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Lesson study is een methode waarbij een groep docenten zelf een vernieuwende les voorbereidt, en samen onderzoekt of deze werkt voor de leerlingen. In een stapsgewijs proces van ontwerpen, onderzoeken en bijstellen, werken docenten zo aan hun professionele ontwikkeling. Fontys en de Universiteit Gent onderzoeken momenteel de effectiviteit en toepasbaarheid hiervan bij LO.
Objective: In myocardial perfusion single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), abdominal activity often interferes with the evaluation of perfusion in the inferior wall, especially after pharmacological stress. In this randomized study, we examined the effect of carbonated water intake versus still water intake on the quality of images obtained during myocardial perfusion images (MPI) studies. Methods: A total of 467 MIBI studies were randomized into a carbonated water group and a water group. The presence of intestinal activity adjacent to the inferior wall was evaluated by two observers. Furthermore, a semiquantitative analysis was performed in the adenosine subgroup,using a count ratio of the inferior myocardial wall and adjacent abdominal activity. Results: The need for repeated SPECT in the adenosine studies was 5.3 % in the carbonated water group versus 19.4 % in the still water group (p = 0.019). The inferior wall-to-abdomen count ratio was significantly higher in the carbonated water group compared to the still water group (2.11 ± 1.00 vs. 1.72 ± 0.73, p\0.001). The effect of carbonated water during rest and after exercise was not significant. Conclusions: This randomized study showed that carbonated water significantly reduced the interference of extra-cardiac activity in adenosine SPECT MPI. Keywords: Extra-cardiac radioactivity, Myocardial SPECT, Image quality enhancement, Carbonated water
Objectives: Promoting unstructured outside play is a promising vehicle to increase children’s physical activity (PA). This study investigates if factors of the social environment moderate the relationship between the perceived physical environment and outside play. Study design: 1875 parents from the KOALA Birth Cohort Study reported on their child’s outside play around age five years, and 1516 parents around age seven years. Linear mixed model analyses were performed to evaluate (moderating) relationships among factors of the social environment (parenting influences and social capital), the perceived physical environment, and outside play at age five and seven. Season was entered as a random factor in these analyses. Results: Accessibility of PA facilities, positive parental attitude towards PA and social capital were associated with more outside play, while parental concern and restriction of screen time were related with less outside play. We found two significant interactions; both involving parent perceived responsibility towards child PA participation. Conclusion: Although we found a limited number of interactions, this study demonstrated that the impact of the perceived physical environment may differ across levels of parent responsibility.
Om tegemoet te komen aan de eisen die gesteld worden aan werknemers in de huidig snel veranderende samenleving heeft de NHL Stenden Hogeschool gekozen voor een nieuw onderwijsconcept, namelijk Design Based Education (DBE). DBE is gebaseerd op het gedachtegoed van Design Thinking en stimuleert iteratieve en creatieve denkprocessen. DBE is een student-georiënteerde leeromgeving, gebaseerd op praktijk-, dialoog-, en vraaggestuurde onderwijsprincipes en op zelfsturend, constructief, contextueel en samenwerkend leren. Studenten construeren gezamenlijk kennis en ontwikkelen een prototype voor een praktijkvraagstuk. Student-georiënteerde leeromgevingen vragen andere begeleidingsstrategieën van docenten dan zij gewend zijn. Van docenten wordt verwacht dat zij studenten activeren gezamenlijk kennis te construeren en dat zij nauw samenwerken met werkveldprofessionals. Eerder onderzoek toont aan dat docenten, zelfs in een student-georiënteerde leeromgeving, geneigd zijn terug te vallen op conventionele strategieën. De overstap naar een ander onderwijsconcept gaat dus blijkbaar niet vanzelf. Collectief leren stimuleert docenten de dialoog aan te gaan met andere docenten en werkveldprofessionals met als doel gezamenlijk te experimenteren en collectief te handelen. De centrale vraag van het postdoc-onderzoek is het ontwerpen en ontwikkelen van (karakteristieken van) interventies die collectief leren van docenten en werkveldprofessionals stimuleren. Het doel van het postdoconderzoek is om de overstap naar DBE zo probleemloos mogelijk te laten verlopen door docenten te ondersteunen DBE leeromgevingen te ontwikkelen in samenwerking met werkveldprofessionals en DBE te integreren in hun docentactiviteiten. De onderzoeksmethode is Educational Design Research en bestaat uit vier fasen: preliminair onderzoek, ontwikkelen van prototypes, evaluatie en bijdrage aan de praktijk. Het onderzoek is verbonden aan het lectoraat Sustainable Educational Concepts in Higher Education en wordt hiërarchisch en inhoudelijk aangestuurd door de lector. Docenten, experts, werkveldprofessionals en studenten worden betrokken bij het onderzoek. Dit onderzoek kan zowel binnen als buiten de hogeschool een bijdrage leveren omdat steeds meer hogescholen kiezen voor een ander onderwijsconcept.
Micro and macro algae are a rich source of lipids, proteins and carbohydrates, but also of secondary metabolites like phytosterols. Phytosterols have important health effects such as prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Global phytosterol market size was estimated at USD 709.7 million in 2019 and is expected to grow with a CAGR of 8.7% until 2027. Growing adoption of healthy lifestyle has bolstered demand for nutraceutical products. This is expected to be a major factor driving demand for phytosterols.Residues from algae are found in algae farming and processing, are found as beachings and are pruning residues from underwater Giant Kelp forests. Large amounts of brown seaweed beaches in the province of Zeeland and are discarded as waste. Pruning residues from Giant Kelp Forests harvests for the Namibian coast provide large amounts of biomass. ALGOL project considers all these biomass residues as raw material for added value creation.The ALGOL feasibility project will develop and evaluate green technologies for phytosterol extraction from algae biomass in a biocascading approach. Fucosterol is chosen because of its high added value, whereas lipids, protein and carbohydrates are lower in value and will hence be evaluated in follow-up projects. ALGOL will develop subcritical water, supercritical CO2 with modifiers and ethanol extraction technologies and compare these with conventional petroleum-based extractions and asses its technical, economic and environmental feasibility. Prototype nutraceutical/cosmeceutical products will be developed to demonstrate possible applications with fucosterol.A network of Dutch and African partners will supply micro and macro algae biomass, evaluate developed technologies and will prototype products with it, which are relevant to their own business interests. ALGOL project will create added value by taking a biocascading approach where first high-interest components are processed into high added value products as nutraceutical or cosmeceutical.
Micro and macro algae are a rich source of lipids, proteins and carbohydrates, but also of secondary metabolites like phytosterols. Phytosterols have important health effects such as prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Global phytosterol market size was estimated at USD 709.7 million in 2019 and is expected to grow with a CAGR of 8.7% until 2027. Growing adoption of healthy lifestyle has bolstered demand for nutraceutical products. This is expected to be a major factor driving demand for phytosterols. Residues from algae are found in algae farming and processing, are found as beachings and are pruning residues from underwater Giant Kelp forests. Large amounts of brown seaweed beaches in the province of Zeeland and are discarded as waste. Pruning residues from Giant Kelp Forests harvests for the Namibian coast provide large amounts of biomass. ALGOL project considers all these biomass residues as raw material for added value creation. The ALGOL feasibility project will develop and evaluate green technologies for phytosterol extraction from algae biomass in a biocascading approach. Fucosterol is chosen because of its high added value, whereas lipids, protein and carbohydrates are lower in value and will hence be evaluated in follow-up projects. ALGOL will develop subcritical water, supercritical CO2 with modifiers and ethanol extraction technologies and compare these with conventional petroleum-based extractions and asses its technical, economic and environmental feasibility. Prototype nutraceutical/cosmeceutical products will be developed to demonstrate possible applications with fucosterol. A network of Dutch and African partners will supply micro and macro algae biomass, evaluate developed technologies and will prototype products with it, which are relevant to their own business interests. ALGOL project will create added value by taking a biocascading approach where first high-interest components are processed into high added value products as nutraceutical or cosmeceutical.