This applied research project aims to generate a better understanding of the effects of heatwaves on vulnerable population groups in the municipality of The Hague, and suggests ways in which the municipality can help such groups to cope with these heatwaves. The research was performed as a cooperation between The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS), the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS, Erasmus University Rotterdam) and the International Centre for Frugal Innovation (ICFI, Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities). Heatwaves constitute an important yet often overlooked part of climate change and their impacts qualify as disasters. According to the World Disasters Report 2020, the three heatwaves affecting Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland and the UK in the summer of 2019 caused 3,453 deaths.1 2020 was a new record year for the Netherlands because it was the first time that a heatwave included five days in a row during which the temperature reached 35 degrees or more. In addition, 40 degrees was measured for the first time, and periods of tropical days and nights are generally getting longer. Most importantly, this trend is accelerating faster than the climate change models are predicting.2 In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic is compounding the effect of heatwaves, as vulnerable individuals may be reluctant to seek cool spaces out of fear of infection. Already in 2006, the Netherlands ranked near the top of the global disaster index due to the number of excess deaths that could be attributed to the heatwave. In the same year, the EU published the first climate strategy in which heat is recognised as a priority. In 2008, the Netherlands developed its first national heat plan.4 The municipality of The Hague has a municipal climate adaptation strategy and has developed a draft local heat plan in the summer of 2021, which was published in February 2022 . This research was not meant to be and was not set up as an evaluation of the current heat plan, which has not yet been activated. At the level of municipalities and cities, the concept of urban resilience is key. It refers to “the capacity of individuals, communities, institutions, businesses, and systems within a city to survive, adapt, and grow no matter what kinds of chronic stresses and acute shocks they experience”. Heatwaves clearly constitute acute shocks which are rapidly developing into chronic stresses. In turn, heatwaves also exacerbate the chronic stresses that are already there, i.e. existing chronic stresses also lead to greater impact of a heatwave. In other words, there are negative interaction effects. Addressing these effects requires overcoming the silo approach to urban governance, in which different municipal departments as well as other stakeholders (such as the Red Cross, housing corporations, tenants’ associations, care organisations, entrepreneurs etc.) each address different parts of the problem, rather than doing so in an integrated and inclusive manner. The dataset for this study is archived in DANS Easy:
This applied research project aims to generate a better understanding of the effects of heatwaves on vulnerable population groups in the municipality of The Hague, and suggests ways in which the municipality can help such groups to cope with these heatwaves. The research was performed as a cooperation between The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS), the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS, Erasmus University Rotterdam) and the International Centre for Frugal Innovation (ICFI, Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities). Heatwaves constitute an important yet often overlooked part of climate change and their impacts qualify as disasters. According to the World Disasters Report 2020, the three heatwaves affecting Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland and the UK in the summer of 2019 caused 3,453 deaths.1 2020 was a new record year for the Netherlands because it was the first time that a heatwave included five days in a row during which the temperature reached 35 degrees or more. In addition, 40 degrees was measured for the first time, and periods of tropical days and nights are generally getting longer. Most importantly, this trend is accelerating faster than the climate change models are predicting.2 In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic is compounding the effect of heatwaves, as vulnerable individuals may be reluctant to seek cool spaces out of fear of infection. Already in 2006, the Netherlands ranked near the top of the global disaster index due to the number of excess deaths that could be attributed to the heatwave. In the same year, the EU published the first climate strategy in which heat is recognised as a priority. In 2008, the Netherlands developed its first national heat plan.4 The municipality of The Hague has a municipal climate adaptation strategy and has developed a draft local heat plan in the summer of 2021, which was published in February 2022 . This research was not meant to be and was not set up as an evaluation of the current heat plan, which has not yet been activated. At the level of municipalities and cities, the concept of urban resilience is key. It refers to “the capacity of individuals, communities, institutions, businesses, and systems within a city to survive, adapt, and grow no matter what kinds of chronic stresses and acute shocks they experience”. Heatwaves clearly constitute acute shocks which are rapidly developing into chronic stresses. In turn, heatwaves also exacerbate the chronic stresses that are already there, i.e. existing chronic stresses also lead to greater impact of a heatwave. In other words, there are negative interaction effects. Addressing these effects requires overcoming the silo approach to urban governance, in which different municipal departments as well as other stakeholders (such as the Red Cross, housing corporations, tenants’ associations, care organisations, entrepreneurs etc.) each address different parts of the problem, rather than doing so in an integrated and inclusive manner. The dataset for this study is archived in DANS Easy:
Background: Many intervention development projects fail to bridge the gap from basic research to clinical practice. Instead of theory-based approaches to intervention development, co-design prioritizes the end users' perspective as well as continuous collaboration between stakeholders, designers, and researchers throughout the project. This alternative approach to the development of interventions is expected to promote the adaptation to existing treatment activities and to be responsive to the requirements of end users. Objective: The first objective was to provide an overview of all activities that were employed during the course of a research project to develop a relapse prevention intervention for interdisciplinary pain treatment programs. The second objective was to examine how co-design may contribute to stakeholder involvement, generation of relevant insights and ideas, and incorporation of stakeholder input into the intervention design. Methods: We performed an embedded single case study and used the double diamond model to describe the process of intervention development. Using all available data sources, we also performed deductive content analysis to reflect on this process. Results: By critically reviewing the value and function of a co-design project with respect to idea generation, stakeholder involvement, and incorporation of stakeholder input into the intervention design, we demonstrated how co-design shaped the transition from ideas, via concepts, to a prototype for a relapse prevention intervention. Conclusions: Structural use of co-design throughout the project resulted in many different participating stakeholders and stimulating design activities. As a consequence, the majority of the components of the final prototype can be traced back to the information that stakeholders provided during the project. Although this illustrates how co-design facilitates the integration of contextual information into the intervention design, further experimental testing is required to evaluate to what extent this approach ultimately leads to improved usability as well as patient outcomes in the context of clinical practice.
De zorg voor psychisch ontregelde patiënten die somatische spoedzorg nodig hebben is in de praktijk vaak suboptimaal, omdat de primaire focus van die spoedzorg vooral op somatische klachten ligt. Hierdoor krijgt deze kwetsbare groep patiënten niet altijd de zorg die zij nodig hebben, waardoor behandeling van psychische klachten onnodig wordt uitgesteld en de kans op escalaties toeneemt.Doel Binnen dit project wordt onderzocht wat er nodig is om de spoedzorg voor psychisch ontregelde patiënten beter te laten aansluiten op de behoeften en ervaringen van de patiënt, hun naasten en de zorgprofessionals. Resultaten Inzicht in de ervaringen en behoeften van psychisch ontregelde patiënten, hun naasten en zorgprofessionals met betrekking tot de inhoud en organisatie van de spoedzorg tijdens het traject naar (ambulancevervoer) en het verblijf op de spoedeisende hulp. Op basis van deze inzichten wordt samen met patiënten, hun naasten en zorgprofessionals een toolbox ontwikkeld met de ingrediënten die ervoor zorgen dat de spoedzorg beter aansluit bij de specifieke behoeften van deze patiënten (en hun naasten). Looptijd 01 december 2021 - 31 december 2023 Aanpak De onderzoeksmethoden binnen dit project zijn gebaseerd op de Experience-Based Co-Design (EBCD) aanpak, waarbij door middel van kwalitatieve onderzoeksmethoden inzicht wordt verkregen in de context en het perspectief van zowel patiënten als zorgprofessionals. Op basis daarvan worden, in co-creatie met patiënten en zorgprofessionals praktische oplossingen ontwikkeld. Financiering Dit project wordt gefinancierd met een SIA RAAK Publiek-subsidie, registratienummer 08.029.
De zorg voor psychisch ontregelde patiënten die somatische spoedzorg nodig hebben is in de praktijk vaak suboptimaal, omdat de primaire focus van die spoedzorg vooral op somatische klachten ligt. Hierdoor krijgt deze kwetsbare groep patiënten niet altijd de zorg die zij nodig hebben, waardoor behandeling van psychische klachten onnodig wordt uitgesteld en de kans op escalaties toeneemt.Doel Binnen dit project wordt onderzocht wat er nodig is om de spoedzorg voor psychisch ontregelde patiënten beter te laten aansluiten op de behoeften en ervaringen van de patiënt, hun naasten en de zorgprofessionals. Resultaten Inzicht in de ervaringen en behoeften van psychisch ontregelde patiënten, hun naasten en zorgprofessionals met betrekking tot de inhoud en organisatie van de spoedzorg tijdens het traject naar (ambulancevervoer) en het verblijf op de spoedeisende hulp. Op basis van deze inzichten wordt samen met patiënten, hun naasten en zorgprofessionals een toolbox ontwikkeld met de ingrediënten die ervoor zorgen dat de spoedzorg beter aansluit bij de specifieke behoeften van deze patiënten (en hun naasten). Looptijd 01 december 2021 - 31 december 2023 Aanpak De onderzoeksmethoden binnen dit project zijn gebaseerd op de Experience-Based Co-Design (EBCD) aanpak, waarbij door middel van kwalitatieve onderzoeksmethoden inzicht wordt verkregen in de context en het perspectief van zowel patiënten als zorgprofessionals. Op basis daarvan worden, in co-creatie met patiënten en zorgprofessionals praktische oplossingen ontwikkeld. Financiering Dit project wordt gefinancierd met een SIA RAAK Publiek-subsidie, registratienummer 08.029.