheden van cliënten om in hun eigen omgeving te werken aan gezondheidsdoelen en handvatten tijdens de face-to-face momenten. Een specifieke groep die baat kan hebben bij blended care zijn ouderen die na revalidatie in de geriatrische revalidatiezorg (GRZ) thuis verder revalideren. Focus op zowel bewegen (door fysio- en oefentherapeut) en voedingsgedrag (door diëtist) is hierbij essentieel. Echter, na een intensieve zorgperiode tijdens hun opname wordt revalidatie veelal thuis afgeschaald en overgenomen door een ambulant begeleidingstraject of de eerste lijn. Een groot gedeelte van de ouderen ervaart een terugval in fysiek functioneren en zelfredzaamheid bij thuiskomt en heeft baat bij intensieve zorg omtrent voeding en beweging. Een blended interventie die gezond beweeg- en voedingsgedrag combineert biedt kansen. Hierbij is maatwerk voor deze kwetsbare ouderen vereist. Ambulante en eerste lijn diëtisten, fysio- en oefentherapeuten erkennen de meerwaarde van blended care maar missen handvatten en kennis over hoe blended-care ingezet kan worden bij kwetsbare ouderen. Het doel van het huidige project is ouderen én hun behandelaren te ondersteunen bij het optimaliseren van fysiek functioneren in de thuissituatie, door een blended voeding- en beweegprogramma te ontwikkelen en te testen in de praktijk. Ouderen, professionals en ICT-professionals worden betrokken in verschillende co-creatie sessies om gebruikersbehoefte, acceptatie en technische eisen te verkennen als mede inhoudelijke eisen zoals verhouding face-to-face en online. In samenspraak met gebruikers wordt de blended BITE-IT interventie ontwikkeld op basis van een bestaand platform, waarbij ook gekeken wordt naar het gebruik van bestaande en succesvolle applicaties. De BITE-IT interventie wordt uitgebreid getoetst op haalbaarheid en eerste effectiviteit in de praktijk.