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Het doel van dit proefschrift betrof het verkennen van attituden en afwegingen rond taakherschikking tussen tandartsen en mondhygiënisten. Daarnaast werd nagegaan welke sociale kenmerken studenten toeschrijven aan elkaar, zichzelf en beide beroepsgroepen. Vervolgens werd het effect van een psychologische interventie in een onderwijssetting onderzocht op interprofessionele communicatie en percepties ten aanzien van interprofessionele taakverdeling. Tandartsen en mondhygiënisten hebben verschillende attituden ten opzichte van taakherschikking, vooral wat betreft de vrijgevestigde praktijk van mondhygiënisten. Dit laatste wordt het minst gewenst door tandartsen. Tandartsen en mondhygiënisten hebben verschillende afwegingen wanneer men een voor- of tegenstander is van dit beleid. De interprofessionele relatie tussen tandartsen en mondhygiënisten komt tot uiting in de attributie van specifieke sociale kenmerken. Tandheelkunde en mondzorgkunde studenten zijn beide de mening toegedaan dat tandartsen meer dominant zijn dan mondhygiënisten. Het faciliteren van interprofessionele groepsvorming kan zowel interprofessionele hiërarchie als tandarts-gecentreerde taakverdeling reduceren. Tijdens het eerste onderzoek (Hoofdstuk 2) werden verschillen tussen tandartsen en mondhygiënisten ontdekt ten aanzien van de taakuitbreiding van de mondhygiënist. De helft van alle tandartsen en de meeste mondhygiënisten hebben hierover een positieve attitude. Een interprofessionele kloof werd gevonden ten aanzien van de zelfstandige praktijkvoering van mondhygiënisten. Een minderheid van alle tandartsen heeft hierover een positieve attitude vergeleken met een meerderheid van alle mondhygiënisten. Dit suggereert dat de acceptatie van een zelfstandige mondhygiënist een groot obstakel is wanneer men taakherschikking wil implementeren. Tandartsen willen controle over de mondhygiënist behouden, daarom is het waarschijnlijk dat taakdelegatie boven taaksubstitutie wordt verkozen. Dit laatste betreft taakherschikking met professionele autonomie.
Background: Dental fear and uncooperative behavior can hinder dental treatment quality. Pediatric Procedural Sedation and Analgesia (PPSA) is used to facilitate treatment when the coping capacity is exceeded. Out-of-hospital PPSA has been associated with more adverse outcomes compared to when it is used in hospital-based settings. The updated Dutch PPSA guidelines have increased costs and raised concerns about the accessibility of specialized high-quality dental care for children in the Netherlands. This study aimed to investigate the impact of the updated 2017 guidelines on the occurrence rate of adverse events during PPSA in twelve Dutch dental clinics. Methods: The data of 25,872 children who were treated at twelve dental clinics between 1997 and 2019 were analyzed. A logistic two-level mixed-effects model was used to estimate the updated guidelines’ impacts on adverse events. Results: The OR of the occurrence rate of an adverse event adjusted for age, weight, and duration of treatment was 0.75 (95% CI 0.64–0.89) after the implementation of the updated guidelines. This outcome was significant with p = 0.001, indicating a protective effect. Conclusions: Our findings demonstrate that there was a significant reduction in adverse events after the implementation of the updated guideline and highlight the importance of adhering to evidence-based practices in out-of-hospital dental clinics.
BACKGROUND: Regular inspection of the oral cavity is required for prevention, early diagnosis and risk reduction of oral- and general health-related problems. Assessments to inspect the oral cavity have been designed for non-dental healthcare professionals, like nurses. The purpose of this systematic review was to evaluate the content and the measurement properties of oral health assessments for use by non-dental healthcare professionals in assessing older peoples' oral health, in order to provide recommendations for practice, policy, and research.METHODS: A systematic search in PubMed,, and Cinahl (via Ebsco) has been performed. Search terms referring to 'oral health assessments', 'non-dental healthcare professionals' and 'older people (60+)' were used. Two reviewers individually performed title/abstract, and full-text screening for eligibility. The included studies have investigated at least one measurement property (validity/reliability) and were evaluated on their methodological quality using "The Consensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement Instruments" (COSMIN) checklist. The measurement properties were then scored using quality criteria (positive/negative/indeterminate).RESULTS: Out of 879 hits, 18 studies were included in this review. Five studies showed good methodological quality on at least one measurement property and 14 studies showed poor methodological quality on some of their measurement properties. None of the studies assessed all measurement properties of the COSMIN. In total eight oral health assessments were found: the Revised Oral Assessment Guide (ROAG); the Minimum Data Set (MDS), with oral health component; the Oral Health Assessment Tool (OHAT); The Holistic Reliable Oral Assessment Tool (THROAT); Dental Hygiene Registration (DHR); Mucosal Plaque Score (MPS); The Brief Oral Health Screening Examination (BOHSE) and the Oral Assessment Sheet (OAS). Most frequently assessed items were: lips, mucosa membrane, tongue, gums, teeth, denture, saliva, and oral hygiene.CONCLUSION: Taken into account the scarce evidence of the proposed assessments, the OHAT and ROAG are most complete in their included oral health items and are of best methodological quality in combination with positive quality criteria on their measurement properties. Non-dental healthcare professionals, policymakers and researchers should be aware of the methodological limitations of the available oral health assessments and realize that the quality of the measurement properties remains uncertain.