The purpose of this paper is to gain deeper insight into the practical judgements we are making together in ongoing organizational life when realizing a complex innovative technical project for a customer and so enrich the understanding of how customer orientation emerges in an organization. The outcome contributes to the knowledge of implementing customer orientation in an organization as according to literature (Saarijärvi, Neilimo, Närvänen, 2014 and Van Raaij and Stoelhorst, 2008) the actual implementation process of customer orientation is not that well understood. Saarijärvi, Neilimo and Närvänen (2014) noticed a shift from measuring the antecedents of customer orientation and impact on company performance, towards a better understanding how customer orientation is becoming in organizations. A different way of putting the customer at the center of attention can be found in taking our day-to-day commercial experience seriously, according to the complex responsive process approach, a theory developed by Stacey, Griffin and Shaw (2000). The complex responsive processes approach differs from a systems thinking approach, because it focuses on human behavior and interaction. This means that the only agents in a process are people and they are not thought of as constituting a system (Groot, 2007). Based on a narrative inquiry, the objective is to convey an understanding of how customer orientation is emerging in daily organizational life. Patterns of interaction between people are investigated, who work in different departments of an organization and who have to fulfill customer requirements. This implies that attention is focused towards an understanding in action, which is quite distinct from the kind of cognitive and intellectual understanding that dominates organisational thought. The reflection process resulting from this analysis is located in a broader discourse of management theory.
The purpose of this paper is to gain deeper insight into the practical judgements we are making together in ongoing organizational life when realizing a complex innovative technical project for a customer and so enrich the understanding of how customer orientation emerges in an organization. The outcome contributes to the knowledge of implementing customer orientation in an organization as according to literature (Saarijärvi, Neilimo, Närvänen, 2014 and Van Raaij and Stoelhorst, 2008) the actual implementation process of customer orientation is not that well understood. Saarijärvi, Neilimo and Närvänen (2014) noticed a shift from measuring the antecedents of customer orientation and impact on company performance, towards a better understanding how customer orientation is becoming in organizations. A different way of putting the customer at the center of attention can be found in taking our day-to-day commercial experience seriously, according to the complex responsive process approach, a theory developed by Stacey, Griffin and Shaw (2000). The complex responsive processes approach differs from a systems thinking approach, because it focuses on human behavior and interaction. This means that the only agents in a process are people and they are not thought of as constituting a system (Groot, 2007). Based on a narrative inquiry, the objective is to convey an understanding of how customer orientation is emerging in daily organizational life. Patterns of interaction between people are investigated, who work in different departments of an organization and who have to fulfill customer requirements. This implies that attention is focused towards an understanding in action, which is quite distinct from the kind of cognitive and intellectual understanding that dominates organisational thought. The reflection process resulting from this analysis is located in a broader discourse of management theory.
Many companies tailor their communication and interaction with customers by segmenting them into channel usage groups. This study argues that simply focusing on channels has limited effectiveness as increasingly customers today use multiple channels, the online channel contains many different forms, and channels are increasingly blended. We have identified several search strategies that reveal how customers find their way through a multichannel landscape during the various phases of a purchase. By explaining channel usage through these “search strategies,” we propose a clear and intuitive model that will support companies developing an effective multichannel strategy.
Size measurement plays an essential role for micro-/nanoparticle characterization and property evaluation. Due to high costs, complex operation or resolution limit, conventional characterization techniques cannot satisfy the growing demand of routine size measurements in various industry sectors and research departments, e.g., pharmaceuticals, nanomaterials and food industry etc. Together with start-up SeeNano and other partners, we will develop a portable compact device to measure particle size based on particle-impact electrochemical sensing technology. The main task in this project is to extend the measurement range for particles with diameters ranging from 20 nm to 20 um and to validate this technology with realistic samples from various application areas. In this project a new electrode chip will be designed and fabricated. It will result in a workable prototype including new UMEs (ultra-micro electrode), showing that particle sizing can be achieved on a compact portable device with full measuring range. Following experimental testing with calibrated particles, a reliable calibration model will be built up for full range measurement. In a further step, samples from partners or potential customers will be tested on the device to evaluate the application feasibility. The results will be validated by high-resolution and mainstream sizing techniques such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM), dynamic light scattering (DLS) and Coulter counter.
On a yearly basis 120 million kg of spent coffee ground (SCG) is disposed as waste. Two partners in the project have the intension to refine the valuable compounds from this coffee residue. One of these compounds is the group of melanoidins. It is proven that these natural polymers, with polyphenols incorporated, can be applied as colourant to textiles. These colourant compounds can be extracted from the SCG. In this project an industrial feasible dye recipe for SCG extract to cotton will be developed. This twostep dye method consists of a mordanting step and a colour uptake step. Both will be optimised to colour intensity and light and wash fastness. Parameters as cycle time and energy and water consumption, will be take into account to make the dye recipe applicable for industrial standards. Chemical analysis of mordant compounds (tannins) and colourants (polyphenols) will be carried out to quantify and qualify the uptake by cotton. With the results of this project, the partners will be able to support their customers of the SCG extract with a scientific based advise about the application as a textile dye to ensure a solid market acceptance of SCG extract. With the SCG extract as a professional biobased colorant in the market, companies in textile industry will have a wider choice in using environmental friendly products. At the end, this will lead to complete biodegradable products for consumers.
Hoe belangrijk is het dat iemand in je gelooft! Je competenties ziet ondanks je beperkingen. Iemand die samen met je zoekt naar een deur naar de wereld, een kanaal om je te uiten. Op zoek gaat naar een manier waarop je invloed kan hebben op je fysieke en sociale omgeving, dat het er toe doet dat je er bent! Dat je BENT. Het doel van het RAAK project is dan ook: mensen met communicatieve beperkingen ondersteunen bij het vinden van hun stem en het vergroten van hun communicatieve mogelijkheden. Het COM project is tot stand gekomen door samenwerking tussen Zuyd, Radboud Universiteit, HAN, ontwikkelaars en leveranciers van communicatie- en dyslexiehulpmiddelen, behandelaars en gebruikers van communicatie- en dyslexiehulpmiddelen. COM staat voor Communiceer: - Communicatie Ondersteunende Hulpmiddelen Op de Markt (COH) Mensen met communicatieve beperkingen kunnen zich vaak niet optimaal ontplooien en niet optimaal participeren in de maatschappij waardoor ze problemen krijgen zoals initiatiefverlies, in zichzelf gekeerd zijn of een depressie. Communicatie Ondersteunende Hulpmiddelen zijn een belangrijk instrument om de communicatieve beperkingen te overbruggen. - Compenserende Dyslexie Hulpmiddelen Op de Markt (CDH) Mensen met dyslexie staan voor grote uitdagingen in hun schoolcarrière en later hun werk carrière omwille van hun beperkingen in de geschreven taal. Compenserende Dyslexie Hulpmiddelen kunnen een belangrijk antwoord bieden op dagelijks ervaren problemen van mensen met dyslexie, mits optimaal ingezet. Leveranciers van beide typen hulpmiddelen signaleren problemen in customerservice: mogelijkheden worden niet optimaal benut na levering, waardoor communicatieve en/of opleidingskansen niet of onvoldoende gegrepen worden. Leveranciers willen weten hoe zij kunnen bijdragen aan optimale verstrekking en gebruik. COM is specifiek gericht op het optimaliseren van het verstrekkingsproces en het effectief gebruik van deze communicatiehulpmiddelen. Eindresultaat: een integrale implementatiemethodiek waarin leveranciers, behandelaars, gebruikers en sociale omgeving betrokken worden, voorzien van noodzakelijke implementatieproducten en community of practice t.b.v. succesvolle exploitatie en gebruik.