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This article outlines issues to be tackled when considering increases in biofuel usage in the European Union (EU) and examines a potential scheme to increase the use of biofuels in the road transport sector; the development of biofuels corridors. An EU biofuels corridor is defined as a long-distance and cross-border route on the Trans-European Transport (TEN-T) Network roads on which blends with a high biofuel content (referred to as high blends) are offered at regular intervals along the entire route. The article first defines the current framework of EU biofuels development. A case study on the feasibility of one possible EU biofuels corridor, from Rotterdam, Netherlands, to Constanta, Romania, is analyzed along four potential biofuels corridor designs (under different future scenarios). The case study includes interviews with key stakeholders, transport flows analysis, refueling infrastructure, and biofuels policy in the relevant member states. The results are extrapolated to the complete EU level in order to assess the potential effect of the biofuels corridor approach as a measure of stimulating the use of biofuels. It is concluded that EU biofuels corridors can increase the use of biofuels. However, if applied as a stand-alone measure a maximum contribution is limited. The effectiveness of biofuels corridors is not larger mainly due to the fact that the transport flows on the TEN-T Network roads are not representative of actual fuel sales at stations on this network (i.e., motorway stations). In addition, various recommendations are made for further research. © 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Fast charging is seen as a means to facilitate long-distance driving for electric vehicles (EVs). As a result, roll-out planning generally takes a corridor approach. However, with higher penetration of electric vehicles in urban areas, cities contemplate whether inner-city fast chargers can be an alternative for the growing amount of slow public chargers. For this purpose, more knowledge is required in motives and preferences of users and actual usage patterns of fast chargers. Similarly, with increasing charging speeds of fast chargers and different modes (taxi, car sharing) also switching to electric vehicles, the effect of charging speed should be evaluated as well as preferences amongst different user groups. This research investigates the different intentions and motivations of EV drivers at fast charging stations to see how charging behaviour at such stations differs using both data analysis from charging stations as a survey among EV drivers. Additionally, it estimates the willingness of EV drivers to use fast charging as a substitute for on-street home charging given higher charging speeds. The paper concludes that limited charging speeds imply that EV drivers prefer parking and charging over fast charging but this could change if battery developments allow higher charging speeds.
The paper examines the potential of three rail corridors: Trans-Sib, Central and TRACECA for freight transport between Central Europe and China. The paper applies a qualitative research method including a review of current literature and interviews. The research examines the technical, operational and bureaucratic conditions of the corridors. The research finds that the unreliable transit time, higher cost and damage and theft of cargo are the most pressing barriers to towards offering an efficient and integrated logistics and supply chain service along the corridors. This is due to, amongst others, problematic, multiple border-crossings and the lack of visible cooperation among the countries. The technical and operational barriers include a change of gauge, differing power supply and signalling systems and non-automated and fragmented information systems. The research also finds that the Trans-Sib is the most attractive corridor currently running and shows promise with the active contribution from the Russian government and relevant direct stakeholders such as Russian Railway (RZD). The TRACECA route is the most problematic option due to, among others, numerous border-crossings, infrastructure and rolling stock constraints and other associated problems.
ATAL: Automated Transport and Logistics Automatisering van transportmodaliteiten is overal ter wereld gaande. Met een Duurzaam Living Lab kunnen multimodale geautomatiseerde transportoperaties verder in de praktijk duurzaam en opschaalbaar worden ontwikkeld. Hierbij worden beleidsmakers en organisaties ondersteund in deze transitie. De maatschappelijke voordelen van grootschalige uitrol van Automated Trucks en Platooning, Automated Train Operations en Autonomous Sailing zijn onder andere minder energieverbruik en emissies, betere doorstroming en betere verkeersveiligheid. De Duurzame Living Lab heeft betrekking op het haven-achterland vervoer van Rotterdam richting Duitsland en België. Het wegvervoer maakt gebruik van de TULIP-Corridor, water en spoor modaliteit volgen de MIRT goederencorridors tot in het Ruhrgebied.
The developments of digitalization and automation in freight transport and logistics are expected to speed-up the realization of an adaptive, seamless, connected and sustainable logistics system. CATALYST determines the potential and impact of Connected Automated Transport (CAT) by testing and implementing solutions in a real-world environment. We experiment on smart yards and connected corridors, to answer research questions regarding supply chain integration, users, infrastructure, data and policy. Results are translated to overarching lessons on CAT implementations, and shared with potential users and related communities. This way, CATALYST helps logistic partners throughout the supply chain prepare for CAT and accelerates innovation.
The developments of digitalization and automation in freight transport and logistics are expected to speed-up the realization of an adaptive, seamless, connected and sustainable logistics system. CATALYST determines the potential and impact of Connected Automated Transport (CAT) by testing and implementing solutions in a real-world environment. We experiment on smart yards and connected corridors, to answer research questions regarding supply chain integration, users, infrastructure, data and policy. Results are translated to overarching lessons on CAT implementations, and shared with potential users and related communities. This way, CATALYST helps logistic partners throughout the supply chain prepare for CAT and accelerates innovation.