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Combining electric cars with utility services seems to be a natural fit and holds the promise to tackle various mobility as well as electricity challenges at the same time. So far no viable business model for vehicle-to-grid technology has emerged, raising the question which characteristics a vehicle-to-grid business model should have. Drawing on an exploratory study amongst 189 Dutch consumers this study seeks to understand consumer preferences in vehicle-to-grid business models using conjoint analysis, factor analysis and cluster analysis. The results suggest that consumers prefer private ownership of an EV and a bidirectional charger instead of community ownership of bidirectional charger, they prefer utility companies instead of car companies as the aggregator and they require home and public charging. The most salient attributes in a V2G business model seem to be functional rather than financial or social. The customer segment with the highest willingness to adopt V2G prefers functional attributes. Based on the findings, the study proposes a business model that incorporates the derived preferences
Na het luisteren naar enige STER blokken op de radio kun je de voorzichtige conclusie trekken dat het internetadres van veel bedrijven het in de Consumer to Business (C2B) marktcommunicatie inmiddels vaak wint van het telefoonnummer. De mogelijkheden van het Internet voor C2B krijgen dan ook veel aandacht. Maar wat betekent de “ver-internetting” voor samenwerking van ondernemingen (B2B) en voor de interne inrichting van de onderneming? Zit daar een patroon in? Daar wil ik het in deze bijdrage met u over hebben.
The Internet is changing the way we organize work. It is shifting the requirements for what we call the “schedule push” and the hierarchical organization that it implies, and therefore it is removing the type of control that is conventionally used to match resources to tasks, and customer demand to supplies and services. Organizational hierarchies have become too expensive to sustain, and in many cases their style of coordination is simply no longer necessary. The cost complexity of the industrial complex starts to outweigh the benefits, and the Internet is making it redundant. The question I put forward in this Article, after a short description of how I envision “the change,” is what new requirements should be met by software in order to meet the requirements of the networked economy. Business will develop from Business-to-Consumer (B2C) to Consumer-to- Business (C2B) to People-to-People (P2P), customers more and more taking control over business activities, overhead being replaced by customer focus. This is also a new reality for the software world.