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Paper presented at EURAM 2019: Exploring the Future of Management, Lisbon. Solution ecosystems can help to solve or minimize societal problems. A wide range of different actors are involved in co-creating a solution. Together, they form a ‘solution ecosystem’. They co-create different forms of value for different stakeholder groups. They create value at the ecosystem level, for different stakeholder groups. Moreover, they create system-resources. Value capture and distribution among ecosystem actors can therefore be challenging. Moreover, little is known on the role of ecosystem orchestration and goal-alignment of ecosystem actors. In this paper, we shed light on these aspects with a case study of an emerging solution ecosystem that develops a circular urban area in the Netherlands, with the aim of tackling a number of societal problems. We explore the challenges this solution ecosystem faces with regards to value creation, value capture and distribution, ecosystem orchestration and goal alignment. We conclude with avenues for future research on solution ecosystems that enable sustainability transitions. Submission to track ST13_08 - The inner life of business ecosystems,
Abstract. In recent years circular economy has become more important for the development of many places including cities. Traditionally, urban development policies have mainly been aiming to improve the socio-economic wellbeing of neighbourhoods. However, technical and ecologic aspects have their effects too and need to go hand in hand. This paper is based on an urban area experiment in the Dutch city of Utrecht. In order to assess urban area developments, typically rather straight-forward quantitative indicators have been used. However, it has proved more complicated to assess multifaceted developments of the area studied in this paper. With the City Model Canvas a multi-layered model is being used to better assess the impact of the urban development being studied. Key findings include that the project studied resulted in more space for companies from the creative industry and the settlement of local ‘circular’ entrepreneurs and start-ups, although it remains unclear to what extent these benefit from each other’s presence. The increase in business activity resulted in more jobs, but it is again unclear whether this led to more social inclusion. From an environmental point of view the project activities resulted in less raw materials being used, although activities and public events bring nuisance to the surrounding neighbourhoods.
Circular BIOmass CAScade to 100% North Sea Region (NSR) economic activity and growth are mostly found in urban areas. Rural NSR regions experience population decline and negative economic growth. The BIOCAS project expects revitalizing and greening of rural areas go hand in hand. BIOCAS will develop rural areas of the NSR into smart specialized regions for integrated and local valorization of biomass. 13 Commercial running Bio-Cascade-Alliances (BCA’s) will be piloted, evaluated and actively shared in the involved regions. These proven concepts will accelerate adoption of high to low value bio-cascading technologies and businesses in rural regions. The project connects 18 regional initiatives around technologies, processes, businesses for the conversion of biomass streams. The initiatives collaborate in a thematic approach: Through engineering, value chain assessments, BCA’s building, partners tackle challenges that are shared by rural areas. I.e. unsustainable biomass use, a mineral surplus and soil degradation, deprivation of potentially valuable resources, and limited involvement of regional businesses and SMEs in existing bio-economy developments. The 18 partners are strongly embedded in regional settings, connected to many local partners. They will align stakeholders in BCA’s that would not have cooperated without BIOCAS interventions. Triple helix, science, business and governmental input will realize inclusive lasting bio cascade businesses, transforming costly waste to resources and viable business.Interreg IVB North Sea Region Programme: €378,520.00, fEC % 50.00%1/07/17 → 30/06/21
Woningcorporaties (woco’s) trachten een bijdrage te leveren aan een duurzaam gedreven, volledig circulaire economie in 2050. Daartoe voeren zij tools in zoals kennis over circulair bouwen of ketensamenwerking. Die verzameling tools wordt in dit onderzoek levenscyclusdenken genoemd. Het invoeren van levenscyclusdenken vraagt om een systemische verandering die complex is en transdisciplinair en praktische veranderingen op alle hiërarchische lagen binnen de woco. Daartoe is een dialoog nodig tussen die lagen, die momenteel ontbreekt. Dit leidt tot de onderzoeksvraag: Op welke wijze kan binnen de interne keten van woningcorporaties de dialoog worden gefaciliteerd over het structureel invoeren van levenscyclusdenken? Binnen het consortium van woningcorporaties (Wonion, Mitros), partners (HEMUBO, Van Wijk Vastgoedonderhoud) en experts (dr. ir. Ad Straub en Gijs van Mil) ontsluiten we een dialoog tussen projectleider, asset manager, directie en/of beleids- of strategiemedewerker en financiën over de gevolgen van levenscyclusdenken op de interne organisatie van woningcorporaties. Vervolgens wordt onderzocht of SNA als basis kan dienen voor een dialoogtool die in een groter onderzoek kan worden doorontwikkeld. De beoogde resultaten zijn: 1) Een leer- en bewustwordingsproces onder beroepsprofessionals uit verschillende hiërarchische lagen en afdelingen van woco’s door het openen van de dialoog over de betekenis van levenscyclusdenken in hun werkpraktijk; 2) Een visuele omschrijving (SNA) van de complexiteit van levenscyclusdenken bij woco’s; 3) Netwerkvorming en vraagarticulatie voor het opstarten van een groter project (bijv. RAAK-Publiek) waarin de bredere productieketen wordt meegenomen; 4) Een digitaal prototype (app) dat woco’s in staat stelt zelf een SNA te maken om de dialoog op gang te brengen. Naast doorwerking in onderzoek werkt het project direct door in de onderwijspraktijk van de HU-Master of Urban Area Development. De hierboven genoemde woningcorporaties zijn opdrachtgever voor masterstudenten. Het activiteitenplan is gekoppeld aan de looptijd van de cursus “Strategisch beheer”.
TOURBAN objective is to spearhead a transnational and cross-sectoral movement towards tourism sustainability in urban areas across Europe, leveraging SME capacities and skills to uptake best practices and develop innovative solutions that make them both more sustainable and competitive. It will do so by tackling current urban tourism challenges in an era of increasing tourism visitor pressure, acting in European cities such as Amsterdam, Barcelona, Copenhagen, Dubrovnik, Kiel, Budapest and Tallinn. To achieve the objective, TOURBAN will share knowledge on sustainability strategies and the advantages of adopting sustainable solutions and practices, including EU/internationally recognised certificates and labels (e.g. EU Eco Label, EMAS) and circular economy models. These will be based on case studies and stories from SMEs and other frontrunners in sustainability.The project will share this practical knowledge through highly interactive training workshops and peer-to-peer sessions. Another core element of the project is cross-sector knowledge exchange and collaboration. In addition, more intensive support services will be delivered so that the tourism SMEs can effectively adopt sustainability strategies and seek additional financing. In this, financial support will be provided on the basis of a selection process under a competitive Call for Proposals launched by the Sustainable Urban Tourism Acceleration Programme. In this action, TOURBAN will engage around 70 SMEs from 7 different countries (NL, ES, DK, HR, DE, HU and EE) in a 12-month programme. To drive successful outcomes, the partnership gathers expertise in a wide range of topics related to tourism sustainability and can draw on years of practical experience in incubation, acceleration and SME developmentPartners:Breda University of Applied Sciences (Breda - The Netherlands), Barcelona Chamber of Commerce (Barcelona - Spain), B. Link Barcelona Strategic Projects (Barcelona - Spain), The Institute for Tourism Research in Northern Europe (Kiel - Germany), Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Tallinn - Estonia), City of Dubrovnik Development Agency (Dubrovnik - Croatia), Creative Business Network (Copenhagen - Denmark), VIMOSZ Hungarian Hospitality Employers’ Association (Budapest - Hungary).